And yet that is never explicitly addressed in the narrative. These Eternal Ones are the perfect opportunity to go beat Odyn for what he’s done and recognize Helya deserves sympathy.
Especially Archon given Odyn was usurping her Purpose and she should recognized she failed to give Devos sympathy.
Otherwise the narrative handwaves away this real and ugly trope.
Well, because …Helyja has done a lot of a lot of a lot of crap in the meantime, which is why this “victimhood”…definitely got a perpetrator profile, she was a perpetrator and did horrible things to innocent people.
We were introduced to Helya after she had been an evil villain for over ten thousand years. I don’t agree that Odyn is painted as a victim, but the vrykul souls she steals sure are.
I don’t care too much about Odyn outside of the idea that he and Helya are constantly at war.
Give me a buddycop adventure with Thorim any day, though.
Nah, Derek Proudmoore is a missed opportunity for a WoW-Davey-Jones
Helya given to the Forsaken while Odyn is given to the Humans (so Vrykul go Alliance while Kvaldir go Horde) would allow Derek Proudmoore to lead a spooky ghost ship army under Dread Admiral Tattersail.
Alliance gets its Viking Valhalla Angel Girl theme, Horde gets Spooky Dave Jones Zombie Ghost Ship theme.
Sunreavers are Dalaran Horde, Silver Covenant is Dalaran Alliance
Darkfire Enclave is Dreadscar Horde, Slaughtered Lamb is Dreadscar Alliance
Illidari and Pandaren are “true” neutral
Sad nobody has commented on the Gnome government.
Basically since they’re an engineering academic society, all of Gnomedom is divided into engineering fields: Medical Corps, Electrical Corps, Weapons & Defense Corps, etc, and each is headed by a “Vice Tinker” (ergo High Tinker Mekkatorque).
So the entire government is just an academic engineering brain trust.
I mean it’s your fanfiction so you can do what you want I guess, but your vision for the Alliance sucks, especially in light of your arrangements for the Forsaken.
I give you the Valkyr, the Valajar, ALL the Living Vrykul Clans, all the Alliance Pirates, all of Ravenholdt, Dalaran, the entire Conclave, the Silver Hand, all of the Jinyu, the entire Cenarion Circle, and the Moonguard, and you still want more lmao