If DF is so good then why

A whole lot of energy was put into this thread by someone who “doesn’t care” about a game they “don’t play.”

Oh yeah, and they had released dec 20 tuning notes last night if you’re still worried about balance

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Oh, okay – think I figured it out. Somehow, Frrossttffire has hax0red Drinknblink’s account and is now having a meltdown on the forums about predictions it claims to have made about parsing in Dragonflight (hint: nobody cares), which it doesn’t even play but because mages aren’t leading the pinkies like an UHDK in WoTLK, this is a source of endless nerdrage because the LKClassic sub-forums is exactly the place for a breakdown about the World First Nefar’noxia kill in Blackfathom Lair didn’t stack the raid with Fire Mages and Sub-Rogues or whatever.


They will be doing that every week.

It must just be hard to admit it’s blizzard and the balancing will never be good.

Your captors aren’t your friends.

Makes threads about retail.

Circus music plays



This is blizzard so the circus music fits.

Never said that it would be good, just letting you know they’re actually putting some modicum of effort in since you seem to be quite concerned about it.

This combined with the rest of your diatribe here is actually pretty concerning. You appear to have lost all perspective.

I would highly advise you to take a break and go find some grass to touch.

I’m outside right now.

I’m on my phone.

Somehow I think that’s worse

Where has that guy been I haven’t seen him in weeks

Says the guy with over 8,000 posts

Come on man, try harder. Everyone knows you posted on ManureDps who has something like 6k posts? So just with those 2 alone you’re right there with me, AND given that you’re ACTUALLY sock-puppeting who knows how many other accounts you’re posting on too.

Try again

I only post on who I play which is why I switched to this Mage because this is what I’m playing in wotlk…

I don’t need to hide like you.

I think my hunter only had 4k posts.

Notice how you know who my hunter is??? Cuz I don’t need to hide kekw

Yes here you are fitting right in :mirror:

Should I start saying it’s going to be different now like the rest of you clowns?

It’s all going to be fixed on the 20th.


All I said was Im enjoying a video game. You are the one fixated on comparing parses. How is someone so dense?

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You posted in a thread about the disparity between the dps specs about how you’re having fun as if anyone asked or if that was what the thread was about.

It also had literally nothing to do with the parses it had everything to do with the difference in DPS between the top and bottom.

I bet you put your pants on head first.

Are you sure because you seem to just devolve into “game bad!” pretty quickly.

Go find something new to be upset about and make sure to post another thread :clown_face:

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This “Parsing” thing might be the most cancerous stupid bs i’v seen in all my years as a gamer.

First off the term is dumb AF, it’s used as a noun and a verb and makes no sense at all.

Second, benchmarking has always been a mix of losing focus of enjoying things, envy, and jerking off to eat your own milk. Absolutely retarded and virtually never is used to do proper competitive analysis/improvements.

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This thread is about the dps disparity from the top dps to the bottom dps.

Maybe click the links?