If Azeroth is a Titan, Does that mean

People keep saying this but I still don’t think it’s true. I feel like they care about us in the same way that you may care for a pet insect.
If they had wanted to they could have just reoriginated Azeroth the moment they found her and been done with this Old God business. Instead they went through the trouble of slowly overthrowing the Old Gods in a prolonged war, setting up various facilities across the planet and creating numerous watchers with the express purpose of cultivating and protecting life on the planet. This is a lot of effort for something they supposedly don’t care about.
But at the same time, if they had to reoriginate the planet because things got too out of control, they would probably not lose any sleep over it because we’re still just insects.

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Someone didn’t pay attention in the ulduar raid back in wrath.

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It should be no problem since Argus was born and the planet didn’t explode os crack because of it.

Oh I’m positive its become corrupted or soon will be over the course of TWW and will have to kill it.

Nah, most likely, she will be the last one standing or the new leader, cause they will villainbat amanthul

Azeroth has been retconned in the chronicles IV to have a world soul not a nascent titan

I’m pretty sure we’ll learn that World Souls are like some pre-ordering force that the Titans have infused with Order Magic to form more of their own. So we’ll have to stop the Titans to prevent Azeroth from ‘hatching’ and then learn about the true nature of the world soul.


I don’t really look at it as a retcon (even though it probably is, but one that totally can fit the lore in it’s current state), more that is what we were told by the Titans, who as far as we have always been concerned, are the ‘good guys’. So if the big cosmic beings who destroyed the ‘evil’ black empire told you they were protecting one of their own little babies, you’d likely see it as fact. Rather than the ‘blank slate’ that it appears world souls actually are.

And since the titans have pretty much had uninterrupted influence over Azeroth for so long, it likely was (or is) a nascent titan. That could easily still change though.

Honestly since so many forces have influenced Azeroth over time, watch her be born as a mix of every single cosmic force.


I posted about this earlier in the thread, but blizzard seems intent on making Azeroth a good character so idk if this is actually what they will go for, but it is interesting to think about.


I agree that the titan’s don’t care about us. That doesn’t mean they hate us, but if we got in their way they wouldn’t hesitate to squash us like a bug.

You did kind of allude to this.

Though I think they will quickly realize that we are not as weak as I’m sure they arrogantly think.

Based on the Legion cut scene inside their spacecraft it does seem like they were regarding us as um… favored creations. They certainly couldn’t deny all we had accomplished but at the same time, the way they dealt with Sargaras shows they most definitely didn’t view us as equal to them in any way, shape or form. We did our part and were summarily dismissed.

Beats being re-originated. Depending on how badly Illidan screws up. Again.

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I did pay attention. Algalon was going to flip the switch because everything has gone off the rails.
Most of the titan’s creations have been turned into fleshy abominations that have completely forgotten their purpose, two of the Old Gods broke free of their containment, and the pangea of Kalimdor has shattered.
Rhonin even admits in his speech in Dalaran that logically life on Azeroth isn’t worth saving.

Every time we’ve deviated from the Titans’ design it’s ended in total disaster. They set out a plan not because they’re control freaks but because it was best for life on Azeroth. Again we’re like insects in a terrarium, they created the ideal conditions for us to thrive and we ruined it.

I think that will be a plot point later. If she emerges it will kill so many people on the planet. So maybe we’ll have to make a tough call and end her ourselves to save the planet.

Kind of like the titan plot in the eternals movie.

Blizzard is playing fast and loose with terms where Azeroth (the world soul) is concerned. We don’t actually know that she’s a Titan. We know the Titans have some kind of a vested interest in her. But then, so does the Void. So did Sargeras as a former-Titan/demon lord. Azeroth seems to be elementally aligned. She may be something more akin to this realm’s Ragnaros: the elemental lord of the great dark.

Was it “best for life on Azeroth” when Aman’Thul ripped out the original world tree? Not sure these are the good guys. At least, not all of them.

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I would agree and the titan instillations make me think they are more likely trying to contain perhaps even imprison Azeroth.

Or perhaps trying to ‘order’ her like they did with the dragons.


One of the major WoW youtubers has brought up that the one logo for an upcoming expansion looks exactly like the prison Razageth and company were locked in…the concentric rings.

And I suspect it’s very telling that (spoiler I guess) when the Aspects are reinvigorated with their aspectral powers, it’s not a Titanic gift as it originally was in primordial Azeroth; it’s an Azerothian gift, specifically, and one which did not preclude the newly minted Aspect of Storms which superficially seems to be outside of the Titans’ concept of order. They value this order more than the needs of the life that resides on the planet, and perhaps more than the world-soul gestating within. Azeroth seems to have aligned with US, not with the Titans, which to me calls into question whether she’s a Titan at all.

In my head cannon, I think she’s like Elune. They’re primordial creator-gods that were imprisoned in these planet/moon eggs, possibly even by the Titans themselves. While little has been made clear yet, the bits we have seem to paint a picture of Azeroth that is looking more like Elune all the time…she’s something else, not a Titan, and seemingly above the rock-paper-scissor game of the cosmology of the universe WoW takes place in. Or at least, with the potential to be above it. There’s a reason all of the grand forces in cosmology are interested in this one being, specifically. You don’t see the Void Lords trying to corrupt the Titans. Sargeras plunged the sword into Azeroth, not his fellow Titans. Again, could all be nothing but head canon, but this feels like she’s something bigger than the types of being we’re more familiar with.


My husband and I were talking about this yesterday. He is a blood DK and I main Hpal. He was like ‘are we like the red blood cells of Azeroth?’ and I responded ‘well I’d be a white blood cell then since I main a healer’ :dracthyr_uwu:


Egg or sponge?

Is a world soul normally shielded from what’s going on the surface or become defined by it?


Is she a world soul? The mortal races use that term. And we’ve used it to extrapolate our theories. But I’m starting to wonder if the planet is less an egg and more a prison? In times past I thought all those colossal Titanic machinations were supporting Azeroth, but now I wonder if they’re not designed to contain her, instead.

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