If Azeroth is a Titan, Does that mean

We are waging wars and having to ward away all of the horrible things away from her like an egg protects a hatchling from virus’, bacteria, and other alien bodies until she hatches? What if once Azeroth births, everything we have done is meaningless because the crust and everything around us breaks and shatters and becomes part of the void?


And now we know how Cataclysm 2 will unfold.


Yeah Blizzard hasn’t really talked about this part yet.


I think that’s what the cracked planet on the login screen is foreshadowing.

Now, how that affects Azeroth’s inhabitants is still to be seen. Perhaps we’ll all load up on that spaceship we never talk about and fly somewhere new.


Outland exists. I don’t see why we wouldn’t be able to play on the broken up shell of Azeroth after she births.

And Argus


Azeroth is a worldsoul at the moment. There’s not literally a giant person gestating inside the planet. When she’s ready a physical form will presumably manifest, like the other titans. But I don’t think it’s ever been established what happens to the planet when that happens. They might just harmlessly come into being, floating in space above the world. The best we have to go on is Argus. Stunted though he was his physical form just appeared, not bursting forth from the world.


We are antibodies

Which makes goblins gnome and dwarves titan lupus.


Oh come on we all know that was because they didn’t want to spend more money on the fancy animations

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The egg isn’t totally destroyed the chick hatches :hatching_chick:

Do you think Sargeras planting his sword was an effort to keep the aforementioned chick in its shell? Bust through the crust and you’ll get impaled? A mutually assured destruction kinda deal

Yeah, they haven’t really given too much detail on that yet.

  • Like whether when titans are born the ENTIRE world is absorbed into their form & refined into raw power — or if they simply rise from a part of the world, more like a cocoon than an egg :thinking:

Honestly from a visual preference?

It’d be cool if she arose from the centre of the Maelstrom and the ‘world’ that merged upon her form was later revealed to be the Kaldorei Empire that was collapsed beneath the waves of the Well of Eternity 10,000 years ago — along with remnants of the Black Empire that were buried far beneath & other lost vestiges to the sea.

It’d be curious to see how they go along with it …


I could see the Azeroth is a titan potentiality. They seem to be heavily implying that and I would take it as the most likely scenario.

But there is another potential that Azeroth is more like the greatest old god. Why that is? Well the old god’s are built on the idea of lovecraftian horror’s, their names are similar, but not the same as those horrors.

C’thun would be based on Cthulhu
Yogg-Saron would be based on Yog-Sothoth,
N’Zoth would be based on Nyarlathotep which also could have meanings with nyalotha

Well guess what was the final lovecraftian horror. Azathoth. Which could make Azeroth a variation of this.


The Titans dont care about us, but have to pretend to care cuz we live here.

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I was under the impression that a ‘World Soul’ was just a blank slate that could be infused with a specific type of ‘magic’ (order, void, life, death, ect…) so isn’t Azeroth just a potential Titan?


This too, everyone wanting to turn Azeroth to their side of the cosmos makes sense.

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Schrodinger’s Titan?

Thoughts on Elune?
Do you think she’ll have a reveal and a part to play?
Is she like a lesser version of Azeroth?
A “satellite” soul? lol
But one that has reached maturity/influence by a cosmic force?
Hell, I think she might even be the last titan that shows up as the M. Night twist at the end of this saga

Imagine a birthing event that force us to migrate to another world. Once there a world soul is detected. It will hatch in 100000 years.


azeroth is not a titan

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I honestly kind of hope that Azeroth awakens and shatters the crust. Killing everyone. Hot take I know but so much story and lore has been messed up and confused over the years from what I’ve gathered and it would be nice if they could redo the entire thing lol. Either on a new planet or just resetting Azeroths timeline.

I know it won’t happen but it’s disappointing how messy and confusing the story is recently, it’d be nice to start from zero with an enhanced story and lore experience like FFXIV has.

What? Azeroth is a nascent world soul, a slumbering titan that will one day awaken into a powerful titan. Have you read the lore? Did I miss something?

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worldsouls turn into whatever cosmic entity influences it. retcon probably.

i heard a crackpot theory that our worldsoul is k’aresh’ world soul before it got consumed.

i think azeroth is a first one

chris said there is a titan conspiracy we will uncover and the true nature of azeroth in “the last titan”

buckle up.