Ideal Horde Council set up

Considering they were very starved for troops by the time they would have fully taken Arathi, I’m not sure the point of that was. If you lose most of your remaining troops trying to take a fort, who are you sending from there into Lordaeron you couldn’t otherwise exactly?
Why not just take Gilneas?


Gilneas is the dumbest thing because they didn’t mention it at all in “Exploring EK” and the Alliance controls everything surrounding Gilneas, by land and sea.


It’s the same problem with the Forsaken refugees. Why would they take the Forsaken to hot and dry Orgrimmar across the ocean rather than cold and humid Ghostlands just a bit north

Deatholme is completely empty!!!


Even if going for a place less Scourge infested, eternal springtime land is going to be much preferable than a desert.

Why…should the night elf leaf kalimdor?..I mean, it is much harder to retake your land…if you completly vanished there.

I mean does it make sense of night elf refugees and gilnean refugees are in STORMWIND when Gilneas is right there lol

An entirely empty city with a magical forest centered on an ancient night elf tree and the Alliance controls all surrounding land

Like what

Why are they in stormwind


because the Portals were connected to stormwind, in a much more logical universe…the refuges would be not in ONE Place, but some would have evacuated to the draenei lands, some to stormwind, some to val’Shara (via Dreamconnection) and some to the still existing (the majority) save night elf lands or hyjal…

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Again: Gilneas is right there


you control all surrounding lands

Fine Night Elves go to idk Hyjal like in the book

But Gilneans? Why didn’t the Alliance take Gilneas if yall have everything else lmao

according to lore…still a plagued land…thats the reason its not retaken yet. (Gilneas is like Schrodingers Cat…plagued and not plagued in the same time)

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Didn’t Golden once speculate that forsaken rerugees fled Lordaeron to go squat in Gilneas of all places? I think Blizzard just doesn’t know what’s going on with the zone.


It’s actually pretty established at this point that Forsaken generally don’t like things that the living find pleasant. They like gross places filled with poison and decay and stuff.

In-game lore (both wartables and Warfront dialogue) as well as dev interviews say that the Alliance kept control of Tirisfal Glades throughout the duration of the war. The main reason for the Horde offensive in Arathi was to try and cut off Khaz Modan from Northwestern Lordaeron in order to isolate (and presumably encircle) the Alliance presence there and destroy it.

The Alliance was in Arathi both to restore Stromgarde and to ensure the presence of a linked front stretching from the Thandol Span to the Tirisfal Glades.

The Alliance won the Battle of Stromgarde. So the fact that the Forsaken are apparently back in Tirisfal means that the Alliance, having won a massive battle for the purposes of retaining its hold on Northwestern Lordaeron, decided to just give it up even though they won it.

Like Alliance High Command, upon hearing that the Arathi front held and that the Horde’s campaign in the Eastern Kingdoms had been defeated, said to themselves “wait, that isn’t right. We’re supposed to lose. Pull out all of our troops and try to make them look muddied up and pathetic while you do it.”

Unless new portals were opened in eastern Hinterlands communicating between Zul’Dazar and Raventusk Village, such that Horde managed to take the Jintha’Alor as a new base, as well as Shadra’Alor.

So the choke point between Aerie Peak and Shadra’Alor needed extra forces or else the Horde takes the northern path to Andorhal.

And likewise Zul’Dazar sending reinforcements to both the Stranglethorn Gurubashi and the Swamp of Sorrows Gurubashi (now also Horde) such that the Alliance decided to retreat and relocate forces given the proximity of both Troll Reinforced territory with Stormwind.

And so the Horde pulled a fast one and took Tirisfal, pushing the Alliance back to the chokepoint of the Bulwark (Western Plaguelands - Tirisfal choke) and the Dark Dense Forest and mountainous path between the Sepulcher and Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest.

So the Horde Eastern Kingdoms holdings are:

  • Quel’thalas (Eversong + Ghostlands, with the Forsaken in Deatholme, together guarding the Thalassian Pass)
  • Tirisfal Glades and northern Silverpine (Bulwark and Sepulcher choke points)
  • eastern Hinterlands (Aerie Peak and Shadra’alor choke point)
  • Badlands (Deathwing canyon chokepoint to the north, western Searing Gorge pass chokepoint, and there’s no pass to the south of Badlands)
  • Swamp of Sorrows (Bogpaddle becomes Horde, choke point with Red Ridge to the North, nobody goes into Deadwind Pass because Scary, Blasted Lands is a war zone between Horde and Alliance)
  • Stranglethorn (choke point with the river and the Duskwood pass)
  • Underwater ruins of Vashj’ir (Giligoblin settlement, preventing naval invasion southward, only allowing possible Kul Tiran invasion from the western coast)

Everything else in EK is Alliance.

You know, if Blizzard cared to write a coherent story.


The story could work if the writers weren’t so focused on the Fair Skinned Blonde Blue Eyed Savior Twink and the Flaming Hot Mess Survivor Becomes Abuser Genocide Elf Waifu (Now With Blue Eyes) soap opera.


Sadly I think the only real point in a lot of it was: “This will be cool.

Below, see me vent at the story!

I find it inexcusable that Anduin even asked for the NE forces to be sent to Silithus to start; you do not deplete capitol defenses, especially for purely theoretical future resources. (And the representations of Azerite weapons in game makes them trash future resources.)

After that it was beyond the pale to not send relief forces to Darkshore. Taking them on an empire rebuilding stunt, for a long lost human kingdom, and having NE units to assist, was ludicrous. His duty was to his allies, not to a dead kingdom that only served the ego of the humans. (And which would get totaled anyway since in game there’s blight there.)

The seaborne assault, leaving the flanks vulnerable to naval counter expeditions from Quel’thalas, and counter forays launched from the Bulwark is cool over sense. I know people really get into the imagery of naval landings, but they do so because they’re rare; and I’m pretty offended with what they did with it in WoW.

The nutty, “everyone must die happily to restore the human kingdom” is really creepy.

If Stormwind was going to do something in EK, it should have been a security enhancing campaign to remove the southern horde facilities, before marching north to establish Thoradin’s Wall as a barrier, then moving further north to clear the continent. It could have been cool to put the assaults in from launch as a dynamic thing across both continents as the sides vied for the tactical acts that would make sense.

Arathi, having Horde land a small force via Airship is just boggle. What exactly was this force supposed to achieve by flying to the far side of the zone, over the Alliance base, and cutting itself off from the sea?

Then the utterly insane: “Let’s attack Dazar’alor to keep them out of the Horde!” And yet again, have NE’s fight, on a suicide mission no less…? How does this logic even work? Attacking someone will make them neutral? WHAT?!
Asking mass-casualty-suffering allies to eat more dead is a plan HOW?!

As a reality check: Just how are these sides even getting troops after the losses both have taken? It’s mere plot to claim both sides could raise an army for horrific loss conflict after the horrific loss Legion events happened.
People do just stop fighting; and you run out of people.



In retrospect, the destruction of Teldrassil and Undercity probably should have happened later in the expansion, not at the start. WWII didn’t start with Berlin and Tokyo falling.


Respect! This is great. I wish we could see more gnomish backstory and insight into their society. There used to be a Tinker’s Court, but I think College of Tinkers sounds more gnomish as a ruling body.

Overspark and Cogfrenzy are definitely the leading tinkers of Gnomeregan and Mechagon. Fizzi Tinkerbow could head up NASTI (LOL), since she invented the prototype arcane engine that innovated gnomish bombers, as seen in the heritage quest.

I also like the idea of keeping Prince Erazmin as a vassal under the High Tinker instead of totally absorbing the mechagnomes into Gnomeregan, that way Mechagon could stay semi-autonomous and the mechagnomes could retain some of their distinct culture.

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Making both attacks a failure, leading to low grade warfare, would have been better. Move them later and they’re even more nuts, since you’re up to the N’zoth part, and the leaders look even stupider.

Hard disagree. The best thing about BfA was that it upended the status quo, even if it meant dragging players kicking and screaming into the future.

Demonstrating that having an AH and a Bank doesn’t make you immune to the plot was great.


Genius! Added to my chart immediately.

And additionally, when the High Tinker dies obviously the College of Tinkers must select the next High Tinker Monarch by way of Fullmetal Alchemist State Alchemist Exam where each Tinker must invent something new for the good of Gnomanity.

And they have ONE month to do so. And ALL Tinkers must participate. And if anyone is shown to not be trying, they are STRIPPED OF THEIR TINKER CHAIR.

Guildmasters give scores to each Tinker and the victor is declared by Prince Erazmin

And while the testing is underway, Prince Erazmin is Regent.

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That assumes that Alliance forces in Andorhal wouldn’t have been likewise reallocated to the siege.

My guess is because the armistice happened before the could move on after securing Stromgarde.

Which alliance forces of andorhall? The cata questline ends with an hordewin. So? Which forces?