Ideal Horde Council set up

You didn’t give the Alliance all of Dalaran, and you’re presuming that Alliance players value all those things equally. Ravenholdt is not an equivalent exchange for the Knights of the Ebon Blade, given that the KotEB are predominantly intertwined with the human narrative anyway.

Plus a bunch of that is stuff that the Alliance already has. The Alliance already has the Silver Hand, the Jinyu, and the Moon Guard.

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Nah Silver Hand is “neutral” remember, Blizzard’s Official Stance™

Y’all only got one Jinyu tribe, as many others have pointed out

Moon Guard didn’t rejoin the Alliance, it’s a loose thread from Legion.

You’re ridiculous and pathetic dude, your entire relation to this game is based on a kingdom your preferred faction ain’t had for twenty years.


“All the Jinyu Tribes and the Moon Guard, a dissolved faction that only appeared in a book prior to Legion” is not equivalent to the Horde getting the Ebon Blade, half of Dalaran, and all of Lordaeron. If you think that this is an equivalent exchange then I don’t think that you actually understand what things the Alliance values.

Again, your fanfiction and you can do what you want with it but it’s really clear that the Alliance was secondary to the Horde in constructing your vision.

Nah getting the Ebon Blade is equal to y’all getting the Silver Hand

But what will never be canon is Alliance getting Lordaeron. Ever.


Frankly, I would be fine with it simply being represented officially on the Alliance in some way.

Based on what? Taunka and Hozen actually have, like, villages, and a community that spans at least a few zones.

The Vulpera live in a single zone and their civilization consists of, as far as I can tell, a few wagons.

I want to see Thorim and Loken.

Loken: “I’m not doing Get Help.”

The Derek Proudmoore I want is ruler of a new Forsaken city in Theramore.


Ainhin it’s a headcanon post. A well thought out one. I don’t agree with everything on it either but there’s no need to attack OP about small details. It’s ultimately Blizzard’s choice, not anyone else’s. If you want to paint the world blue make your own political headcanon lol.

Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken though :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s fine I just want Davey Jones. T.T

Can you imagine Shadow Spooky Calia married to Davey Jones as the new rulers of the Forsaken?

It’d be perfect.


Based on the fact they’re playable. All the playable races have sizable populations. Taunka and Hozen are nearly irrelevant. They haven’t been involved since WotLK and MoP. Putting them on the council without plans to use them in the future would be useless.

You underestimate and undervalue the Monkey King

Also including the Taunka on principle of Hypothetical Earthmother Confederacy would slap.

That’s spacious reasoning.

Void Elves are, like, 10% of 10% of a race, but they’re still playable.



9% of Pre-Arthas Thalassian Elves = Blood Elves
10% of 10% = 1% = Dalaran High Elves
10 members of Blood Elves + <1% of Blood Elves + <1% of Dalaran High Elves = Void Elves = 1% of 9% + 1% of 1%

So that puts Void Elves at roughly .1% of the original Pre-Arthas Thalassian Elf population

But all this math is unimportant because the real core of my argument is Monkeys Are Cool, Retvrn 2 Monke

Trading the Psychic Magic Hydromancer Fish Ninja Samurais to the Alliance for the Monkey King is fair.

He’s just a monkey. They throw bananas. Call you an ookin dooker.


Seriously. I’ll give them the Pandaren.

I’ll take Gilblins for the Jinyu though.

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Now we know what arm Derek uses to fap with

Literally exactly what I wanted


I’m down as long as there are no octopi/squid appendages. that feels like squarely old god territory.

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Lordaeron doesn’t belong to the Alliance.


Oh, Erevien, he-e-ello!

Otoh cult of forgotten shadow and Natalie seline needd more development