If DF is so good then why

Im enjoying a video game.

Calm down with all the honking :clown_face:

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Your example was literally Fire Mage vs Assassination Rogueā€¦?

Why would people not focus on the thing you specifically brought forward as an exampleā€¦? Thatā€™s silly.

Its the first ~2 weeks of the xpac and literally the first week of raiding. Going full histrionic because some specs are out-dpsing others in the first week of raiding is a little much even for these forums. A 0 parsing DK outperforms 90% of sub rogues in Wotlk. Some specs will always be better. Welcome to MMOā€™s

I linked end of Shadowlands too.

What excuse do you got for that disparity??



My example was all of the logs.

Which is why I linked the logs of all the specs not just fire mages.

I commented on fire VS Sin, the thread is about how bad the balancing is as a whole.

Not to mention your sample size is so small for mages itā€™s probably barely even statistically relevant. When youā€™ve got 12k+ parses logged for some specs and ~200 for others itā€™s not really a fair sample size is it?

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Cuz people wonā€™t play lower dps specs.

They wonā€™t get a raid spot as a mage unless they are arcane.

This isnā€™t rocket science.

You think WFR will have a fire mage over all arcane mages?

Canā€™t just admit that ya blizzard sucks at balancing???

Gotta defend the terrible company because you got retail Stockholm syndrome.

Youā€™re trolling if you think it gets better from here.

You seem overwrought. And Sub rogues are the 3rd best dps spec and have less than 10% the parses of Demo locks who do substantially less dpsā€¦ There are also fewer frost Dkā€™s than unholy even though the former performs betterā€¦ so clearly people arenā€™t picking their classes/specs exclusively on week one dps numbersā€¦

Try again

People like you are the exact reason games like FF have just forbidden talking about logs in-game. You obsess over them to the point itā€™s unhealthy. For the game and for you personally.


DF class balance is horrendous

The only thing DF has done for me, is make me appreciate wotlk so much more

Shaman class design in retail is terrible beyond belief

Heā€™s incredibly mad DF is garbo, thatā€™s why he spends all day trolling the classic forums trying to talk bad it. Hilarious to see this guy posting over and over like anyone cares.

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Donā€™t worry itā€™s going to get way better promiseā€¦


Canā€™t wait for another 2 to 3 weeks what their excuses will be then

You just seem upset because the one spec you can play isnā€™t very good atm and youā€™re throwing a tantrum over it. But the VAST majority of people seem to be enjoying DF.

Wutā€¦ trying to turn this around into something it isnā€™t to strawman the argument is pretty dumb.

I can play every spec in retailā€¦ Youā€™re acting like specs are somehow hard to play.

Only 1 of us needs to hide, and it ainā€™t me.

The balance is trash and youā€™re defending the trash.

Then why are you crying? Play one of the other specs. Every spec cannot be ā€œzomg top dps.ā€

I donā€™t play retailā€¦

Iā€™m only backing up a prediction I made about how bad it will be balanced.

Thatā€™s literally the only reason for the thread.

I get the retail Stockholm syndrome players will flood here to defend their captors.

Also funny a sock puppet is bringing up skill as an argument as he hidesā€¦trust me Iā€™m far better than any of you at every aspect of this game. Unlike you all I have cutting edge achievements. Shouldnā€™t really try the skill argument if youā€™re hiding.


And weā€™re done here.

Pretty sure with 8k+ posts Iā€™m hardly a sock puppet. Nice try deflecting though.

Oh mijo. How incredibly sad.

You having 8k posts mean nothing, youā€™re hiding behind a low level toon.

Iā€™m guessing because like all of us even you know how bad you are at the game and are ashamed of it, canā€™t be giving people ammo, I get it. Just stay in your lane then and go buy a mythic+ carry, the world first raiders need the gold, they just spent half a billion gearing up their toons.

Jealousy isnā€™t a good look, itā€™s ok LFR is there for you

Lol, I got undying a week after hitting 80 and Iā€™ve had average pink parses on like 5 different characters since Classic. But rather than keep swapping my forum character Iā€™ve stuck to my one forum character, which precludes sock-puppeting.

You donā€™t play retail remember? So we know you have no idea what youā€™re talking about.

No one is jealous of your Phase 1 wrath achievements rofl. The fact that you canā€™t understand that makes me actually sad for you.

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Cutting Edge isnā€™t a classic achievementā€¦

Legion was retail and I played Legion.

And Iā€™m sure you have all that stuff itā€™s always just on a different character I get it youā€™re 3,200 rated at Candy crush just like the other idiot.

Just keep hiding

Mad mage is mad.