If BGs are going to reward premades pubstombing PUGs

The entire point of BG’s is to reward teamwork not individual performance. Arenas reward individual performance thats why it got added in TBC and became the standard for competitive PvP.
Edit: Arenas reward teamwork and individual performance equally, just to clarify.

I agree, but there needs to be a way to reward teamwork that doesn’t make the game not fun.

and so it begins. The BG’s haven’t even been released yet and the whining is already starting.
Classic didn’t just bring back the vanilla demographic, it also brought back the same whiners that ruined it and turned it into retail.
It is like these whiners want two versions of retail.
Please quit.

Is not wanting 90% of games to be premades stomping pugs really going to turn vanilla into retail? You do know that some of the private servers implemented a premade-priority system because it got so bad there? Were the private servers also trying to become retail?

If you have nothing to add to this conversation, can you go annoy someone else?

Probably, but ya know, the better your team is, the less the premade matters. With resilience gone, anybody can deal damage against a geared player and without the across-the-board PvP damage nerf, your character can be expected to perform similarly to how it does in PvE.

Of course, that means you (yes, you) are going to have to pay attention to flag carriers (both yours and theirs) in WSG.

The last time I was in a WSG game, like three years ago, our team still let the flag carrier walk by as if it was invisible.

anything goes. Classic pvp is suppose to be undiluted.
You want to water down the drinks, again.
Retail presents the BG’s as you want them, scurry along now.

If organized pvp in retail has showed us anything…

It’s that the best premades will be que-dodging eachother to avoid facing good teams as much as possible.
Not because they are afraid to lose, but because facing another good
/ tryhard team will make the game drag on much longer and tank the honor per hour. EVEN FOR THE WINNING TEAM in the end.

But it will depend on how many servers per “battlegroup” or if it’s just entire NA in one blob. If entire NA at once, very well done que-dodging will be alot harder to accomplish.

buuuu #nochanges (ignore all the other changes blizzard has already made)

Basically, if nothing is done about the pug vs premade issue, then everyone should only queue as a premade for BG’s. Pug queueing should automatically be assumed and expected to be a lost game from opposing premade spys. If the system in place can’t be solved then counter premades with premade power. It’s the only way to make sure the odds of winning are somewhat even. Get the best geared players and premade up. What other choice do we have?

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The reason we are playing Classic now is because of Nostalrius. Nostalrius had a premade-priority system.

Wanting Blizzard to do something that prevents 90% of games from being premades stomping pugs is not going to turn Classic into retail. And no one should want that, not the pugs, not the premades.

BG’s will still be fun, even moreso if you get a bunch of guildies on discord to BS around while killing it. The entire point of classic is to force a bunch of neckbeards to team up and achieve a common goal, making BG’s easier is one of thoes goals.

But will they be fun for both sides?

It isn’t that you can’t have fun even if you lose. But when you stand no chance whatsoever it gets pretty boring. And if you get 5-10 of those games in a row it makes you no longer want to play.

Premades is common in wsg and ab. The fun is to get the pug to outplay them. If that doesnt happen u die and stay a ghost to avoid the honor farm and get the game over quickly.

Instead of not wanting to play, it makes you want to BE the premaid, it encourages you to team up with like minded people, the entire point of classic.

Weird how people don’t actually read the things they type. In order for this to take place, the PUGs would have to coordinate with the premades to make sure two premades, or PUGs only bumped into each other 10% of the time.

The reason we aren’t playing Nostalrius now is because it’s literally impossible to play it and also Blizzard remade Classic WoW.

the object is to win and gain honor points.
I gotta laugh sometimes. In PvE contents everyone want the best geared, most talented players to form the best cohesive team to take down the boss and get the gear.
Players get turned away all the time for lack of gear or experience.
But BG’s which is the equivalent of raids for PvP players, somehow doesn’t deserve the same mindset.
“It’s suppose to be fair” says fkn who???
Nevertheless the whiners won out in retail and they killed twinking, killed gear, killed PvP.
Screw the otherside. If I have twinks on my side, that’s wonderful, means I have a good team, nothing stops the otherside from having them too.
Pre-made, hell yeah. After what the horde have been doing to the alliance, I hope to stomp their rears in BG’s and I am sure they wish to continue their domination.
Bring it. This war unfettered.
You dont cater to the lowest denomination and expect good results.
I was a BG’s enthusiast throughout my run in retail and if you ask me which would I rather run with, twinks and pre-mades who perform strategically and make BG’s enjoyable, or dopes wearing greens, who have no clue to what to do, who all run to the middle while the flag carry goes down the side, would be the same as if would you rather do LFR or run with a cohesive , well geared and talented guild taking down the hardest bosses and getting the best gear.
I am getting tired of this whining for fairness nonsense when it comes to pvp.

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I’m Alliance and I enjoy the heck outta ganking lowbies. Fair PvP bothers me because I lose. This isn’t spoken ironically. It’s facts. I would absolutely be on a PvP server if I could, on the Alliance side, as a rogue, because there would be so many lowbie targets for me to gank I could just do that the entire time.

Unfortunately, getting to a high level was guaranteed to be problematic (I know how people like me think), so I’m on a PvE server.

Let us pretend for a moment that literally everyone was in a premade. The problem is that some premades will just be bad. If you are in the bottom 10% of premades, that means you will lose 90% of the games you play. And presumably the very bottom of the premades would never win.

So what happens is, the bottom 10% of premades, losing 90% of games, quits playing. But that doesn’t stop there from being a bottom 10%. The people who were the bottom 20% are now the new bottom 10%. And this repeats and repeats until all there is left is a few teams who just dodge each other.

This is a problem of universalizability. Basically, if everyone was a pug, everything would be fine, in fact better than fine, great. But if everyone was a premade, eventually there would cease to be BG’s at all.

The PvP system cannot function without pugs, but it can function perfectly if there were no premades.

Premades are an unsustainable model. To the extent they are good has nothing to do with the premades themselves, but only that they are good for the health of the community. They should be encouraged, but not at the expense of everything else.


like your premade BRM group stomping the PuG groups going to dungeons?

What are you going on about?

Well, at level ten you won’t be fighting back at all.

Post on your main.