If Azeroth is a Titan, Does that mean

Thrall lives in Outland, a lot of npcs do so I supposed Azeroth would crack up and then there’d be more outland floating islands.

Idk. Shokara, your opening post describes how life is for most irl beings.
Kinda makes you wonder what the whole point is, doesn’t it?

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To be fair, a significant point of the zone-plots from BC was that life was rapidly becoming unsustainable in the ruins of what once was Draenor. Life is possible there in a damaged form for now, but probably not for long.

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Draenor Version 3

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Speaking of Argus, the planet was already warped and corrupted by the Legion before the world soul was even awakened into a titan. In the raid, Argus simply manifests at the Seat of the Pantheon rather than on the world. It’s possible Azeroth could awaken similarly.

I read a theory that because we have seen the titan in less than their actual full size, that it might be possible for the world soul to not break the planet apart when it is born. That it will be able to assume the smaller size and cause less damage. I don’t buy it but given Blizzard has written themselves into a corner here, who knows.

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Azeroth is in fact, not a titan. Potential to become a titan, but potentially a lot of things that are not a titan.

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Given that this is the “world soul saga”, I will be rather taken aback by any plot twist about Azeroth not actually having a world soul.

The Old Gods found Azeroth before the titans and got a big head start spreading the black empire across the surface and their own tentacles into the depths. The titans seem to have set up a long-term project to cleanse it all away. That may mean that the world soul has been kept asleep longer than would be natural?

But the whole “this world is a prison!” thing seems to come from trying to rationalize Sylvanas’ outburst in the Shadowlands intro and it suffers from the “before you set out to wage war, have you tried just telling us what your motive is?!” problem.

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It’s not just that, it’s the not-subtle hints that the titans are liars. It’s the fact that the titans constantly imprison literally everything. We saw so many titan prisons in DF it’s comical - and those prisons look exactly like our new login screen.



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You saw that one Marvel movie huh?

We don’t actually know what world-souls even are. We saw what happened to Argus under the machinations of the Burning Legion. But are world-souls originated from the planet?..or simply imprisoned there, having existed as free beings before that? Furthermore, I’m not sure we really know how the Titans came into being.

My point is, we’ve been discussing them as though they’re embryos in a planetary egg, but we don’t actually know this to be the truth of the matter. And what manner of embryo signals its own egg…calls out to beings that are NOT its parents? Azeroth is communicating with US, not the Titans. Azeroth bestowed Aspectral power back to the Dragons, not the Titans.

Something just seems fishy about all of this…“World Soul” may be a propaganda term more so than one which actually describes what these beings are.

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Sounds like a good way to move to another planet and start over as WoW 2. I don’t know. Meh.

ew, come off it. That ‘story’ was for nobody

The people calling the titans liars are not the most trustworthy sources.

There are a lot of hostile titan forces, but that seems to be caused by widespread systemic corruption seeping in, rather than malice in the original intent.

Yes. there’s always been a “bulldozing anthills” sort of danger to being around titan stuff, but I find myself latching onto the fact that despite being beings of pure order, the titans and their uncorrupted creations seem astonishingly sentimental about life. It makes me feel that on some level, we really are on the same side.

The writers may make me regret my faith that there genuinely is an objective good and evil in this cosmic conflict, but I’m not going to give it up easily.

Lol some of you truly are special… Did Argus break apart when he was “born”?

My rebuttal would be that Argus’ birth is probably not the “natural” way world souls are born into the Great Dark. He was manipulated and engineered to be what he was by the Burning Legion, a group who’s job it was specifically to essentially destroy worlds and those souls imprisoned(?) in them so they wouldn’t be corrupted by the Void. We simply do not know if Argus is indicative of how this process usually plays out or not. He’s our only example in-lore of a world-soul actually coming to life, and, again, we just don’t know if the Legion’s manipulation drastically altered that process or to what effect.

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Yet Argus the Fel-corrupted titan-ish being we fought in Legion and Shadowlands wasn’t portrayed a planet-scale cosmic entity, but just a big guy with some potent magic. I get there’s a sort fuzziness about the line between titans and their avatars, but there’s no sign of any reason why the planet would have to break apart to release him (but it certainly does seem to be an implication)

(It also makes me wonder about Outland - what really happened there? Did Draenor have a world soul or not? What, if anything, was released when it broke apart?)

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It would kind of be the ultimate irony if Azeroth woke up and just shook all of us off into the cold vacuum of space. A grand ending.

“Oh, you protected me throughout my incubation? I’m sorry I killed you with my wake-up yawn and stretch.”

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I am presuming the upcoming expansions will potentially frame the birth of the titan as a bad thing precisely because doing so would shatter our world.

I forget which forum’s post it was, but like… over 10 years ago, waaaay before Legion (where more Titan lore was fleshed out), someone made a claim that we are the “anti-bodies” of Azeroth.

And I think that is still a great way to think of the ecosystems of Azeroth.

Also Azeroth and Halo are effectively the same. The only significant difference is that both universes invoke “magic” differently. WoW uses “fantasy magic” and Halo uses Sci-Fi concepts.

So, I’m willing to bet that the future story of WoW is going to follow that of Halo’s grand story. The Titans and their constructs are pretty good stand-ins for Sentinels and Forerunners. The Void is basically the Flood. And the Voidlords are the Precursors.