If Classic kept going to BFA/Shadowlands, would you quit?

People who have played the game longer than you, and recognize that it has become objectively worse over time?

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Semantics? The merger happened during TBC. That’s not semantics; that’s a statement of fact.

You’re the one trying to make some argument based on nothing more than personal opinion, and disregarding the facts that occurred. I’m not defending Activision or discounting the impact it may or may not have had. But the truth of that impact is something none of us really know.

I used to think that Activision destroyed Blizzard. And I’m sure to some degree it did, but let me go into the story I alluded to earlier. Mark Kern was a Team Lead on original Vanilla. Not long after WoW launched, he was brought into a meeting with the Suits. High level producers and marketing people. They told him to lay off a bunch of people from his Team. He said he didn’t want to. That he had assured these people they were joining a family when they were hired. And one of the producers replied, “Too bad. We’re a real company now.”

Translation: this is nothing more than a business. We’re not family. The workers mean nothing to us. It’s all about the bottom line. So people can blame everything on Activision, but it’s a copout. The culture and environment at Blizzard was crumbling before Activision even entered the mix. My opinion is that Activision had more to do with the monetizing changes in WoW. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that the first cash shop mount went into the game a year into Wrath. By the way, that cash shop mount made the more money than the totality of Starcraft 2. So sadly it’s no surprise Blizz went that route of putting micro-transactions above the quality of the product. Whales are the players they care about.

In any event, have whatever opinion you want. But respect the facts of the situation at least. And the fact is the merger happened in TBC.


Semantics is demanding me agree that by recognizing the actual merge deal happened in TBC, the merge can’t be what caused these issues. It’s not like Blizzard’s operations changed the second the deal was signed. But it happened because of it. Pointing to the date of the signing is a stupid arbitrary non-argument that I don’t know why you’re arguing.

Way to agree with literally my entire point while arguing about the date of the merge agreement just for the sake of arguing. Spectrum?


I started in the first month of vanilla and played until a few months into BfA. There’s nothing objective about the quality of this game. It’s all just a subjective personal opinion. I have no doubt what so ever that some retail players tried Vanilla classic and thought the game sucked. Whether I agree with that subjective opinion is irrelevant. Unlike you I’m smart enough to know the difference between the definition of “subjective” and “objective.” Here’s what you should do. Look up those words in a search engine. Because you’re literally making a fool of yourself now.

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Another person on the spectrum who would rather argue the semantics of “objective” vs “subjective” rather than acknowledge the fact that concepts like paid cosmetics, battle passes, loot boxes, etc aren’t player friendly systems and exists soley to extract wealth from people due to fear of missing out.

What is it with the ‘tism’ that makes people focus on irrelevant details (the exact date a merger happened, the dictionary definition of objectivity) and write an entire reply to it while ignoring the entire context of the post itself.

guffaw there’s nothing objectively wrong with child labor, as you can clearly see some children clearly yearn to labor in the mines. Unlike you I am smart enough to know the difference between objective and subjective, so don’t try to self-righteously push your value system unto me!



I’m not arguing about any date. I stated a fact.


I don’t care about any of those things. I don’t care about paid cosmetics any more than I care about transmog. Some people care about how they look or the mount they’re riding and I don’t care if blizzard makes money off them. I care about playing the game.

I cared about small things like the hunter dead zone. Removing it was an improvement. And bigger things, I care about doing dungeons so rdf made the game better for me. And adding loot to encourage tanks and healers to join rdf made the game better for all of my dps alts. I care about dual spec, especially since I played a few healers. I cared about raid size. I hated the 40 man raids in vanilla. Smaller raid size made the game much more fun for me. All those are my subjective opinions. Vanilla was a good game for it’s time but I only came back to classic to support it in the hopes that the much better expansions would come too. Vanilla sucked, everything that followed until WoD was better.

Jeez you’re too stupid for words. Children were begging their parents to pay so they could play wow. No child would pay to work in the mines for free. Morality rests on our values. Only extreme suffering could force children to work in a mine. The choice was often starvation or work. In that situation working in the mines was the objectively better choice if we hold life as a value. Finding ways to avoid the choice between child labor or starvation is objectively moral we value reducing the suffering of children.

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Yes, people like you are the problem and why they’ll never stop.

Most people do. You probably do as well. That’s why many people raid over and over hoping to get a mount with a 1% drop chance.

What smooth brains like you fail to recognize is this is one of many incentives to actually engage with the actual game, and allowing players to purchase these things with money has a cascading effect of destroying the integrity of the game itself.

And to all the people who argued there was a clear distinction between “cash shop” and “in game” cosmetics, where are you now that “trader’s tender” is now purchasable with cash to obtain these items? Who could have predicted, imagine my shock.

The majority of these things were added in BC and Wrath. You’re having an entirely different argument with a strawman. I’ve listed out a myriad of reasons why retail sucks, and these things were not amongst them. Just because I say ‘retail sucks’ doesn’t mean everything they added post vanilla was bad.

So you’re arguing that the last five expansions sucked yet for some reason still feel compelled to say I’m stupid and you disagree with the premise of my argument.

Do you have the 'tism? Seriously.

The entire context of my mockery of you clearly went over your head. Once again, probably because you have the 'tism. Allow me to explain:

I was mocking you for stating my assertion that ‘aggressive monetization makes the game bad and people don’t like it’ isn’t objective, and saying it was just my opinion because you can find some people that like it by using a hyperbolic comparison.

A problem for you because you want people to agree with your personal opinions. But not a problem for people like me who have a different opinion. But your main problem is thinking your subjective personal opinion is objectively true.

I farmed in wrath to get my dragon mount and when I got it I hated it. Those huge wings and body made it hard to see when I was flying and made the game less fun. So I went back to the basic race mount. And yes, some people will farm or buy items that don’t affect game play at all. But many people will not. It’s a subjective personal decision. And since it’s only cosmetic it doesn’t affect my game play. I’d complain if the paid mount was faster or stronger than what one can get in game. I had a couple dozen mounts in BfA but I played with just the basic mount into BfA and it was just as good as paid mounts.

I called you stupid because you compared children begging their parents to pay for them to play wow for free with children who want to work in a mine because they don’t want to starve to death. It’s probably the most idiotic thing any one has posted on this forum, and that’s saying a lot. It’s not just more evidence that you don’t know the difference between subjective and objective but that you don’t understand ethics and philosophy at all.

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No I didn’t.

Probably because you made it up.

You could just say “I’m too stupid to understand your metaphor” and be done with it.

I wish you people would stop with this narrative. It’s stupid. To try form some premise that if it doesn’t affect player stats, then it’s an irrelevant component of the game and therefore there’s nothing wrong with selling it for cash is idiotic. Many people’s prime motivation in the game is their character’s aesthetic, and that aesthetic being a representation of things they’ve done in the game. To argue that this is irrelevant, and that monetizing it doesn’t have a negative impact is truly smooth brain.

Not even bringing in the fact that it creates incentive for Blizzard to put its best aesthetic work behind a pay wall.

Or the fact that you’re creating a premise that the only things offered for cash are cosmetic, when you can clearly buy everything from levels to gold to renown to to gear to… and dying on the hill of “these things don’t matter that much in dragonflight” can be dismissed by the fact that they offered a level boost / store mount for classic BC and brought the WoW token into Wrath.

Me, college educated adult, you, some 15 year old with 'tism that completely misunderstood my statement because you have room temp iq.

How can someone with an IQ above room temperature have this interpretation of what I said? I was comparing YOU to a person arguing in favor of child labor, asserting that it wasn’t objective that child labor is bad, and pointing to the fact that there’s at least one child who likes working… relating this to your prior statement that aggressive monetization isn’t objectively bad, because there’s people who like it.

How the *#$@ do you extract that i’m comparing starving children to children asking parents to play WoW from this, unless you’re literally mentally handicap?


The unfortunate reality for you is I understood it perfectly and your metaphor was the most idiotic thing that has ever been posted on the forum.

It’s irrelevant to me and to many others. You sound like the players who sit in a major city for hours on their rare mount because they think people are gawking in awe at them. The reality is most of us run on by without even noticing. I don’t have to enable your delusions of grander or reward you for an accomplishment that’s irrelevant to me.

I get that your personal subjective opinion is that it has a negative impact on your game if some players buy a cosmetic item that doesn’t affect game play. What you don’t get is most players don’t care. There’s lots of parts of the game that some players care about and other players don’t. A lot of players don’t even do transmog. So many hated wpvp, even though they claimed they wanted it, that blizzard added warmode. A lot of people never do pet battles. It’s a shame that some part of the game has been ruined for you because of paid cosmetic items but I and most players don’t care about it at all. That’s the difference between objective and subjective.

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I retired at 62, bought 10 acres of land in southern Arizona, and I read. What was the last non fiction book you read? You’re completely clueless about ethics, morality, logic and rational debate. You should read:

The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values

a 2010 book by Sam Harris, in which he promotes a science of morality and argues that many thinkers have long confused the relationship between morality, facts, and science. He aims to carve a third path between secularists who say morality is subjective (moral relativists) and religionists who say that morality is dictated by God and scripture.

Here’s the difference between you and me. I can use logic to rationally explain why child labor is objectively wrong and you can’t, because you have no intellectual foundation to support what ever moral instinct you might have or moral imperative given to you by authorities. And I can use logic to explain why paid cosmetic items is a subjective personal preference and you can’t explain why you think it’s objective bad.

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no you didn’t, hence your nonsensical explanation of what I said.

You probably don’t even mythic raid.

No you wouldn’t have seen me because I’m playing classic.

every purchaseable mount, cosmetic, etc is an achievement award, drop, armor set, etc that wasn’t added to the game and that didn’t reward player engagement with the game. to say “players don’t care” when countless players grind their rears off in rated pvp for titles and mounts, do all of the ‘glory’ raid achievements, etc is nonsense.

like bro you don’t need to sit here and flex that you’re a casual and don’t care about any of this stuff. i’d argue that catering to people who will eat garbage and exclaim “mmm mmm trash” is a big reason quality has deteriorated.

how are you guys gonna sit here and keep arguing against the ‘only cosmetic’ premise anyway, when earlier some of you were arguing that paying for gear and progression was okay because it ‘only took 10 hours’ to level up and gear for what people pay $60 for? on those grounds, what is the difference between paying to complete your weeklies?

Claims to be a successful adult
Says he’s intelligent because he’s read Sam Harris


I’m wholly convinced you’re a kid with the 'tism now, tipping your fedora while larping as an adult intellectual online. It’s like you cannot help misrepresenting everything I said just for the chance to exclaim “did you know i’m an atheist, atheist sam harris says objective morality cannot exist because there’s no god to dictate what is objectivate and”

Like bro what are you even on about. Claiming to be well versed in the philosophy of ethics and then citing Sam #$#@in Harris is the biggest example of ‘midwit’ i’ve seen in awhile.

There are not “semantics” involved. They mean 100% different things.


No, I never have. And I don’t care if you have or that I haven’t. I play for fun and what is most fun for me is leveling alts mostly in dungeons and some light raiding on one of my healers.

It’s just a game I play for fun. I don’t care about your flexing with your bis gear or shadowmourne as you parade around Dalaran. If I was gonna flex it wouldn’t be about a video game. I’d flex about my degree in botany, that I play trumpet, flute, oboe, and guitar, that without sacrificing my personal life I was able to retire at 62 on 10 acres of land in the warm winter days of southern Arizona or that I read dozens of books every year.

I have never said players don’t care. I’ve always used a qualifying adjective. Some players, many players etc. So you’re quoting me out of context because of ignorance or because you want to lie in a vane attempt to win a argument?

Some players do and some players never pvp at all. I get that you’re such a loser that these accomplishment mean the world to you but it’s not an objective value. It’s a subjective personal value. And I and many players don’t care about the subjective value you put on these things.


Failure to recognize that “objective” and “literal” are frequently used to describe things that are “widely held belief” or “observably evident” and insisting that this does not meet the ‘literal’ definition of objective and literal IS in fact an argument over semantics, and something people with the 'tism would be hung up about arguing rather than addressing the actual point of the topic.

Oh please - Nice ChatGPT response.
Next time, if you want to sound all superior and smart… clean up your run-on sentences.


Every one who reads is now laughing at you. Harris’ book is his attempt to discredit moral relativism and posits why and how an objective morality does exist. It’s so common for the uneducated to mock what they haven’t read or studied. You’ve actually accused and derided him for saying what is the exact opposite of what he’s actually said and written

You should admit that the most you might know of Harris is critiques of him in radical left wing articles. That you’re the actual pretender here. You’ve never seen him at all. Some people here have no clue what we’re talking about but some of us see right through your pretense to the uneducated buffoon you are.

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