after the squelch you mean? yah the silence penalty is then applied, and will be flagged so that if you get silenced(not squelched) again it will double(?) in length, i think this thread has the article linked that explains the punishment part.
Or existing penalties are removed and if you’re lucky you’ll get an “Oops, sometimes the system doesn’t work fairly” type pr speak apology aimed at keeping you from being so angry about the situation you decide to unsub…
Well it just depends, they don’t always review someone being reported and silenced. Most of the time the ‘squelch’ only lasts for a day or two (I am honestly not sure). There was a video of a multiboxer reporting someone who was killing him in pvp and the guy was instantly sanctioned without review and it wasn’t looked into until after the ban was lifted. But yeah I am guessing if someone gets a crazy amount of reports a gm would look into it afterwards and if they need a longer silence they put it on.
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A squelch is a punishment…
No auto silence, No automatic Squelch system!
Ok? Water is wet, and the Sky is blue, we know this already, no one is saying it isn’t.
Pretty sure the squelch does not last longer at most a day.
You might want to read back through the auto-squelch threads. There are plenty of posts with people saying “you don’t get punished until the gm reviews”, “squelch isn’t a punishment”, and similar versions that ARE saying a squelch is not a punishment…
Not sure about the squelch but when it would straight up ban you it would last for a couple days. My server had a multiboxer on it that loved to pvp in trashran and would report anyone who would find a way to wipe him and they would be banned for that long.
see this is the problem, what do you mean ban? what he banned from the game? or was he slienced? Because both require a GM to apply, a squelch does not.
The point is, people can be punished for literally doing nothing wrong. Mob mentality is a thing.
They are likely referring to actually getting the GM silence penalty, and/or are trying to lessen the squelch since it does not last as long as the silence penalty. But i should change that to “no one should be saying it isn’t”
I am talking about an actual ban in this case. And no it does not require a GM to look at it, if they get enough reports it happens instantly.
How does it stop you from finding groups? It encourages you to group with friends if you’re squelched/silenced:
Kinda protects ya from all those false flaggers a bit if you only group with friends too.
Seems very much like encouraging group play with friends to me.
a ban? no it does not, the only thing that is automated is a chat squelch. A game ban requires a GM to apply.
Unless they just changed it for BfA it 100% did not. There is a video of a multiboxer reporting people and them getting logged off the moment he hits enter on his 60+ reports. This multi-boxer was banned after years of doing this I think his name was prepared or something I will see if I can find it.
yah without knowing if the people had any history and more details as to the circumstances than one side.
Wait they were logged off? This is where I want more clariification, because people who have been squelched have not all said they were DCd, was pretty sure if you were slienced however you were DCd, but able to log back in, so not a game ban.
I want to be clear, are you talking about silence and calling that a ban? or are you talking about a ban where you are suspended?
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Except it works. It’s fine on live, and will be fine on classic.
Silences will be appealed. If justified, GMs will do nothing. If unjustified, action can be taken against those doing the reporting.
There are only two downsides. The temporary injury done to an individual with future repercussions to many bad reporters, and the inability to troll.
Both are acceptable because retail has shown the system works.
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There has not been a single instance of someone coming to the forums to complain about being unjustly silenced where a GM has not been able to see the reports and justify the silence.