If BGs are going to reward premades pubstombing PUGs

I will threaten to quit. I probably wont, but I will be disappointed for sure. Premades should only face premades or have really high priority to face other premades. Otherwise, it will just be dumb.


Then get your own premade?

Why should more organized and skillfull players be punished? Do raids get worse loot than 5 mans?

There are very few situations where L2P is appropriate, but this is one of them


We’ll be prepared to threaten to quit then. I played vanilla and there was a decent amount of premades there. For classic there will be a lot more as the players are more advanced.


because pug vs pug is more fun


Hahaha! A classic horde response. So basically, having an organized fight of an equal number of players, equally geared and skilled… is considered punishment?

Nice one.


sry bro, if ur premade u are entitled to stomping pugs instead of being better than other premades. but im the one who needs to L2P. lol.


Yes it is because you are getting a reduced number of games since the potential pool is smaller.

So unless the wins give like 5000 honour, then yes, you are indeed punish premades.


I prefer playing lower level BGs because it is essentially pug vs pug…though with a few twinks spread around.

Premade versus pugs at 60… not fun game play regardless of side. It’s just about honour efficiency.


Exactly because a PUG shouldnt ever expect to outperform a premade not only in the BG itself, but in getting rewards.

So the real solution would be to make a PUG-ONLY queue, but it would give 0 honour (skirmishes). That way, it will ONLY be for fun, not a way to game the honour system


Hopefully they’ll use the retail queueing system with queue as a group/join as a group and an attempt to match premades with premades.


Hell yeah mate

ew no. No one wants to be forced to get a 10 man just to grind honor. Solo honor grinding is one of the best parts of this game, and in fact takes more skill to carry a pug as a 2 man or 3 man.

I think there should just be a high priority that premades face premades, and only if thers no other premades to face at the time they can face a pug.


Im fine with this as long as if deserter becomes a raidwide debuff so que dodging premades isnt the meta


yea that would be nice too

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Premades vs Premades would be RNG. No code to force it. Welcome to vanilla.

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You arent forced. But that’s the trade off of being alone.

You are essentially asking for the PVP equivalent of “give me a 5man version of Naxx! Same rewards!”

And as some guy said before, classic had no matchmaking system. That came in BC in the form of Arenas. They’d have to revamp the entire honour system for this idea of yours to work.

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Go back to retail. Don’t ruin my premades in classic here too

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Just quit now. The honor system at its core promotes winning one sided fights. That isn’t going to change until BC.

u enjoy pub stomping as a 10 man? lol? is that the “premades” i am ruining?


Isolating premades won’t work. They end up doing the queue join thing where everybody queues at the same exact time in hopes of getting in the same group, because the queue works in chronological order. Best thing to do is let them in with pugs, but make a priority to pair them up with other premades. Give people that leave a queue after it pops the deserter debuff to prevent queue dodging.