If Azeroth is a Titan, Does that mean

Does it say that anywhere specifically? All I have to go off is the Chronicle books where it only says that it’s a slumbering titan specifically and WILL become a titan, but it can be corrupted by the old gods. If that’s been retconned then what I said before is even more true…

i got it from word of mouth. from where people have got the idea idk. but the video i linked from amirdrassil cements it more that its not a titan. what azeroth is is up in the air rn.

the worldsoul saga. ive been waiting for some cosmicness since legion.


Am I the only one that does not care ONE BIT about “Titans” and “Void Lords”? They just seem SO boring, give us actual characters and a plot like W3 -.-


you just had a grounded story with dragonflight

time for us fans of epic giant galactic battles (like one punch destroy entire planet) to have some

Huh? A story about what? Elves (lol visages) talking about their feewings? A whole “story” about nothing? Nothing remotely intersting happened this expansion.


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WC3 had a lot of feewings too. arthas feewings and illidan feewings and jaina feewings and sylvanas feewings and tyrande feewings.

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I can’t remember where but I remember the titans once being described as like humanoid planets with mountains and rivers on their bodies. They’re definitely big enough for that to work.
So maybe Azeroth will transform into a titan and WoW 2 will be the world reshaped into a humanoid form and we’ll have a Shen-Zin Su type situation where we all know we’re living on an intelligent being but not really care unless it becomes relevant.

EDIT: Oh dear lord the giantess fetishists would go wild wouldn’t they?

That kinda lead to what’s arguably the best arc in the franchise though. Kalagcos or w/e his name is talking about family? Not as interesting.

This is still 10x better than DF feewings, considering he did some actual fighting against the Legion.

She mocked Archimonde right in front of him, literally to his face. Wow Jaina only cries or starts yelling “trying” to be tough.

She actually had a story arc in w3, she didn’t just pointlessly (and annoyingly) cry like DF characters.

You’ve had this for the past 2 or 3 expansions and nobody seemed to care.

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ok this actually make sense, I’ll bet on that, azeroth is a kinda of void or old god

shadowlands was a bad expansion. BFA was a boring expansion at the start and convoluted at the end. DF was a borefest.

legion was the last interesting one. WW looks to be the catalyst for midnight and midnight will pop off. love me some giant scale wars of light vs void.

Omg, obviously azeroth not gonna crack the planet like an egg.

She’ll probably be born by like “appearing”.

Assuming she chooses to be a titan and not something else, since apparently titans are just a path worldsouls can take

Wait when was this established? Also the last expac is called “The Last Titan” I think that doesn’t leave much room for speculation

the titans arriving to correct azeroths path in last titan.

azeroth was supposed to be consumed by the void but we beat them back to their plane of existence, and the titans dont like that one bit

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azeroth is not a titan. what she truly is up for speculation and up in the air.

amirdrassil proves that with nozdormu saying their powers are not “titan magic”

chris at blizzcon said her true nature is shrouded in conspiracy and we will find out in last titan

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This sounds very speculative.

The missing element in that comparison is the grit and the stakes to balance out the feewings.
I didn’t hate dragonflight. It shines compared to shadowlands, but that’s not very hard to do, compared to shadowlands. lol
My main gripe is that the dragon flights didn’t actually do anything exciting. There wasn’t any battles outside of the fight with Alex and Raz season 1. No wild displays of power or courage or danger. Idk, maybe I just missed it, but that’s my opinion

chris literally gives you a shred of evidence toward the contrary

“find out azeroths true nature and uncover the titans conspiracy”

too bad we need to wait 4 years eh

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Honestly the entire storyline reminds me of Eternals so much. If this wasn’t a Video Game I’d expect the “The world busts appart as the egg hatchees” sorta thing. But that’s kinda a finnal sort of ending. Unless they really wanna kill said world soul before that happens.

argus is an example of what could happen but that was with titans order magic forcing him out.

What if azeroth is like the old gods? Also I don’t think the titans care about us…… :eyes:

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