If it’s fine to sever it from humans despite it being integral to human identity it’s fine to sever it from the Forsaken too.
Not many Forsaken players around these forums anymore. I wonder why?
Forsaken are vast majority risen Lordaeron humans.
Most humans are not from Lordaeron.
A lot of folks who main undead quit like the folks who main night elves
All that’s left is trolls, humans, Belves, dwarves, gnomes, etc
And given 90% of Quelthalas died you’d think there’d be more undead elves in Undercity
I’m guessing majority either never were risen or became mindless scourge that never broke free.
Oh, but man, it’s so hard to make a new playable race! Takes time from drinking and groping!
(/sarc…I assume that was clear.)
Sylvanas tried by Lor’themar was not okay with her taking elven bodies and raising them, But many of her Dark Rangers are Farstriders who died during the Third War and so are all her banshees.
That’s what I’m wondering, how much of Arthas forces were elves as he marched through
Lots of corpses and all
Even then, he’s still wrong.
Stromgarde was just as destroyed as Alterac. If it can be cleared out, resettled and rebuilt, than so can Alterac.
The Forsaken
a lot of them were thrown into meat wagons and became abominations. It’s shown that in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King.
The original Forsaken regaining their identities enough to be liberated in TFT seemed to be especially particular to those humans who were Scourged via the Plague of Undeath. So other than special cases like Sylvanas and the other high elf banshees who were explicitly made to remain themselves while enslaved, most Thalassian Scourge wouldn’t necessarily have retained their own souls to facilitate being liberated by Illidan’s weakening of the Lich King. Being what amounted to husks bound to the Lich King’s will could mean there wasn’t enough “person” kept inside the bodies to assert their own wills when his grasp loosened.
Similar to how the Plague didn’t work on the nerubians, forcing the Scourge to manually kill and reanimate them, so consequently the nerubian undead in the EK weren’t also freed when the Forsaken were.
At the time of the Third War the Plague of Undeath was specifically engineered to affect and convert humanity, so even when the Plague’s inherent toxicity killed other races the Scourge had to then reanimate them the old fashioned way, which didn’t necessarily result in the victims’ souls being trapped and still aware inside their own remains unless special steps were taken, like Arthas spitefully making sure the spirits of individuals like Sylvanas and her Farstriders were forced to serve while still fully conscious of their surroundings.
Even better. That means if it takes say 4-5 elves per abomination, then a proportion of 20% population size of the 90% dead elves should be Abominelves.
Imagine if a core part of the Forsaken were extremely well spoken abominations.
Sure, they are some humans of Lordaeron. There are lots of humans from other kingdoms as well and a bunch of non-humans even. There are humans from Stormwind, Dalaran, Stromgarde, Gilneas, and Kul’Tiras among their ranks too, but no reasonable person takes this to mean that therefore the Forsaken, and by extension the Horde, have a legitimate populist claim to all those places.
There are lots of other humans of Lordaeron too, mostly in the Alliance or in the Argent Crusade. This is factual, and constantly denying it won’t make it any less factual. And yet for some reason, you grant the Forsaken special legitimacy while arbitrarily balkanizing the rest of humanity in the Alliance.
It’s pretty clear that there’s only myself and a couple of other people on this forum that are actually human fans, and of them I’m the only one who seems to regularly post, so stop trying to speak to me with any kind of authority as to what human identity in the context of WoW means. I’m sick of being marginalized like that around here.
The “special legitimacy” is that they are the overwhelming majority.
You’re intent on trying to revert control of Lordaeron to this small minority of Lordaeronians.
You’re not a human fan. You’re a “Seven Kingdoms belongs to the Alliance” fan, who simply refuses to accept that fact that one of the Kingdoms is part of the Horde now. That chose to be part of the Horde. And the majority of it’s people approve of being part of the Horde.
Prove it. Prove that the Lordaeronians in the Forsaken outnumber the Lordaeronians who aren’t in the Forsaken. Especially post-BfA where the Forsaken are an endangered species.
I know what I’m a fan of much, much better than you know what I’m a fan of, bucko, and you can take off with trying to dictate to me what identities I’m allowed to have and am not allowed to have based on my own experience.
Me saying that my in-game identity is tied to a particular place is just as valid as anyone else saying that their in-game identity is tied to a particular place.
Do they “approve” or “not against” being in the Horde?
Prove they aren’t.
I can simply…look at the lands of Lordaeron and what people are living in it and clearly see who most of them are.
I don’t have to dictate anything, your own words do that. The things you say contradict what you “claim” to be about. Claiming to be a human fan while displaying constant bigotry against what is essentially just a group of sick humans.
“Show no desire to leave” I would say is the most accurate.
In BtS we learn that Sylvanas ran a totalitarian state where exploring a Lordaeronian identity was prohibited because Sylvanas worried it would lead to Forsaken wanting to reconnect with the Alliance, a worry that turned out to be justified given that a large chunk of the Forsaken tried to defect the moment they realized it was even an option.
That’s not how this works. You made the affirmative statement, back it up or withdraw it.
I’m literally the only regular poster on this forum that advocates humans and Forsaken sharing Lordaeron and co-existing alongside one another. It’s you and other Horde posters who are the bigoted, uncompromising ones because what’s best for both Forsaken and Humans is secondary for you to perpetuating Horde imperialism in the Eastern Kingdoms.
I’m the one that advocates some form of playable Forsaken on the Alliance now that there’s a precedent for Lightforged Undead.
I look at all the pain and suffering and think to myself “It doesn’t have to be like this.” You look at it and think to yourself “It must be kept like this.”
Prove it’s not.
Except your version of “co-existing” is the Alliance taking a bunch of Lordaeron territory.
If living Lordaeronians want to move back into Lordaeron, I have no problem with that, as long as they aren’t doing it under an Alliance flag. If they’re willing to accept the fact that “The current Lordaeronian leadership has decided we’re part of the Horde, and if we want to live here, we are part of the Horde as well”, then they’re more than welcome.
I rest my case. You’re not a human fan. You’re an Alliance fan. You want to give Forsaken territories AND PCs to the Alliance, but I see no advocation from you to give living Humans to the Horde.