If BGs are going to reward premades pubstombing PUGs

Nah that’s a win for everyone, premades still get their easy honor, and pugs don’t have to deal with them.

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Premades who evade other premades is my only problem. This needs to be punished hard because it will be far more prevalent due to the nature of the community.


Spoken like a true casual mate.

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You are right, I intend to treat BG’s as the casual side game they always were.

And when I see a premade on the other side I have zero intention of trying to fight it, I’ll be doing the bare minimum to avoid an AFK debuff while losing quickly.

I just don’t understand why in every other blizzard game they understand to separate premades from pugs except vanilla…


Even retail doesn’t match premades.

Actually it does, or at least it tries to prioritize matching premades with other premades.

Inc please add AB earlier threads because people won’t end wsg.

No wonder u dont have anyone to q with

Keep in mind- not only will BGs reward premades pugstomping, it’ll encourage it. The guys that have r14 will do so in a fairly simple way.

1- Queue with premade
2- Sacrifice joins on BG pop (if there’s a chicken debuff for leaving)
3- If other team is from different servers, it’s a pug- entire team joins BG, wins in 5 min
4- If other team is all on same server, it’s a premade- sacrifice earns debuff, they get in another sacrifice and start at 1 again

This is the tested method to maximize honour gain, and you’ll know who’s doing this by getting the honour spy add on- anyone in the top 2-3 brackets is doing this.

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This won’t happen

Premades will be allowed, and yes they will farm pugs

If you think vanilla pvp is casual you are in for one big surprise. Nothing in wow was casual friendly pvp even less so


Lol… it was very casual friendly. You had a solo queue system. Rep rewards from BG’s that didn’t require winning etc… outside of trying to get a high rank BG pvp was super casual friendly.


Actually it’s pretty easy and 100% possible. It can match only those who queue as a group. In WSG and AB you queue as a group. Only AV is impossible.

Do it yourself, but since you rolled horde, enjoy the long wait and having to dodge the other premade after sitting there for an hour.

I thought everyone wanted “the Vanilla Experience”.

Well, part of the Vanilla Experience was premades roflstomping pugs. It happened all the time back then.

If premades were only matched with other premades you wouldn’t be getting an authentic recreation of what it was like to play Vanilla.

I said something along these lines over a decade ago. The worst thing they did to pvp was provide pvp rewards.

Stop crying Zirus, you can either compete with a group or throw the dice.

If you want a game that prevents premades then play BFA.

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/shrug if blizzard doesn’t do anything about premades stomping pugs all it will do is encourage afking in BG’s.

I can tell you exactly what I’ll do if I see a premade on the other side, throw up a video on my second monitor and lose quickly.


CRBGs also encourages afk in BGs. The difference is one properly rewards skilled players whereas the other one rewards afkers and bots.

Pvp isnt the game type for you if yout default attitude is to roll over. You arent even outnumbered and still choosing to be mad over about losing?


And if player’s are AFK in BG then it only proves my point in why CRBG is very bad for Classic WoW.

Additionally before it’s possible to say “it’s pure 1,12” ; no it’s not. They’re using pre-1.12 PvP honor diminishing returns because it’s better and gravely wounds HK farming and promotes only winning.