Intercultural Exchanges could be the joint monitoring of the Dark Portal, Ahn’qiraj, collaboration on Pandaria by order of the Golden Lotus, and Ulduar.
Military collaboration at one’s capital cities is ridiculous.
Intercultural Exchanges could be the joint monitoring of the Dark Portal, Ahn’qiraj, collaboration on Pandaria by order of the Golden Lotus, and Ulduar.
Military collaboration at one’s capital cities is ridiculous.
NO, i tell you a simple solution…close the gate?
Maybe, and I’m spitballing here, the brat King shouldn’t listen to glowy rocks telling him to attack places where there’s Bio Weapons.
When his people are…living…it’s probably a bad idea.
The territory immediately beyond the gate is then Night Elf controlled.
Why would anyone allow the rival faction to own the land in front of their walls? You’re being ridiculous and incredibly whiny Jesus Christ.
So don’t call it military collaboration. Call them your guests, and they’re there so that you can show them the full power and glory of your nation. Think like a diplomat, not a general.
The bio-weapons weren’t really the problem. The problem was the Alliance knew there were bio-weapons there and didn’t put into place even the most basic plans for dealing with them even though the Forsaken have used the plague in every single major engagement they’ve been involved in since WotLK.
Diplomatic missions is not military collaborations.
Alliance holding the land in front of the western gate of Orgrimmar is not diplomacy, it is a military risk.
Diplomacy is establishing an embassy inside Orgrimmar and Stormwind of the rival faction.
Joint military exercises are an extremely common form of diplomacy actually. The idea is that the more exposure people have to one another, the less afraid they’ll be of one another.
How is it a military risk though? The Alliance isn’t going to conquer Orgrimmar because a token force of Night Elves were in Demon Fall Canyon sitting around all day eating fruit or frolicking or whatever else it is that elves do when they’re bored.
…Which resulted in the land being plagued and no good for the living, on top of losing the Alliance battleline. Again, that Azerite sure got a lot of leaders to do stupid things.
In Neutral Territory or in a joint-project, like:
It is not, and is NEVER, inviting another army to guard your capital.
You’re being facetious and it’s tedious.
Why would the night elves tolerate troops in THEIR territory? Enemy troops?
Maybe the Horde should just seal off that particular entrance and exit to Orgrimmar then, since they don’t have any strategic use for it anyway by your own admission, since all it gives them is access to demon fall canyon.
Also I should note that I don’t really care about demon fall canyon or the Orcs controlling it, I just think people need to stop thinking in such binary terms of either one faction completely dominating something or another faction completely dominating something.
my words, close the gates and all the problems are solved.
Non sequitur, Orgrimmar is there. Even closing the gate, the wall is there.
Blame the devs twenty years ago if you want, but Orgrimmar is there, smack at the border of Ashenvale, and the immediate territory of Orgrimmar needs to be guarded and held by the Horde.
Demon Fall Canyon has a pass that allows for easy defense of Ashenvale.
It is completely demonic due to Magtheridon’s blood and flesh oozing into the canyon.
The Alliance would then control the land in front of the wall.
Why would anyone allow the rival faction to own the land in front of their walls?
Both of you are being knowingly ridiculous.
Easy fix: add Demon Fall Canyon to Durotar subzone.
Thats not a problem since nightelfs can heal demoncortuption and fix their lands
Why would anyone allow the rival faction to own the land in front of their walls?
I already answered this. To build trust.
This is one of the fundamental purposes of an embassy in fact. To demonstrate that having the official representation of foreign governments on your soil isn’t the end of the world. Embassies are typically guarded by a military police force, sometimes from the country that the embassy belongs to.
So if you want, you can put a building down in Demon Fall Canyon, put a Night Elf ambassador there with a small group of Sentinels guarding the place, and call it an embassy.
Night Elves get to keep their ears to the ground and show the flag, Horde don’t have to worry about an official Alliance military presence next to their capital.
Who will Azshara own when the Draenei build a city near Satyrnaar?
And I already told you that joint military exercises are never inviting them to guard your capital.
Join military exercises are:
Common goals in neutral territory.
Which faction is known for multiple tries to conquer kalimdor, especialy nightelf lands and attacked four times in big invasions in less then 15 years?
The horde
Which faction is known for genocide against the nightelf?
The horde.
Boy, at this point its completly nonsense if the nightelfs allow any horde military presence in ashenvale.
This is the entry to all important n11 places. Its too important to allow any enemy soldiers there.
Can you post on your Alliance main already?
I would take you more seriously if you were transparent and not hiding behind an alt.