If Blizzard ever adds player housing

Blizzard is one of the most successful game companies of all time. If they can’t do it, hire someone who can and stop pumping out reskinned copies of its expansions every few years.

I miss WildStar. Not only did they have the best housing ever, they also had an architect profession to make stuff for housing.

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All Blizzard needs to do is emulate what Dark Age of Camelot did with housing, very simple system and can be easily added to what we already have.

They really werent tho. This is why they werent.

  1. They were expansion specific
  2. They didnt evolve past the expansion
  3. They were not able to grow past a certain point, meaning they were not able to be unique to player desires.
  4. They did not provide buffs that could be used anywhere etc.
  5. They didn’t add permenant storage space, provide social interactivity and/or improve the gaming experience.

Ultima online player housing is a great example of how important housing can be. New world had a cool perk to housing also. Trophys in you house increased your abilities in certai. Areas. There are tons of examples of how housing could be.


ok then if you want player housing, then i would suggest you play Ultima online, correct?

Eh… I think it’s a jumbled mess. I’ve never had my own home, I only go to my FC’s “home” because it’s the cheapest teleport to a AH board or target dummy. All the junk housing drops I have to toss, etc. I admit, it’s better than FFXI’s but no thanks.

How about people stop telling people what game to play if they don’t agree with the suggestions of others. Player housing may never be a thing, but we are allowed to have discussions about what would be nice if they did incorporate it into the game. Some people will use it, some won’t but that doesn’t mean you have to tell others what to do.

Some games have done it right and some haven’t. The ones that do it right allow communities to spring up as people walk around the zone looking at other people’s houses with shops much like an NPC would have. So just because you take no interest in it, don’t make you the authority to tell others what to do.


Not sure if a full prof just for cutting trees and crafting tables is needed, but it’s not a bad idea either. Maybe instead of a seperate one, change Skinning to Survivalist or Outdorsmandship or such and add ‘Tree nodes’ that they can harvest from. It would give a boost to the value of it beyond just a single craft. You could spread the wood among furniture that I think could be spread in the other professions. Making a couch could be either leatherworker or tailor. Engineer can make clocks and such. Lighting made by enchanters and so on.

Would give a big reason for each crafting prof to exist outside gearing. You could even make some recipes super to achieve making those who can do so in demand in a way that doesn’t affect player power at all.

Sounds very similar to that feature a few expansions ago, but gee… For the life of me I just CAN’T remember the name… Outposts? /s

So many people trying to shoot down the idea by bringing up garrisons as if they were player housing rather then simple semi-customizable campaign quest hubs and crafting profession points. Personalized covenant zones and nothing more.

I absolutely loved my garrison housing complex.

I’m not sure which was my favourite part of it, though.

It was either the lovely herb garden that I cultivated with my own hands or the lovely fishing pond that I used to adore while sitting in the sun.

The Garrison was a step in right direction but applied wrong…it was way too Static …very restrictive to placement and content…couldn’t place furniture how you wanted it too be…bldg placement was how the Dev seen not the Player…I can go on and on …Garrisons are not real Player Housing plain and simple.


i also play ultima online. wow could learn a thing or two from their housing program

They could learn from past mistake of letting some of the Dev staff go …Palia has a most wonderful in game housing in its game…add in the fact 3 of former Blizzard Dev work for Palia company now …

Like seriously didn’t see the interview or just being facetious?

Not every game needs housing, tho. WoW wsnt meant to have one.

you can get the playerhousing you want in palia then.

r slash woosh

I think their excuse is nonsense.

It’s like if you told be to go buy bread and I told you that would mean I would have to first go put gas to the car and to do that I’d first have to take it to the mechanic.

They could do it if they wanted, they’re, as we say in spanish, “putting on the bandaid before the wound”.

Garrisons were not even close at being a honest housing attempt, it was an instance central hub for the expansion. Trying to equate that thing with a housing system is absurd.

Time will tell if they will give a honest shot at actual housing, although their engine is extremely I’ll suited for it.

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