If Earthen can be shaman and paladins, why not dracs?

I find it more likely for them to become Death Knights than Druid, Paladin or Shaman simply because until Earthen and Dracthyr Death Knight was at least considered a universal class where every race could be them where in the case of Druid, Paladin and Shaman Blizzard backtracked before they even expanded them.

I stand by my statement that dracthyr do not respect the elements

No, death knights are chronologically locked.

Thatā€™s why panda and AR DKs got a new into in SL

With no sourceā€¦ Except ā€œtrust me dudeā€

Point falls back to Death Knight was a universal class, Druid, Shaman and Paladin arenā€™t and havenā€™t been expanded upon for all races so why would Dracthyr have them?

Because all they need are assets. They donā€™t need lore to justify it.

DKs do need lore because all DKs come from wrath or SL era

Specifically the Loa of Kings, thus the ideals of duty, righteousness, etc. which the Light considers close enough and gives them its power.

The loa of kings is dead broā€¦

But his ideals are not.

Okay which again is faith ā€¦ Not a direct light source like belves have with the sun well

Pretty sure in that interview about this topic Ion said that for Paladins, Druids and Shamans they want the lore and that even with lore certain race/class combos would never make sense specifically focusing on Mechagnome Druid.

Youā€™re the one so keen on making up stories about how dracthyr could ā€œtotally be shaman, trust me broā€

Just make everyone a shaman then

Amridrassil makes druid make sense for everyoneā€¦

Ion doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about or is stalling for devs to make druid assets

Mechagnimes can have mecha animal forms

What on earth is going on with your pfp?


Because they canā€¦

Nothing is keeping them from making parts with the elementsā€¦

Literally goblins do itā€¦ You think dracs canā€™t?? Lol wut

Prove they can

I havenā€™t seen anything saying they can be

Are they mute?

No? So they canā€¦

What the hell?..

Again, goblin shamanā€¦

Lol, according to who you?

I mean I have no horse in this race but Iā€™m pretty sure that was considered a Night Elf tree and Night Elves already have Druids so.

The fact that all the races of azeroth came together to protect the emerald dream and amridrassilā€¦

So anyone who are willing to learn can be tought.

Itā€™s like tyrs guard being a universal in for paladins

So now you say you make deals with the elements via talking

Despite the fact we know they usually donā€™t speak mortal languages and itā€™s a spiritual connection you make

Bro making up lore again smh

Becauseā€¦of what?