If Earthen can be shaman and paladins, why not dracs?

Because Blizzard chose not to give them Shaman at this time

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These questions mean nothing anymore… the answer is:

Because Blizz wants it that way

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Locks have low mobility…

Rezan, the Loa of Kings, channeled the Light. He was replaced with another Loa that does something similar or they just touch the Light directly now.

Lol again, nothing states this of dracthyr…

While I am, and always will be, a proponent of “Forget the LORE reasons, let us play the Race/Class combo we WANT to play”

If we are going to follow Lore reasons then I imagine the logic is thus:

In WoW, Shamans communicate and commune withe the Elements, which are a force that exists in the world. Shamans talk to, and borrow the power of the elements to help heal, and defend Azeroth itself. The Dragon Flights powers are gifted to them by the Titans, which are a separate force entirely. Deathwing may have been the Earth Warden, but he didn’t create and doesn’t talk with the Earth Elemental forces. And also kind of betrayed them. A whole big plot line of Cataclysm was that the elements were out of whack. IIRC.

So just because Dragons have Fire and Magic power, doesn’t mean they are communing with the elements, and the elements may well still be mad at them for being created by Deathwing in the first place. I am speculating at this phase.

As for Paladins, similar to the Elementals, the Light that Paladins use can vary, but it’s also a known force in WoW as well, however, because they can also be Priests, this sort of negates this argument that they can’t access the light. I am not up to speed on my Paladin lore but whatever reason they can’t, is probably the same reason Worgen can’t and I want Worgen Paladins damnit! GIVE ME THE LIGHTFANG!

Sorry… went on a rant there.

My other guess is… that Shamans and Paladins, and Druids, have more unique assets that they don’t… want to make for some reason. I would love a Druid where we turn into various different dragon types for Guardian and Feral, but lore wise again, that just wouldn’t jive.

Yeah… He was replaced by. Bwomsamdi…

Did you not play bfa???

That’s who I was talking about, the only magic they use is arcane

They literally think less of the elements, so why would they ever want to be a shaman and work with them

Earth. Theyre adept in Earth magic. They’re kind of missing fire, lightning, water and wind.

They aint no avatar.

(Mind you that the fire Dracthyr wield is life magic ala Alexstraza)

Why not Death knight ?

Nothing in dragonflight supports this dude…

His position was passed to Bwonsamdi, his power was passed to Vol’jin. The Prelates learned to continue wielding the light in spite of Rezan’s death.

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Cuz DKs are chronologically locked in wrath and SL era

Did we play different expansions or something?


Voljin hasn’t even awakened yet

Must so, cuz not once did the dracthyr proclaim some kind of disdain towards the elements…

Should probably play the xpac then cuz that’s not true lol

Show me right now where the dracthyr claim they look down upon both the light and the elements

And if that was true, which it’s not, why can they be priests then??

Who the King is bonded to =/= who the Paladins get power from. Every single Paladin pulls from the Light, through a middle-man if not directly.

He was making an “lol culture war” joke. He wasnt serious.


No dude. Paladins pull from their faith and or light source.

Zanda trolls do not have a light source. They put their faith in the loa.

There are no light loa. I don’t even think rezan was one. But if he was, that dude is dead