If Classic kept going to BFA/Shadowlands, would you quit?

You’re willing to draw the line somewhere but can’t fathom if that point for me is Cata?

That’s why I find your logic faulty out here.

You have a history, and have admitted, to flip-flopping.

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Because your point for cata is that sentry totem is removed and you can’t run a 37-34-0 trash hybrid build that keeps you hardstuck at 1600 elo.

Many people have many reasons for where their lines are. Yours just so happens to be laughably stupid.


He wasn’t evil, he was prideful. He had a legacy to live up to. He argued with thrall over how he let his people suffer. People his father died to save from a curse. (Yes, it’s the dads fault it happened)

It wasn’t until garrosh interacted with the divine bell that he really became evil

Garrosh wanted the orcs to flourish, thrall wanted them to repent for crimes other orcs did.
Garrosh wanted to remove the racist alliance from Kalimdor so his people could be safe. He frowned upon Sylvanas and her blight, raising undead.

If Varian had been an easier person to interact with, Garrosh wouldn’t have grown to hate the Alliance instantly.

I honestly didnt mind BFA. All I really want is a classic MoP. I think I’d draw the line at Legion being the end of classic era but if it went to BFA, maybe.

SL is just a no thank you.

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I’ll quit when I get bored, I won’t quit over someone else’s opinion


In retail they should turn chromie time into eras and have a rotation event with timewalking. But that’s asking a lot from a small indie company.

i mean i literally said it. Not my fault you can’t comprehend.

You may have stated it some place, but it is not my fault you are 100% wrong on what classic means. Imagine you think you get to determine what is classic for Blizzard. How’s that coming along for you, just curious?

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No, for bfa. Shadowlands i wouldnt play again. Its too fresh for me and it was also bad.

I loved legion and bfa shadow priest so i would definetly play those expansions.

Without Era support, I’ve already hopped off.

If they did have Era support, I would have stuck around until Legion.

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Retail began with the activision blizzard merger; you can witness nearly everything bad happened shortly after this. The level boosts, the WoW token, the store mounts, the micro transaction cosmetics, the digital deluxe editions, the mobile game ‘systems,’ the absurdly priced ‘character services.’


That merger happened during TBC, by the way.

So TBC is retail? Wasn’t every version retail?

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Rumor has it yes, yes they were

At one point yes, every second of WoW was Retail.

In any event, I was merely saying the merger took place in TBC. A lot of people think it happened a lot later. And Blizz was rotting from the inside even before that. Go look up Mark Kern’s story about why he quit. Or at least what contributed to him quitting.

Nah don’t worry I’m well aware that the merge started in TBC, rather late tho.
Its just funny that we can debunk basically every statement of these people

Disingenuous, the signing of the merge deal happened in the final months of BC when Wrath was at the end of development and in beta testing. The transition into ‘activision blizzard’ happened in the follow years, and the first wave of aggressive monetization practices began to happen a year into Wrath’s success.

Who are “these people?” You mean the overwhelming majority of people who don’t pretend to be oblivious to the fact that the quality of the game deteriorated from this point, and that monetization of progression / gold / mounts / in game rewards is by and larged viewed negatively by the core mmo audience?

The merger happened during TBC.

Always amuses me when people can’t accept simple facts.

It amuses me that people use semantics to win an argument while ignoring the entire context of the post. That’s to be expected when debating any topic with people on the spectrum though. :roll_eyes:

People like you - delusional people.