IDKY but Warthin seems to be a divisive topic for wow players

I still think Western Wastes from EQ when I see WW :rofl:

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Just call it WAR (ALL CAPS).
So much simpler

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exactly exactly exactly. My forum experience is not even close to my in-game experience, thank God.

I think WotLK cinematic holds up REALLY well even till today. The visuals are great, and it really exemplified the scale of the threat.

TWW is different because it’s focused more on a character interaction and it’s a play on the theme. War Within is referring to both the war within the world soul and the war within Thrall and Anduin. So I think it works given the theme of the expansion.

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Warthin saves 1 char. We need a different shorten version of War within. That isn’t annoying to say.

Personally, I find this contraction to be divisive
 who thought of this? Why is this better than WOW:WW?

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This is the “Legion is LEG” argument all over again but even stupider

And this ine doesn’t have a leg to stand on

It’s called tww.

Oh these threads have such a simple but elegant impetus.

Now THIS is ̶p̶o̶d̶r̶a̶c̶i̶n̶g̶! trolling!

I would argue that it is not Warthin himself. It’s more that his reputation has been unjustly sullied by a group of crazy zealots that have an unhealthy fixation with his character and a personal crusade to make him and Andufin a couple despite the fact that the story itself has said multiple times “No”.

Some would say they are almost as bad as the High Elf crowd, though I would say the High crowd is nowhere near as unhinged. At least the High Elf crowd offers solid lore arguments. By contrast the Warthin / Andufin shippers just have an unhinged need for wish-fulfillment, and they masquerade it as a claim to want inclusivity. The truth is inclusivity is as far from their desire as anything. They want ‘exclusivity’.

In short, I believe they want to make sure only they get enjoyment out of these characters stories. All others can sod off. I can prove this also, because if it WERE about inclusivity, they would not outright ignore all of the other characters Blizzard has added (The Brights, Pelagos, Multiple Dragon Isles Quest Givers, Shaw and Flynn etc.) in the name of that. They would respect Blizzard’s efforts and back off.

That is why I argue that they don’t want inclusivity. That is also why the above examples aren’t enough. They are like a five-year old on a temper tantrum, in that they merely want to get their way, and nothing else. To hell with the story or lore. They don’t care about any of that. Great Zones, Raiding, Story over the next six years?

None of that matters. Their wish fulfillment and sexual gratification comes first. Not the game.

Blizzard could even pair Elune and Eonar and it would STILL not be enough.

It is unfortunate, because I believe that it is their loudness and ranting which has slowly tainted and detracted from the characterization of Warthin. I think he would and COULD be a much, much better character if he could simply be decoupled from this stigma, and the role that a very tiny group of people on an army of alts wishes to groom him into. How do you do that? By making it absolutely clear “No. This will never happen. Warthin is not like that. Andufin is not like that. The End.”

Alas like 5 year olds in the Supermarket, that will illicit another tantrum, as they start getting violent and / or throw out the word phobic to try and shock value you into silence. That also might of worked maybe 4 years ago.

But the problem is, like the boy who cried wolf, they’ve used this card so much; no one frankly gives a you-know-what now. We get that their arguments are frivolous, petty and self-serving. Blizzard should recognize it as well. I mention it here, only because I perceive it to be a major reason people don’t take Warthin seriously or even want to engage with the character. Because he has been hijacked, and likewise he needs to be reclaimed.

This is a Dragonhawk that was made with Titan Technology to be resistant to Old Gods. He is unique.
This is the Dragonhawk that had Deathwing Assassinated.
This is the Dragonhawk that has his own Assassin’s League.
This is the Dragonhawk that helped us kill N’Zoth.

As far as characters go, he deserves far, far better. This is why I believe that at this point, Blizzard should just delete the ‘Warthandufin’ demands with prejudice. Not because they are phobic if they do. Simply because this is the only stance you can take when dealing with people possessed of a cult like mentality.

Let’s be brutally honest. Even if Blizzard did decide to throw out all characterization to date simply to acquiesce on ‘Warthandufin’, anyone sane knows full well that it would only be a temporary thing, until the next time they needed gratification over pixels and wanted to claim another character for their kink.

PS: Did you see what I did there? :wink:

It about some weird fantasy of that person orientation for some :rofl:

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Exactly. It has nothing to do with any real world ideologies or groups. Blizzard has done a yeoman’s job at making sure there are tons of different people in WoW. The fact they persist is the same as them having a temper tantrum and fit. “It’s not enough unless you do X”, even though X being a variable, that means that by it’s nature it can and will change.

So they try to inject RL ideologies into the subject as much as they can, not because it had any redeeming value to their argument; but rather so they can use it like a cudgel to verbally bludgeon anyone who might argue against them or stand against them getting ‘their precious’.

So really
 come to think of it, you could say these sorts are a lot like Gollum. :rofl:

Well, Dragonflight’s announcement I wouldn’t say was a whole lot better. I think it was a lot more very cautious optimism, but certainly not an announcement that had everyone pumped.

That said, I do think War Within has a lot to prove. Much as I loved Metzen’s speach leading up to it, I definitely felt pretty “meh” about the whole thing. Warbands seem like they could be cool, but otherwise, I wasn’t left with the feeling of this being a full “Expansion”.

I think the announcement of the Earthen as an Allied Race kinda-sorta backfired. I think expansions kind of need those cool new features, like races or classes, and the Earthen are a race that I don’t think anyone was really asking for. I’m sure they’ll be a fine addition, but it didn’t feel like Blizzard had pulled out the big guns.

Tying some really cool cosmetic changes to the different Hero talents might help matters, like a Dryad-form for Druids, might help sell it as an expansion-worthy feature. Otherwise, though
 other than “some new underground zones”, it doesn’t really sound like “new” content, let alone something I want to drop money on a full expansion for.

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A good chunk of the content is only quality of life improvements.

or its been recycled from unused assets.

There really isn’t much brand new features or content from a consumer perspective.

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You have to admit Blizzard have the balls to make something that should had been a implemented as late as in Shands into a “feature” and giving it a fancy new name for warthin. it’s would been funny af it it wasn’t so eye rolling.

I disagree with you and I think we should be divisive towards each other.