If auto-silence is in classic i wont be buying it

Results will be relative and subjective.

Doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.

If that were the case would I have even asked the question you just quoted? Good lord your assumptions are ridiculous.

No. Wrong. Incorrect. I am saying you had multiple tools at your disposal to manage a situation like that. I am simply saying that what happened typical human before, and it wasn’t much of a surprise.

That isn’t what literally means. Things did happen, just not as much or as fast as you wanted.

Wrong. They do. Just not in the way you like apparently.

Faster? Yes. That is actually part of the problem. The fact that it is automated means it is incredibly vulnerable to abuse and manipulation. You are consistently misunderstanding “nothing” and “not enough”.

Ya, thats a poor attitude and pretty trolly.

Nope, didn’t forget any of it gramps =)


No. I understand there could be and therefore see multiple ways in which the system can be abused and manipulated.


Wasn’t me who posted it. My friend tried it as a test to prove a point.

Got on one alt and said I don’t agree with democrats.
Got on another alt and said I don’t agree with republicans.

Guess which one ended up silenced?

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Ya, it really does tho. Automated punishments based on a volume of clicks all supported by “lolsubjectvie reason #4” = abused beyond belief on the internet.


The part I find particularly funny, is if tools like this are actually being implemented because of cutting CS staff because of lower revenue…

Then BFA is so bad, its threatening both retail AND classic.


Yes you did, and if you didn’t, you are willfully ignoring it. It’s not like people wouldn’t play an MMORPG to do something that they enjoy. Like roleplaying. In a space dedicated to roleplaying.

They should really make a separate server for roleplaying, right?

And you again, don’t have the experience to talk about what is doing nothing and not enough. Again, trolls don’t keep the same characters - they make new ones. Ignoring a troll does nothing except use a slot, when they can just make more. Reports are not enough especially when bans didn’t last very long.

The speed is the best part of this. It’s instant to a player, and they don’t just ingore that toon, it ignores the player’s whole account, so even if they log onto an alt, it can ignore those players, not just a single character. You leave more people vulnerable than you protect by allowing a slower system. I’m sorry, but that’s simply the practical element here.

And again, experience, we’ve had the right-click report system for years, and there’s plenty more people playing retail than are likely to be playing Classic.

Also wrong, they don’t. In fact, they say they don’t right there in the notes themselves.

"Understand that we do not “police” chat, names, or many other aspect of player behavior, our policies are primarily reactive in nature. So it is important for those who encounter chat, names or behavior that they believe to violate these policies, to report it so our In-Game Support staff can review it. "

Once upon a time, Blizzard tried to police Moon Guard’s Goldshire, which is a reputation that I’m sure you don’t need any reminder of. People were openly breaking their ToS by ERPing in the open. It was somebody’s job to police Goldshire during that time. It was a waste of energy and resources.

Blizzard implemented the right-click report scheme, and even then, took a hands-off, reactive approach.


How many servers did you try this on? Some servers are roiling cesspools of alt right teens. Some servers are Proudmoore.

The answer depends on which server.

Classic will probably have a wider cross section of the population. Hopefully the answer to the question would be “both.”

You do know we’ve had this feature for awhile, right? We’ve been talking about how Classic is using the modern infrastructure for more than a year.


He tried it on about 7 servers. Including proudmoore. Same result each time.

You did that yourself when you failed at using the word “literally.” If you forgot already, scroll up.

So is /ignore and leaving a global chat channel.

Nope. We will never agree on that. Innocent until proven guilty. Guilty because of X# of clicks by the nerd army in hopes of a GM later realizing you’re innocent is a stupid, stupid, stupid system.

Lets end this nonsense. We don’t agree on the issue. You think “virtuous” players should be empowered with a tool like this to protect themself from whomever they see fit as a viable solution.

I see overly sensitive individuals that have issues with people in general that will abuse the system to the detriment of paying customers. Thats it, end of story. Thanks for the chat.


Issue again, is that there are only so many ignore slots. And the global chat channel is something for everyone to use, not just those who want to spam. It also doesn’t do anything for people /yelling across a city, etc. Especially when there’s a thousand players in one space.

Right-click report doesn’t use an ignore slot, but you no longer see that player speaking in global or /say or emotes.

Then change the system. As someone else stated in another thread, right-click report doesn’t have to squelch, but it can flag players until it prioritizes them until a GM can investigate.

Until then, right-click report is the avenue for players to protect themselves by allowing more people to be ignored. It does not have to squelch. There are a finite number of ignore spaces.

You can see anything you like, you can justify it however you want. Someone is liable for abusing any system. People are naturally going to see what they can get away with, and if they have very few limits, they get away with a lot.


To my knowledge, this is all anyone wants. No one cares about the right-click report because reporting people was always possible, even in Vanilla. Well, at least I don’t think anyone minds making it a little easier in the UI(click on someones name instead of opening the help menu, clicking submit report).


The auto-squelching is at the far end of what I am concerned with, because I don’t know anyone who was ever a victim of it. Even the most unpopular people I’ve ever seen in-game (including the guy who was trying to use WoW to recruit for his IRL cult) were never “squelched.”

What I have always been concerned with is the auto-ignore and the elevation of problem players to a GM. That’s it. If that player is temp-ignored, most who did the right-click report wouldn’t know if they were squelched anyway.


This. Rt click to report (and ignore if so desired) is perfectly fine. Player mobs silencing others via rt click reporting en masse is unacceptable.


The old reporting system, where you had to provide a sentence or two explaining the offense, was a better system. It was undoubtedly easier on the GM, since it provided much needed context for the report.

That being said, 95% of my problem with right click reporting is with auto-squelch. I’d be fine with a right click report function without the auto-squelch, even if I think the old system was better overall.


i am. i expect trolls from retail to come over and abuse the classic players in trade on level 1s. i want those silenced!

No its more of “Ok so last month you reported the same guy 3 times… all three times they were not seen as worthy. So we have lowered you rank”

Sorta a system, we dont know exactly how it works but only based off testing and what little blizz said about it.

just think about it as the boy who cried wolf.

also one person is not enough to silence someone, you need like 20-30 people.

also silences only last a few hours to a day.

Of course, but literally anything can be abused.
the pros outway the cons.

-that one guy spouting insane racist stuff in trade chat gone

  • that one guy spamming a nonstop 3 paragraph guild recruit macro in trade gone
    -those millions of gold sellers gone
    -allows the vanilla community to police itself (I thought this is what the community wanted…?)
    -less gm wait times, because less time is being spent checking EVERY SINGLE REPORT.

-if you have made yourself a target to an entire raid group you may get a few hours of silenced before a gm finds it truthful or not, and if not they will have their “power” revoked

Cause here is the thing its
A. automatic, meaning that if 1 person reports nothing happens, but alot of people do and they are silenced.

B. once 20 reports come in a GM 5 hours later has to go and check to see what happened and punish them accordingly, by that time the person has already caused an annoyance to a few hundred to thousand people, when it could have been stopped by only 20.

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no it wasnt… Why would a system that was not automated, be easier on the GM’s then one that is automated… what?

“If you want to get 100 miles, its easier to walk then drive really.”

I dont think you quite understand that when you right click “report spam” it sends the last few chat messeges that person sent to blizzard.

Which they can then right away check and go “they sent 10 messeges in 10 seconds” or “They said some racist stuff” boom done.

Where back in the old days where you sent a messege, they first had to read the messege, then go pull up the persons chat logs from that time and read through to see what you may have been reporting.