If Blizzard ever adds player housing

I legit understand nothing of what you are trying to say there

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No one is bashing people who like garrisons.

Doesn’t line up with the mentality of people who want housing here, imo.

Oh, I see, you have your own agenda.

Between FFXIV, Minecraft, and this game, I have property, shape the environment to my will, and am a Hero of Fate. So I disagree.

WTF does that have to do with a thing we talking about here, thought? :joy:

I look forward to the day we do finally have a Player housing system in WoW. I will dedicate a LOT of time to building homes for my characters.

Being able to dye my rooms pastel pink.

Garrisons were not player housing, they were a central military outpost. They are not a house. Thus the term Garrison.

When people speak of player housing they speak of a fully customizable House with styles, furniture, and other amenities and decorations that they can place where they chose. Garrisons were not houses no matter how people try to spin it as such.

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I don’t know where I shamed you. I pointed out you have an agenda, but most people do and I didn’t add any negative value to it. I also disagreed that the media I like fits in with your opinion and tried to give fairly popular games as examples.

I think you’ve been watching too much Sargon of Akkad.

^^^^ That was me starting to make pokes.

You’re not even able to dye your pants pink. And you still think housing would happen ? Lol

No, I didn’t say that. I gave an example of what I think player housing entails.

I get my fill in XIV. I’m entirely neutral on it being here.

You just went full clown mode :clown_face:


He’s high. Or trolling. Has to be one of the two.


Welp you’ve just gone full troll/super yikes. So, I will be putting you on ignore now. I hope you have a great evening.

Yeah very clearly trolling…and very, very toxic to boot. So yeah, won’t be engaging with them again.

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The good news is that even if this thread degenerates into pointless name-calling, there are a hundred other threads where people are arguing about housing that people can post in.

Bonus: They’re all regurgitating exactly the same talking points as this one, so you won’t even miss anything.

Yeah, I’m the post-modern, neo-marxist boogey man you guys are always talking about.

I really just want new professions. I would like to make raft mounts and canoes and 5 person horse drawn wagon mounts and furniture for housing, if that is what it takes to get new professions.

Woodworking would be interesting in WoW

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“The engine wasn’t built for that” isn’t compelling enough? I think if the juice isn’t with the squeeze, they would know better than anyone.

Maybe I’m biased because I’m a software developer by trade, and I’ve worked on some pretty terrible engines. There’s only so much you can do without overhauling the thing. They were going to have the garrison buildings placeable at one point, but couldn’t get it to work. If they can’t do that on a static field, zero shot they can do it anywhere.

Needing to overhaul the engine to provide housing might sound like someone else’s problem, but it is a problem.

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Gotta be scared of something. Might as well be scared of tswift fans.

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How about they just scrap this old and outdated game and make a WoW 2 and then add all of the things that people want.

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