If DF is so good then why

15 year old mistakes are supposed to be fixed in the newer xpacs…

Can’t tell if serious?

Did DF fix the errors of WOTLK?



It’s end game tuning in work… after 2 years this is their balance.

You gave DF 4 days. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You gonna sit here and tell me the balance shouldn’t of already been done??

How do specs do 50% less DPS, where is the balancing team when the game is being made.

You can’t hold them accountable though because you have Stockholm syndrome.

You do know games are supposed to be balanced on launch right???

Not on the 20th.

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This is why blocking needs to affect threads as well.

And Sock Puppets.

Read your responses on this thread, it’s pretty transparent.

Glad your enjoying classic! Df has been fun imo. New content and raiding is always good.

I have a feeling something their going to back to old gods again. Hopefully the story will get better . It has been awful the past few years .

Retail players deserve a good game and I hope it ends up being a really good expansion.

This wasn’t the point of my thread. I merely made a prediction a few weeks ago and was right.

I would not expect balancing to ever get better unfortunately for retail players and the players at the bottom of logs.

Internal testing should be done and it’s unacceptable to launch a game with this much of a disparity and I don’t understand why people give blizzard a pass, they don’t deserve one.

For instance here is FF14s current savage raid.


Look at that balancing and it isn’t done after launch it’s heavily tested internally and I don’t even think they have a PTR.

For context here is the end of Shadowlands.


I think DF will be even worse for balancing.

I have no issues with any iteration of the game, best $15 I give every month compared to netflix

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I don’t think it’s remotely possible to balance each class and spec absolutely perfect. The amount of people who play beta and ptr is super tiny.

These new talent trees are an insane change to the game.

Plus again… you refuse to understand that classes that rely on haste and crit (fire + frost) struggle and classes that rely on vers (rogue + monk) flourish.

Monks can run 1% haste and it doesn’t matter. There just aren’t enough stats available after 4 days for mages to get remotely close to their ~30% crit/haste they need.

Game feels incredibly balanced. Since it has 25 specs and only a handful need tuning I’d say they did an excellent job. Im beyond impressed with their tuning they did.

This patch should be great. It’s only week 1. Plenty of time for corrections.

The rwf guilds are super balanced with all classes. It’s incredibly refreshing after playing classic and stacking 20 warriors, then locks and shamans in TBC, and now locks and DKs in wotlk.

Idk how you can be obsessed with classic when the expansion had 2 years to figure out balance and didn’t get remotely close to it. Not too mention it’s an incredibly simple game that guilds still refuse to take even mid tier specs into raid

DF raiding is better than Wrath for sure. Down council last night on norm was a total blast

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Seems like its a rather large game and you are focusing on one thing to be upset enough to make forum posts on it. :clown_face:

Play or dont. No one asked you if it was “good”.

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No one needs to ask.

I can post anyway, you can’t stop me.

I for sure can post how bad the balancing is and yet again you can’t stop me.

Even end of SL wasn’t balanced, I linked them logs also.

Shouldn’t you be trying to clear LFR?

Raiding isn’t the issue, the raids are typically good in wow.

It’s the balancing that isn’t which is what this post was about.

This is no different in retail.

SL had how long to get it right, go look at the above link of the end of Shadowlands.

Top dps is 5,000 DPS ahead of the bottom and 50% more DPS at max.

You’re huffing the copium.

Aren’t retail fire mages like… super heavily reliant on crit, and always go through the phases that they are pretty weak early expansion due to lack of crit, but as the expansion goes on they get more and more powerful as they get access to more Crit and Haste…?

Pretty sure that’s been literally the ebb and flow of fire mages for a very long time.

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No one is trying to stop you. Just telling you that you look like a clown lmao. :clown_face:

Y’all keep focusing on just fire mages.

The bottom 5 arent all fire mages…

I’m sure tier will scale them by 500% to catch up tho…

And I’m sure the top classes won’t gain any dps with tier…

Y’all are the clowns, huffing that much copium gotta be bad for your health.

Some specs perform better than others. This is not a new phenomenon

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No one said it was however it shouldn’t t be like this.

No one is going to justify this and giving blizzard a pass isn’t a good thing.