Ideal Horde Council set up

I think if lordaeron will ever switch the faction or will taken by the alliance, the people of kalimdor will pay the price.

And they don’t deserve that, it would be highly unfair and for what? A dead kingdom


I guess “victories to both sides” was too complicated a concept for you.

No. His position was clearly “don’t trust Ainhin’s memories, because he makes things up.”

For lumber!

…oh you mean for them? Yeah, nothing.


Tbf. The warfronts were both in alliance areas. I’m pretty sure if the warfront south barrens and silvermoon would have been implemented the horde would have won there

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not even joking, i want castlevania capital city.

Stromgarde had been horde territory since Cataclysm.


Taken from the alliance/stromgardedeffender by force. Its not an hordearea

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Can’t sleep, decided to play with my Super Chart some more.

Gnomish Guildmaster Assembly would be divided into the following guilds:

Guildmaster’s Assembly

  1. Kelsey Steelspark, Director of the Covert Operations and Planned Espionage (COPE)
  2. Millhouse Manastorm, Director of the Magical, Arcane, and Nethermantic Arts (MANA)
  3. Nautical, Aeronautic, and Subterranean Transport Innovators (NASTI)
  4. Biomedical and Agricultural Life Sciences (BALS)
  5. Defense, Attacking, and Destruction (DAD)
  6. Systems, Architecture and Design (SAD)
  7. Diplomacy Organization and Political Engineering (DOPE)

The College of Tinkers leadership would be so far:

  1. Dean of DAD Tinksmaster Overspark
  2. Dean of SAD Tinkmaster Walton Cogfrenzy

College Tinkers = the ruling body under the High Tinker King and Mecha-Prince, selected by the Guildmaster’s Assembly via a testing procedure (like FMA State Alchemist Exams)

High Tinker is determined by the College of Tinkers similar to how the Cardinals select the Pope in the event of their death.

Mecha-Prince is a secondary Hereditary Monarchy Vassal under the High Tinker King of Gnomes person.


The heir was literally a Forsaken.

who was killed, but then his undead dad Thoras was resurrected, but rejected ruling, and Danath inherited it because Salic Law and Screw Thoras Cuz He’s Undead I guess

again, the only people who came out winning discretely off-screen from BFA were the Humans:

  1. Stromgarde rebuilt and reclaimed, Danath Trollbane the renewed King of Strom
  2. Everything between Stromgarde, Andorhal, Fenris Isle and Southshore taken by the Alliance
  3. Gilneas is ripe for the taking thus, literally Chekhov’s Gun for Genn

also I put a lot of effort trying to think of funny acronyms for the Gnomish Ruling Guilds :frowning:

feeling unappreciated!

They’re funny!

the Guild named DAD is in charge of killing their enemies!!!

The politicians and social engineers are named DOPE!

Spies are COPE!!! Mages and warlocks and etc are MANA!!!


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I care about gnomes only slightly more than I care about night elves.

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Federation of alchemist technology handsome engineers repuplic

In English, they like beautiful abbreviations of the names of organizations so much, or is it an art field?


В английских языках так любят красивые сокращения названий организаций или это область искусства?

It’s a theme for Gnomes in WoW

When did we get Andorhal?

If you control the two passages leading up to Andorhal, i.e. the Hillsbrad territory is Alliance and Arathi Highlands is Alliance, as well as the Silver Hand being formally fully Alliance again as per BFA so Hearthglen is yours as well as the majority of Eastern Plaguelands, is right next to Uther’s Tomb, which the Alliance likely holds, that means Andorhal is surrounded by Alliance controlled territory and groups to the south, southeast, east, and north.

I actually agree with you that this makes sense and would like it to be true but without official confirmation nobody can say.

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Goblins and Gnomes use acronyms for their organizations and they’re usually funny or relevant to their purpose in English.

At last official canon that I’m aware of, Andorhal remains Forsaken-held. But with the fall of the Undercity I can only imagine that their position is precarious at best.

I mean looking at a map it doesn’t make sense given the Alliance has the Silver Hand

The only chokepoints are the The Bulwark (eastern Tirisfal) and the dense forest and mountain pass between the Sepulcher (Forsaken) and Shadowfang Keep (which is Alliance held)

Fenris Isle is Alliance but that’s water, and the two routes to Andorhal from the south that feed into Chillwind Camp/Uther’s Tomb are the passage through the mountain east of Alterac and the passage through the mountains through Aerie Peak (Wildhammer Dwarves)

Northern Eastern Kingdoms has the Forsaken, Trolls, and Quel’thalas locked in, ergo the need for teleportation systems.

Just facially, for what was put in game:

The combat units at Andorhal would have been pulled for the defense of Undercity.
It would have been lost no matter what.

Doesn’t change that The Battle for Undercity was an incoherent mess, and that the actual supposed siege was a joke.
There is no sense in how the Alliance side of BFA turned into little more than anthropocentric wish list items completely divorced from warfare realities.