Ideal Horde Council set up

Vaguely recall but could be wrong that canonically Stratholme was razed, but Scholomance and andorhal are canonically alliance wins and holdings. Alliance controls the two mountain passageways between Aerie Peak and Ravenholdt heading into that area of the Plaguelands.

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I can’t recall the detail about Stratholme being raised but I’ve not heard any updates really since the Argents took it in Cataclysm so I have no idea!

But that was my thinking too! The Alliance already has the upper hand in the region. Hell they can excise the Forsaken from Andorhal even, maybe. I feel Andorhal is a better trade for Theramore (if such a thing is necessary) than an actual, huge, multileveled faction capital city.

Honestly I feel like some people would only be happy if the Horde handed over absolutely every location they own in the Eastern Kingdoms, and then probably Kalimdor too for good measure, allowing all of the Hordies to go live in a single hut in the most desolate part Tanaris lmao.

Horde’s got legit claims up there, yo!

I dunno, I mean I play both factions fairly equally (Forsaken Horde main, Void Elf Alliance main) and I feel there can be some balance here! OOC faction nationalism exhausts me - sharing is caring :stuck_out_tongue:


That said my Alliance main used to be Horde. I kinda just liked the idea of not being a lame Sunwell elf. Wanted to suck magic from risky places like the good old days. Void Elves felt more in line with the OG Blood Elf fantasy.

That said, I miss Silvermoon :sob:

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This is exactly what they did in Vanilla and TBC. I’m sorry but I reject the “only WoW counts” position and I also reject the whole “you can’t have things change in WoW because it might make players mad” thing.

The calcified status quo is the worst part of WoW’s setting at this point.

To say nothing of the fact that the Horde, and especially the Forsaken, just lost a massive world-war and somehow came out of it having lost nothing. Total military defeat somehow led to the Horde getting everything it wanted.

And thank goodness they did because the Forsaken and Blood Elves were two of the most interesting twists this narrative ever had, in my opinion!

I doubt Bobby “Moneybagz” Kotick agrees. Making players mad would be a bad move right now, and for better or for worst most WoW players don’t care overmuch about story… but do care about their faction/race being treated “fairly”. I think there’d be outrage.

They lost the previously contested territory of Arathi but granted, I actually agree with you there, we should’ve had an armistice with actual details and the Horde should’ve given some decent concessions and assurances.

I do not think Lordaeron or Silvermoon should’ve been among them.

Anyway look at me go again, derailing the Horde council thread with my arguments haha. Sorry! I’ll try to keep on topic!


No floating city, deblight Undercity but make it like multi-layered. Wanna see more development of Lordaeron city itself, and it could be a nice thematic change along with Queen Calia.


Why not? The Alliance won. They took to the field and besieged Lordaeron Keep. They took control of all surrounding lands, destroyed the Horde army present, and walked into the throne room. The Horde counterattacked in Arathi to dislodge the Alliance but the Alliance defended its position on the field of battle, ending the Horde’s military campaign in the Eastern Kingdoms. It was overwhelming and decisive victory, bought with massive amounts of Alliance blood and treasure.

Why shouldn’t the Horde have been forced to give up Lordaeron? After a decade or so of Horde fans re: Lordaeron constantly saying “Alliance claims don’t matter because might equals right and the Alliance can’t force the Forsaken out” it’s infuriating that they’ve switched tack completely and that Blizzard has acquiesced to it now that the Alliance has actually backed up its claim with decisive military might.

Especially in contrast to things like Theramore, where decisive Horde victories are allowed to stick, even at the expense of inconveniencing the Alliance playerbase. Frankly, given the fact that the Horde destroyed the new home that the refugees of Lordaeron had made for themselves, it seems to me to be poetic justice that they would retake their old one from the Horde in return.

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Yeah, I love that. Might made right for over a decade until it suddenly didn’t, now it’s all about muh rightful territory again.

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Baal I’m trying so hard not to derail your thread… So very, very hard. :sob:

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How should Gnomish government work?

This one user named Ethenil in a discord I’m in came up with this awesome idea of two bodies:

  1. Guildmasters = leaders of various guilds divided by types of engineering
  2. Court of Tinkers = a sort of gnome genius court appointed by the Guildmasters form whom the new High Tinker is always selected.

Sorta like the College of Cardinals are who is able to be the next Pope

I feel like a Guildmaster would likely have to prove himself by producing a ‘wondrous device’, as judged by the Court of Tinkers, or undergo a trial by mechanics - a lethal gauntlet of mechanical contrivances maintained by the Court.

Yeah when I read their idea I immediately thought of the Fullmetal Alchemist State Alchemist Exams

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I don’t really take Gnomish government as a place for death trials. It would be a massive waste of talent to kill off your candidates for your highest positions.

Oh Alchemist State Exams aren’t death trials.

You just have to show off your talent and genius on top of a standardized test of all sciences.

Man, they ain’t even retaken Gilneas yet! How are they supposed to get to Statholme!

And, I’d gladly do it. Even my own home city, if it meant we got all of Kalimdor.

…but we’re taking the Undercity with us.

Except that was not the popular argument.

The popular argument was always:
Lordaeron belongs to the Lordaeronians.
The Lordaeronians are the Forsaken.

I fully support might makes right…as long as the writers give victories to both sides.

That crap where the Alliance got to win both Warfronts was bull****.



*Alliance shows up in Lordaeron *
“Why is there a crater where Capital City should be”
*a maldracite crystal activates nearby, projecting an image of Archlich Gunther and Archbishop Natalie Seline *
“You said you wanted the land of Lordaeron that you can walk upon, so we simply made the entire city fly. Have a cursed evening!”
“Shadow embrace you my darlings”


It was absolutely the most popular argument and was the one that Forsaken fans defaulted to when they were informed of the abundance of Lordaeronians in the Alliance. I’ve been here since 2009 and I remember.

It became its most popular around Cataclysm, where it was easy for Horde posters to claim might equals right because they were winning on all fronts.

“Might equals right is fine as long as I win” is a pretty Horde position.

You remember selectively colored by two decades of resentment you have never gotten and will never get the subzone you believe the faction you prefer deserves.


Surprising nobody, Baal’s position is “don’t trust your own memories and experiences, trust MEEEEEE”

I have never claimed nor will ever claim to remember what some sort of general consensus on the forums was ten years ago.

I only remember what I myself said, and even then largely on the basis I’m a violently consistent person in my dispositions and mores.