Get over it, it’s where Orgrimmar’s western gate is. Cope.
NO, no “GET OVER IT” BS here, after BFA? NO chance.
There is a gate, there is a cultural monument, there is an inn for pilgrims, there is a shop with goods for pilgrims, and so on until all of Kalimdor belongs to the Horde?
You need to get over it. The gate of Orgrimmar is there. It makes sense to have it defended in Demon Fall Canyon which is where Grom did his whole sacrifice thing and its thoroughly corrupted by demonic energy.
Truly, get over it. The gate is there and connects to the river.
I’m telling you, Horde fragility is a thing. Although it might be more accurate to call it Elf Fragility
All you do is find reasons to complain Jesus Christ, the gate is there. It’s where Orgrimmar is. Of course the immediate border of Orgrimmar needs to be held by the Horde, so Azshara, Durotar, and Demon Fall Canyon (which has a mountain pass that can serve as the chokehold).
Have the Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle jointly police Demon Fall Canyon. It’s not like the Horde couldn’t take it in an afternoon in the event of a war and part of the Horde’s post-BfA healing should come from them learning to accept that they don’t need to dominate and control everything in order to be safe.
The Horde, responsible for the genocide - should the gate hold what serves as the gateway to Ashenvale as well? Sorry, but this is absurd.
Nah, Cenarion Circle is purely Alliance here, and Earthen Ring is purely Horde.
Why would anyone allow the rival faction right at their gates?
Hope, Demon Fall Canyon is Horde because the gate is there, and the pass that connects Demon Fall to the rest of Ashenvale is the choke point.
Then the city will expand, and it will expand in the direction of Azshara, because the land is better, and the Orgrimmar border will neatly adjoin the Shrew River (Southfury?), After which the Horde declares the entire western Ashenvale its property, because it is necessary to protect the city?
The gate of Orgrimmar is there.
You insisting the Alliance control the front of Orgrimmar’s western gate is ridiculous and incoherent.
Why would anyone allow that?
To build trust and that so both groups can clearly see what the other is doing. It’s like how the the USA and Russia used to allow overflights of each others territory because it eased tensions.
Can we turn the situation around and say that the Horde is in control of the night elf gates?
Not the gate to their capital.
Lmao you’re being ridiculous and you know it. Under no circumstances would anyone accept the Horde controlling the north gate of Blackrock Mountain where the Dark Iron Dwarves are, or any of the other capital cities of the Alliance.
Let alone Stormwind and its gates.
Then you have a problem here, because quite honestly, according to BFA, the horde has everything but no trust.
Allowing them access to Ashenvalle after BFA?
They could simple Close the western gates, i mean, this gates leads only to Ashenvale. (So if you want to fix this problem, simple…close the western gates and the problems are over)
I dunno why you think that a band of Night Elves would be able to stop the Horde from taking Demon Fall Canyon if the Horde really wanted to. An arrangement where the Night Elves keep a token force there doesn’t cost the Horde anything strategically.
If a bunch of Orcs wanted to build a camp outside Stormwind I’d have no problem with it because its presence would be purely symbolic and would, in fact, probably reduce tensions somewhat because Orcs become a fact of life to the locals instead of aliens from across the ocean who keep killing your cousins.
Okay, move the night elf capital to western Ashenvale and now I can demand that the Horde move?
Why would anyone allow the rival faction to own the territory directly outside their walls?
Would you allow this for Stormwind? For Ironforge? For Blackrock Mountain? For Hyjal?
It’s a demonic canyon filled to the brim with Magtheridon’s blood with a monument to Grom Hellscream.
You’re being ridiculous and just want something to whine about lmao
Come to think of it, there really should be more Alliance-Horde intercultural exchanges. It’d probably help reduce tensions because maybe people would start to understand each other better.