If BGs are going to reward premades pubstombing PUGs

Would you rather have BGs like horde mode where it’s 5v1? Would that suffice?


They broke the ability to do that the system splits people/groups from the same server up now.

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Well, that’s essentially what classic PVP fights are. Gaining advantage on people tends to be what everyone does? So I’m not understanding the issue I guess. especially as this game is 15 yrs old so you’d know exactly what sort of PVP system we’d have

Great! 10 10

I was thinking about hopping in discord and spamming Battle grounds with my guild when they release.

I’ll let you know if the sky is falling or not when i do.

Premades vs. PuGs is Vanilla. If you don’t like it why did you decide to play Classic?


Man, there’s no kind of PvP people WON’T complain about these days…this is what happens when they try to incentivize PvP to have ANY way at all.

because game is fun? I don’t have to like everything to play.


I’m not familiar with how battlegrounds and premades functioned during Vanilla, but logic and knowing today’s players and how many there are, I’d say that premades will be very common. It will very difficult for an unorganised random group of players to defeat an organised premade group.

I’m considering trying to find some organised premade groups for the lower levels just so I can experience the battlegrounds, and because I know I’d be slaughtered if I just queue up and hope for the best.

That would kind of turn BGs into a museum for pugs then. PvP gear isn’t a necessity to PvP for classic. Getting farmed would chase them off and increase queu-… Horde queue times.

Blizzard. Put the pugs in with the premades.


As it should be.

Actually not as much as you’d think. I queue’d up solo 99% of the time in Vanilla and MOST of the time you ended up against a full pug of people doing the same thing. The premade stomp happened every 8-12 runs and you just waited dead in your GY for them to realize you aren’t impressed by them humping your corpse so they finally cap the 3rd flag or take another base to end it.


I know you’re used to being coddled and having things be fair but this is a game from a time when people were allowed to be dominant over other people. Get used to it.

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This argument is like saying if raiding is only going to reward guild raids then I’m gonna quit.

You know you can form your own premade BG team and gain a reputation for winning to such a degree that any time you’re running the premade there will be a waiting list of the best players in your server chomping at the bit to get into your raid group.

And this is a fallacy because BG’s have always had a solo queue mechanism and also in raids your rewards are not based on competing against a premade.

There’s really no reason premades shouldn’t fight other premades.


git gud or git rekt

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Just be thankful that in this case your AV will run shorter than 4 hours

Bye felica

Its a no win situation. If premade is forced to fight premade they win trade.

If they can queue dodge believe me they will do it all day long. Short answer is pubs are so of luck on this one.

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there’s nothing punishing about matching premade vs premade, are you afraid your premade will get crushed?


there will be plentyyyyy of premades.