Don’t shoot the messenger.
I can’t wait until this game devolves into a forsaken ziggurat vs the Xenedar pew pew laser battle in space.
You know, I’d forgotten that Undercity was meant to be a sort of ziggurat itself, one day.
I could totally vibe with a giant flying undercity.
But frankly I’d rather just retake my home city For the Kingdom of Forsaken Lordaeron!
Oh look, it’s Northrend Horde Reservation suggestion again.
Nah, just for the Forsaken in the event that they acquire a flying city and can go literally anywhere they want and have outright stated that they prefer a cold and humid climate.
But they won’t do that ofc because faction pride BS takes precedent over everything
And yes I’m aware that I’ve participated in an abundance of faction pride BS myself. It’s just that I’ve been playing FFXIV and every now and then something major will happen in the games story and I find myself thinking “wow, it sure is nice to be able to enjoy story developments without having to dissect it for which faction it “belongs to” every time a major character so much as farts.”
Just don’t hide your actual desires in it under feigned hints of care for the Forsaken. Your “compromises” reek of begrudging concessions from a Lordaeron-vult position.
Because one city with twice as much stuff that flies > 2 cities, 1 flying, 1 not.
Dalaran is a real city. Castlevania is cool and all, but it’s not a city.
In the bay overlooking Theramore.
I’ve never hidden the fact that I want Lordaeron back. It’s the Horde fans around here (although let’s be real here, they’re all Blood Elf fans) who are pathologically allergic to any sort of compromise on the matter.
Any sort of split sovereignty compromise is just a take in this context. To satisfy a minority of hardcore RTS Lordaeron fans, they are going to infringe on 17 years of investment? And this is MMO investment, where you actually get to learn the area and just have far more story content in general.
Nothing happening for 17 years is an excellent argument as to why things should change.
I think Silverpine as a Battlefront-like zone with Forsaken holding the north (plus a southern stronghold in Ambermill) and Gilneas holding the south (plus a northern stronghold in Fenris Isle) could be good though.
Assigning story events to factions wouldn’t be an issue if they stopped
- Faction War crap that makes no sense
- Unilaterally Villain Batting one faction
- Forgetting to “build up” the Horde (I remind you: most of my “chart” Horde side is entirely pulled out of thin air, while majority of the Alliance side is actual in-game canon lol I mean for the love of God y’all have an interdimensional spaceship that can shoot lazers)
- Subsequently Impotence Batting the Alliance because of the aforementioned Villain Bat and Lack Of Building of the Horde
If they spent as much time developing the factions onto themselves such that they each are equal and balanced in power, themes, and “heroes” they can use later for story as they did this ridiculous Blonde Blue-Eyed Twink + Survivor Turned Abuser Genocide Waifu soap opera, World of Warcraft would blow FF14 out of the water.
Again, the reason why I started doing the chart was
- compiling what could be
- What are the gaps in the narrative balance (e.g. the total lack of Warlock Anti-heroes anywhere in the story after TWENTY YEARS when it’s a playable class; you’d think we’d have at least 1 Hero per Playable Class lmao)
- what are the themes and motifs of each faction and race (e.g. Trolls = Death/Life, Forsaken = Death/Shadow, Humans = Light/Order, Night Elves = Order/Life)
- what races do we know a lot about in terms of depth of lore like government or internal histories (Humans, Forsaken) and what races do we know almost nothing about (Gnomes, Goblins)
Sure my chart is not perfect, I am by no means a writer, I’m merely an amateur cultural theorist, historian, and theologian with a degree and some political and archival experience under my belt, and I’ve already iterated on it some 50 times since the first time I “finished it”.
But just look what you could build if you care to focus on writing a balanced story for the player factions, the player races, and the player classes as the absolute core of the world building instead of ridiculous, tedious, multi-expansion soap operas.
Speaking of, updated the chart again:
- Changed the title talanji has, combined Quechua and in-game Troll speak, Sapa (the only one, as in the first) from IRL Sapa Inca (The Only Inca, title of the Emperor) and Zul (Great) so Sapa Zul Talanji (The Great One)
- Changed some of the Zanchuli Council names based on phoenetic transliterations of some Incan and Nahua (Aztec) military titles/ranks
- Added all the Dwarf Clans I can find to fill the Senates, and I just slapped some last names of Ironforge NPCs
- Added Frost Dwarves (and Frost Giants) to the Dwarves, Council of Four Hammers
- Gave the Monkey King a name: Wukong, which is his name IRL. In Japan his name is Goku, ergo the anime, but lol
Did you know what the Wildhammer Clan “umbrella” has the most Clans named in-game and ironically is the only one of the three clans without a named senate?
A Castlevania real city would be perfect then. Just use magic to remodel the top of Undercity. All of Silvermoon was done with magic. Ask the Magisters for help.
Precisely what I was thinking:
is now in the horde.
Well, it probably helps that there’s functionally no real horde faction in FF14 to begin with and the three starting city-states are all still loosely allied with each other at their worst, and of whom the character personally establishes friendly relations, so there’s no character ownership division to start with.
I think it’s natural for a playerbase-divided game to have split attachments, when the other side and their NPCs are meant to hate you. Character focus on them is story time that doesn’t really allow room for you to feel properly involved.
Doesn’t need to float. Just build castlevania out of Capital City and I’m happy.
Lordaeron and Arathi are wastelands. They will never be the Kingdom of Seven again. Ruined kingdoms without rulers. It will never again be like it was before unless they go back in time.
I too would love to see Quel’thalas in it’s pre-3rd war glory. Or the Eastweald. I’m nostalgic for that too.
But I’m realistic.
Yeah to be honest I’m at the point where I’d rather see peace talks, and a more pacifistic direction for the Forsaken, resulting in Lordaeron being recognised as a Horde Kingdom. If the Alliance are to have a claim (grossly underpopulated though humanity has become) I’d rather the land is shared somehow. Ideally as an east-west Germany kind of deal. Give us some political tensions! A Cold War!
But honestly, the Undercity, Tiristfal, and Lordaeron in general feel too connected to the Forsaken identity to divorce from it entirely. I’d hate to see it go to the Alliance.
If the night elves are giving up no lands, why are the forsaken being forced to?
Horde bias, amirite?
Arathi now have a chance to be fully rebuild.
But i think, you wanted to say alterac, the destroyed Kingdom of the Alliance? Or not?