If Classic kept going to BFA/Shadowlands, would you quit?

Grobbulus still has this every friday night

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the reason tbc didnā€™t release era because numbers hugely declined in 2022, the company wouldnā€™t put any resources in an expansion that lost more than million player.

iā€™m not gonna talk about why people did quit in tbc, maybe they only loved classic 60, maybe they disliked the new metaā€™s or maybe the servers was filled with bots & gdkpā€™s aka rmt. also note that world first Apes guild quitting in early tbc might have effected the game specially when they leader gave speech about ā€˜we signed for classic lvl 60 not other thingsā€™

Anyway itā€™s the same issue now, wrath classic is losing huge numbers in past few weeks, maybe cus of sod or maybe itā€™s the massive gdkp / rmt But wrath will not have era for the same reason of the company will not put resources into a game that losing hundred of thousand of players and this is why they are shifting the care toward new project called sod and gambling with Cata release with huge new changes to attract whoever interested.

If anything it was CEā€™s complete failure to hold anything but a tiny fraction of the population that made Blizzard skittish on TBC era during the end of TBC.

The player drop off probably had more to do with the level boost. At the time it was a huge controversy that caused many Classic players to quit despite the hype around TBC. Using Ironforge its like an average drop off of maybe 10%-15% depending on the time? Certainly more people came back to play TBC than left at the end of Vanilla.

Youā€™re correct about this, though I think WOTLKā€™s drop off is related to raid difficulty, raid accessibility and changes made in phase 3 and 4 personally. Wrath Era though, like CE, would have a small but dedicated playerbase and it might even be better than the playerbase of WOTLKC.

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I liked WOD when it was live, before they nerfed TF out of it for legion. Actually my favorite x pack. I hope classic goes that far at least. I got a late start 1st time through so I did not get to make the most of my garrison and followers. Playing it in Chromie time in retail is awful. Even with an active sub, there is so much level gating going on.

Cata was the last truly ā€œclassicā€ expansion. MoP was the transition into what many people consider ā€œretailā€ with radical changes like removing the talent tree, adding ā€˜battle petsā€™ etc.

The nail in the coffin was WoD, introducing tons of mobile game gacha mechanics (garrison farmville, follower quests, etc), adding level boosts, the WoW token, and so forth.


WoW died after MoP to me

While MoP introduced Pandas, which would of been fine if they were a non playable race IMO. MoP had awesome raids, excellent PVP and plenty of open world content, dailies, rep grinds, toy grinds, world bosses, mounts, even battle pets and dailies for them before it became tedious.

It had older content at a level where most could go and solo for xmog. MoP was peak WoW to me. Except the part where Garrosh turned evil for some reason.


Like I said, classic was never made for classic (ambiguous) players; it was made for retailers, and maybe classic Andys.

JB, "You think you do but you donā€™t, worked on classic.

Game was sabotaged from the very beginning for anyone that isnā€™t in the extreme scale that extends from classic-vanilla Andy to retail fanboy.


Legion is the only expac after wrath I would play.

I have a theory that all 12.000,000 players that ever peaked would be playing if there were servers off all expansion types.

Legion was awful though. It only looked good because it was after WoD.


Iā€™ll probably check out Cataā€¦until Mythic Lite dungeons get added, then quit.
And then check out MoPā€¦until Mythic Lite dungeons get added, then quit.
Forget WoD. Trash. Plus the new character models get added. Huge turnoff. Unless thereā€™s a toggle.
Legionā€¦the class campaigns were kinda fun. But, been there done that.

So MoP is probably the last Iā€™d even consider playing.

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Anything after WOD i would not be interested in

My interest in BFA/SL would be based on where retail ends up by the time classic progresses that far. (if it does that is)

Right now retail is still pretty similar to BFA and SL, though granted much improved in DF overall. Basically how different those expansions end up being from the future retail product. Otherwise it would feel more like two semi related titles competing with each other.

Part of what made TBC/Wrath classic fun for me and my friends was the nostalgia but also that is was a ā€œdifferentā€ way to play WoW than SL or DF at the time. Honestly era/tbc/wrath, and even cata, are so far removed from what DF(retail) is currently that the only similarity that sticks out is both games being based in Azeroth.

Im not sure yet if I will play classic Cata. But classic MoP WILL be my last
classic expansion. I have zero interest in anything after that.

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To be fair he was always evil in the lore. Just not insane

i would play it all probably

Iā€™d quit at Dragon Flight.

no but they shouldnā€™t call it classic then. I dont know why theyā€™re calling it cataclysm classic, there is nothing about cata that is classic. Its the revamped world with all new quests, npcs, talent trees, etc.

that being said,

iā€™d definitely play mop because i didnt get to play through it, (started late into SOO) didnt play like any of wod seriously, only lfr for legendary ring. I would 100% play legion again though that expansion was amazing, as long as they redid how we got legendaryā€™s like more towards the end of that expansion.

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I personally started the classic journey in hopes we would keep going through all the expansions.


I am not sure what you think classic means.