If Azeroth is a Titan, Does that mean

If she awakes as a Titan/Titan-engineered World-Soul possibly. Remember, the beings of Azeroth are essentially just robots put there to do a job. The curse of the flesh interfered with that job nominally. There’s no real indication that the Titans care for us beyond our utility in doing to the Azerothian world-soul…whatever it is they think they’re doing… Once that purpose is fulfilled, off to the Dark with us.

But Azeroth is calling out to us. She may NOT be born as a Titan experiment, and perhaps that means she will emerge in a different way than, say, Argus did.

The Amirdrassil ending cinematic pretty much confirms Azeroth is decidedly NOT a titan

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Azeroth pulls off helm

“I am no titan”

plunges sword into a voidlord’s face


It would also seem that the idea of free will seems to be antithetical to what the titan’s desire. An ordered universe that is essentially a well-oiled machine filled with machines that keep the universe going.

Which is likely why the titan’s despised the “curse of flesh” as they called it, as it gave that free will to their ‘perfect little automatons’. We know that the old gods consider it a gift instead of a curse as well.

I do not think the old gods were the good guys or anything, but our best interest is probably not held by any of these so-called higher powers.

We’re probably gonna prevent Azeroth from “hatching” in some weird HSHE style, cause titans are just as equally as troublesome as the other “celestial” know-it-alls…

TIL: I am untrustworthy.

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Well, I don’t know you and your name looks like you might be hiding tentacles :slight_smile:

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We’re going to birth the titan through the Maelstrom.

This is it and I’m not sure how people genuinely don’t understand that lol it’s been made pretty obvious

Worlsouls are blank slates that can be infused with types of magic which effects what they are born as

The Titans have tons of Titan Installations across Azeroth to infuse her with Order magic and have her be born as a Titan

The roots of Elun’ahir, planted by Eonar and guarded by Freya and the Harronir, run throughout Azeroth underneath the surface infusing her with the wild life magic of Elune

The giant light crystal is embedded within it’s depths but due to Xal’atath’s meddling has flickered to Void.

Xal’atath is pooling the blood of the old golds below Azeroth to try to infuse the World Soul with Void

etc. etc. etc.

Every cosmic force is vying to effect Azeroth in one way or another and I have a strong feeling she’s going to be born as a combination of all of them and the lesson will be “It’s best when all the cosmic forces are balanced not when Light or Life or Order is in total power”

That’s…certainly a take, lol

The Titans don’t want what’s best for life on Azeroth they want what’s best for them and it’s become abundantly clear especially the last expansion and is made even more clear in the War Within

They would snap their fingers and decimate all life on Azeroth if it meant they could have their perfect ordered worldsoul be born as a Titan

Aman’thul literally ripped the original World Tree out of Azeroth because he didn’t approve of life that they couldn’t keep perfectly controlled and ordered. Luckily Freya/Eonar aren’t completely wacko like him and never told him that the roots are still underneath Azeroth’s surface

Not to mention how most of Dragonflight has been about the Titans using/abandoning the Aspects who finally regain their powers at the end, not through the Titans, but through Azeroth herself through the new World Tree which was borne of Elune and the Winter Queen’s magic. Azeroth rewards the Aspects with her power to be her protectors going forward.

It’s been made pretty obvious that when we go into the Last Titan expac we are going to have Eonar, Elune, Tyr, the Dragon Aspects, and the Shadowlands Ancient Ones on our side to protect Azeroth from Amanthul and whichever Titans choose to follow him. Hopefully some other Titans are convinced by Tyr and Eonar/Freya to join our side though

Your foresight lacks so much common sense … The last titan is literally the name of the last expack of the saga. She’s going to be born. Or woken up. Freed.

but she isnt a titan though.

we will uncover a conspiracy regarding azeroth which involves the titans. they are the bad guys ofc

chris said azeroths true nature will shake us to the core

it will challenge everything we think we know about azeroth

She’s the titan of creation or just creation. We have had proof world souls being born don’t destroy the planets. Or she’s the mother of the titans and they bound her for her powers. It changes what we know because the titans have been the ones giving us our info.

or shes a first one

Lol. @10char

its too bad we have to wait over 4 years to find out what she really is huh