If Blizzard ever adds player housing

I doubt housing will ever happen, but if it does I hope they also add two new professions. Logging and Woodworking. I don’t care if they are secondary, one combined profession, or replace primary professions. I would honestly like them to add new professions anyway, but I can’t think of anything interesting off the top of my head. A crafter for housing related stuff would be nice.


oh no

oh nooo

garrisons and gorgrond cutting down trees?!

Just kidding, yes ffxiv does these well and blizz could do it well but feeling a bit worried about them doing it.


I dunno why Blizz has so stubbornly refused to do player housing which basically every other MMO already has and which players have asked for for years. Frankly, not having a home in the game is one of the things that feels the most… gamey. I don’t think it even has to be a huge feature, just something for players to feel like they live somewhere rather than be rich hobos for some reason.


They’ve said why…to implement it they’d need to reformat most of the game to input housing and that’s a lot of work and money they don’t have time for so it’s not going to happen anytime soon. They said as much in one of the other threads on the subject a good while ago, in a thread I don’t feel like hunting down as it’s been no doubt buried by now, yet these threads keep popping up like weeds. IF it happens it’ll probably be years down the road when they need something huge to add and work load to implement it is less stressful and time consuming, but no time soon

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Yeah, sure, but they’ve done it already, repeatedly. Just not with housing. But nearly housing was a thing with Garrisons. If they did garrisons they could do a simple housing thing which they could expand on over time.


Garrisons was their attempt at it, and it didn’t work. They have stated that they want to look at it and make it work if they can make it work across multiple expansions.

Here’s the thing: if “player housing” was as important of a thing for players, then they wouldn’t play WoW to begin with. Individual player housing requires the game to be built with it in mind because it will influence how other systems interact with it.

And the thing is that what Garrisons showed is several things;

  1. The average player cares more for a general sense of community and belonging, rather than their own individual space.
  2. To make individual housing work in a non-WoW fashion it would require an entirely different approach to it. Basically they would have to treat it not too dissimilar to how Pet battle dungeons work in terms of the players it would appeal to.

At the end of the day, if Blizzard thought this was a worthwhile thing to add that would make it a profitable endeavour, they would’ve introduced it already. Instead they focused on systems and features applicable to all players with things like the Class Order Halls and they worked much better.

I personally don’t think player housing will add anything to WoW, at least the way it gets talked about on these forums. I’m convinced they’ll add it but far more akin to having your own personalized camp wherein your customization options are more akin to the system we have for our dragons or the demonic menagerie. At which point … do you think folks are going to be upset and proclaim that player housing system also wouldn’t be “real” player housing?
This is the biggest hurdle I see for it because it is doable … I just don’t think people’s fantasies can be satisfied because people can’t even get past accepting that garrisons were a real attempt at player housing in WoW. It didn’t work out, but folks can’t even accept different forms or types of player housing so… why would anything other than people’s idealistic fantasies ever be enough?

It didn’t work because they made it be a bunch of orc orc orc orc orc mud huts for horde, and half of the features were gutted before release, like placing it wherever you wanted (horde was stuck in the ice and alliance in eternal night) and the focus was on some minigame with the mission table and getting resources you can get out in the world. Rather than it be about the housing itself.

Patently untrue. Players care a lot of things they don’t get from the devs and they play anyways.

No it doesn’t. Look at mini pets. The devs make mini pet content all the time and they are not at all involved with any other system in the game.

This is not true at all. I dunno where you got this idea. You do sound like the devs though, so I do believe the devs do believe this. Players collect all sort of mounts and transmogs they will never use and they only get it because they like having it on their own tabs only they can see. It’s about collecting, and so should housing.

Yeah, and they’re wrong. They have held out for decades on a huge number of things that ended up being hugely popular when they released them.


They were a crappy attempt because they didn’t add anything anyone wanted. They made it a huge war camp with only faction-based architecture rather than racial architecture, which was about getting things there rather than in the outside world. Everything about it was bad from a conceptual PoV, it was a bad idea from the start. It was not housing, at all. The pandaria farm was closer to what people have in mind, from a visual perspective. And worse of all, it was a one-expansion and done feature, and conceptualized like that from the start.

They don’t have to fulfill the fantasies from the start, they just need to add something small and add ot it over time.

To me, housing should be a small feature where you get a plot of land, out of several around the world, and add a number of existing models of buildings and furniture which you can collect from the world, and over time, over the years, add more and more.

If they had done an evergreen feature housing back in WoD, rather than a disposable war nonsense where you’re a commander in WoD, and they had kept adding features over the years, by now housing would be awesome.


If they do, they will probably find a way to monetize it like FF

They have never done housing before. Their first and probably second iterations of it would be a disaster.

That’s why you start small.

See, that’s a lot of manpower for something that might not even work well for this game tho.

They added a lot of things that didn’t work out for the game for a LOT of features that were abandoned by the end of the expansion. I don’t understand this argument, Blizz have done this repeatedly for things no one cares about. Like say, island expeditions, just as a random example. Yet this is only a problem when it comes to player housing.

It doesn’t have to be a huge feature.

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Oh yes please!


The possibilities of woodworking are vast.

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in Rift, ‘logging’ was part of herbalism.


Lets be real.

Garrisons as a base system functioned fine. It didnt work because they turned it into an expansion feature where everything important was done through it and everything else had to be designed to compensate it.

Make a square plot with a build table, where you can place pre-made structures in pre-selected spots, and then over time add new pre-made structures into those pre-selected slots would absolutely be doable with the tech already provided.

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As much as many people would like player housing they would have to actually put resources into developing the system for it, they kinda test bedded the idea in WoD and got a fairly negative reaction with that one. It all boils down to time and resource investment that would likely be siphoned from other aspects of the game and much like any new system they can take an expansion to multiple expansions to be feature complete(and likely still not up to the playbases expectation). If we do see housing it will likely slowly roll out in iterations over the next 3 mini expansions there doing and considering we have not seen anything from the ‘War Within’ feature trailer I don’t think its coming any time soon(Blizz TM).

To best honest, I have little confidence that if they added it it wouldn’t just be another garrison style with very little player agency.

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That’s the reason why they haven’t made player housing yet. I don’t know if it was Ion, but i am pretty sure it was, who said players expectation of player housing is so astronomically high that Blizzard realistically cannot do it. People joke about losing a raid tier, but in actuality it would take multiple expansions to do.

Edit: I can’t find the original interview. But here it is summed up on Icyveins.

BS they don’t have the money. More like “we don’t want to spend the money.” Companies that were smaller with less money did player housing. Wildstar for example…