If BGs are going to reward premades pubstombing PUGs

I actually agree with your sentiments up to this point. There are people who play BG’s purely for fun. But in order for people to want to play BG’s for fun, BG’s need to be fun. And getting curbstomped repeatedly by premades isn’t fun.

I played League of Legends for years. I didn’t play Aram for any rewards, I played Aram because it was fun. But the League of Legends matchmaking system means that every game is more or less equal. You cannot realistically expect to win every game of LoL, at some point your win-loss ratio should approach 50%.

If this was true of WoW I think a lot more people would play BG’s. But so long as most games are horribly lopsided, it is boring and stupid. And the only people willing to suffer through it, are the people who want the rewards bad enough.

And the people who bother to run premades are almost always people who hope it will give them an advantage. And their goal is not to face other premades, it is only to stomp pugs, 10 hours a day.

As I said before, pug vs pug is a sustainable model, if every single game was pug vs pug, most games would be close to fair, and everyone could have fun. But if every game was premade vs premade, it would destroy PvP.


Retail BG’s have everything you desire, everything!!!
Why are you here worrying about classic, let us worry about it.

Can you stop saying nothing and address the things I actually said? No one is impressed.

He talks exactly like twitch chat. That’s why he’s defending it. He sucks at PVP and wants to be carried by streamer’s teams even though he’s just another deserter fodder.


Not everyone is trying to find their life partner in random bgs.

you didn’t say anything, that hasn’t been said a thousand times before.
You dont want to rise up, so you want everything else to come down.
You think players wont pvp if they can never win, you want to create a 'balance so everyone win some, lose some and we create a happy medium.
It doesn’t work otherwise you wouldn’t be here, you would be in your glories doing retail BG’s.
You can never make pvp fair enough for people who dont take it seriously and they will always whine and quit.
People do pvp because they like it and they want to be good at it and be rewarded as such. Premades are a step in that direction. They show commitment.
That’s what make BG’s better.
You have a LFR mentality though you dont see it.

Speaking from a player that used to que up with premades, it was a blast.

The only problem was, Alliance way outnumbered the Horde on my original server. You would literally wait 30 minutes for the que and be out in under 10.

Still fun tho.

It can get quite frustrating being in a pug when everyone does their own thing. Sometimes it just takes a few ppl that know what they are doing to turn the match around. It doesn’t have to be a full premade.

I remember counting down for everyone to click join BG group at the same time…actually, you could pick a specific battle if I remember correctly? (might be wrong there). Good times!!

Eliphas. My main is a druid, and once BG’s come out I’ll be running premades to get rank 13. Just as I did on Northdale. And since I play alliance, it’ll be much easier for us to premade since we will have near-instant queue times.

As I said before, premades aren’t just not fun for the pugs, they’re not fun for the premades either. I’ll exploit premades because you can’t rank any other way, but I still think they are terrible. I find pugs far more fun(which includes me playing with a few guildies/friends, but not a full premade of tryhards/rankers).

With that said, I actually enjoy AV premades. That is what I ran almost all the time on Northdale. I dreaded WSG and AB weekend.

So you were trying to coordinate multiple premades to enter the same bg?

No, I just would be in a group or raid and someone would type out, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then everyone would click join BG.

Did you ever wonder why it was important for everyone to click join at the same time?

To get into the same battleground.

bro. raiding is a joke. sry. and it is apples to oranges. PvP is supposed to be an option for the more solo player. Leave us alone.

The system’s already there; HKs. Whether in a group or solo, HKs are all that count. That’s as Vanilla as it gets.

Vanilla BGs rewarded for only one thing; kills. Whatever the group situation, that’s all you’ll be ranked for.

Playing solo or in a group doesn’t make one more deserving of anything than the other. Groups will likely achieve objectives faster and therefore rack up honor and rep faster, but they’re no more deserving of gains made than anyone else.

exactly, people comparing it to raids are not thinking. It’s nothing like raiding. Pvp is just about doing PvP, and splitting premades vs pugs makes sense to make it fun. its about fun.

unfortunately this could never happen. unless you make the queues as 10 or 1 only. In which case what happens to the people who queue as 2-5. people will always complain about larger/coordinated groups stomping smaller/uncoordinated groups. That being said, people who are competing in the current honor system will always do the content that rewards the most honor, which means even if queuing as 5 in wsg means you are able to win faster than being forced to play 10v10 every match (which means super long games every time which no one farming honor will do) you are still sacrificing bad players to the stronger players.

2-5 ppl arent bad that it makes it a stomp tho

PvP is about fun? Tell that to all the under populated faction members on PvP servers.

why would I need to tell them that? they already know its fun. I should tell it to the horde who have to play hide and seek, and cant find any pvp. now THAT sucks…