Ideal, but fair depictment of Races- Round 1, Night Elves

Even if the Alliance pushes the Horde all the way back to the Barrens, the Night Elves have already lost far more than the Horde. This will always be the case unless Jaina decides to drown Orgrimmar.

Let’s not forget that most of this losses are because of gameplay reasons (Horde having less zones than Alliance pre-Cata revamp, and the devs making the decisión of taking zones away) so it’s always going to be the case because of gameplay and status quo. Which is also justification for coming back to the scenario pre WOT after this less than stellar expansion finishes.


They “lost” a zone that had no story and like 3 quests. Humans have more to complain about since they lost an actual quest hub in South Shore, which was balanced with the Horde losing Camp T.

One zone? Try 3 (if my memory doesn’t fail me) Azhsara, Stonetalon and Ashenvale.

And zones with no story can be argued of importance specially for people participating on SF, because of the lore, RP and all.

Don’t get me wrong, i understand that zone balancing had to be made, and i only blame Blizz for going to the path of least resistance (making the other faction lose zones on a rather humilliating fashion) instead of inventing new ones for the Horde.


We have never seen Kael Teleport.

Small force of Town Militia.

Ah yes, the Kaldorei army is useless without their walkie talkies lol.

Not it didn’t… that was a small token force of the Navy that left late, and thus was able to return sooner. the bulk of the Kaldorei army never made it there.

As I said before, not true.

The Kaldorei pushed the Horde completely out of Ashenvale and Stonetalon, then broke down the gates of Ogrimmar.

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If the Alliance pushes the Horde all the way back to the Barrens the Horde will have gained nothing, and no one will care what the Horde does if they stay out of places that aren’t theirs.


…why does no one remember undercity


Stonetalon and Ashenvale have been contested since WoW came out. Unless I’m mistaken, the Alliance still has quest hubs in Stonetalon.

What lore? The zone was abandoned and both sides had a flight path. RP doesn’t matter since both sides could do it there.

The Sentinels. Or was Summermoon supposed to be a peasant now?

Honestly, they seem pretty useless no matter what.

So they just sat around on their boats being useless for months. If they’re so strong, why didn’t they take back their territory when all the Horde leaders went to Undercity? They even had Tyrande still around while the Horde would have had no one.

The Kaldorei and the Horde that didn’t follow Garrosh and the rest of the Alliance.

Because Undercity was up to code and had fire exits so most of the Forsaken got out.

So now we have a massive refugee problem.

From Elegy:

    All who could walk were pressed into service. Even those generally regarded as civilians—tailors, food merchants, innkeepers—had learned over centuries how to fight well enough to defend themselves. Those few who could not—mothers with infant children, the wounded—had been portaled to Stormwind when the magi arrived.

    Delaryn watched, feeling wretched, as those she had ostensibly been sent here to protect joined their Sentinel sisters in racing silently across the bridges, armed with bows and daggers.

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Yes, but pre-cata both zones were these nature zones that was great for Nelf and Tauren RP. Then Cata rolled around and turned these zones into war zones. Astranaar is on fire unless you do the quest, Maestra’s Post is constantly under siege.

There are zero untouched areas in Stonetalon left… the Horde basically turned it into a parking lot. And Azsahra was even made to look like the Horde logo… Like… honestly? It was a major bummer for me. I stopped playing my Nelf for Cata, and only started again for MoP.

I get -why- it happened, but it was kind of lame and lazy. They could have just as easily transform neutral territories into Horde ones to make up the territory unbalance.

I really don’t care much about WoW classic except I get to see my Nelfy forests again.

Stonetalon is where Jaina, Carine and Thrall met Medivh. And Ashenvale is probably the most important region for Nelf identity.

Trolling is not a good look for you.

Days probably. Not sure how long the war went on, but Sailing up from the Southern point of Kalimdor to the Northern most point of Kalimdor probably takes weeks.

They have been. And Tyrande was looking after Malfurion. Don’t blame me for crap writing.

Did you do the Raid? the Horde and Alliance were stuck outside the gate being taunted by Nazgrim until the Kaldorei arrived with siege weapons. Because I guess everyone else was too stupid to know they need siege weapons for a siege.


Both were contested, yes. Darkshore was not. If everything was “balanced” after the old world revamp, seems odd that the Horde would gain another gameplay area that previously they had no quests in. Doesn’t that make things un"balanced"?

jesus you can’t seriously believe that Kael can’t teleport… read arthas or any of the short stories it talks about how he could have easily teleported to quel’thalas but chose not to because he wanted to survey the damage of his kingdom. You’re one of those night elf fans that make me wish the war of the thorns burning of teld was a holiday event

I am not saying he can or can’t, I am saying we have never seen him do it.

I have read Arthas and several short stories, but it has been some time and I don’t ever recall this. If you could provide me a quote saying as much, I will yield that Kael can teleport.

If I was a Blood Elf fan and still acknowledged that we have never seen Kael teleport, would your feelings be different?

That’s what we call a negative predisposition. In this case, against Nelves and Nelf fans.


you’re right that was a little far but seriously man come on

Isn’t it a little weird that in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Kael’thas had to depend on Lady Vashj to open a portal when escaping from Garithos?

I’m also not saying Kael’thas couldn’t open a portal, but lore wise, portals are written as a lot more inconvenient to facilitate stories. Elegy certainly went out of its way to show portals were not the most efficient way to evacuate people.

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I know this isn’t D&D, but with the lack of definitive lore on spell casting, I like to use D&D spell casting rules as a head canon.

There are few spells that can be used in D&D for long distance travel. The first and most obvious of which is

Teleportation Circle.

Which takes 10 mins to cast, and require “rare chalks and inks infused with precious gems worth 50 gp, which the spell consumes”
And spell only lasts for 1 round, which is 6 seconds.

It is a 5th level spell, which is a powerful spell level, keep in mind the highest level spell casting is level 9. Jaina’s flying ship was probably a level 9 casting of Animate Objects.

So imagine how exhausting it would be for a mage, taking 10 mins of casting time to hold open a portal for 6 seconds, each time spending 50 gold of rare materials, and the spell itself requires an experienced magi.

Yeah, that is extremely inefficient way to evacuate people.

The other spell is Druidic, which is Transport Via plants.

This spell is quicker to cast, and is worded to work as follows:

" This spell creates a magical link between a Large or larger inanimate plant within range and another plant, at any distance, on the same plane of existence. You must have seen or touched the destination plant at least once before."

This is a 6th level spell, so it would require very experienced druids to do this (Also given the fact that we have never seen this in WoW, so it might not even be possible in this world)


This got me thinking. Maybe Kael’thas can only self-teleport, but he can’t teleport a small army like Jaina and Khadgar do. They do like to hammer into your head on how about Jaina and Khadgar are the ones with this ability.


We do have the Emerald Dreamway connected mostly by the Great Trees in WoW, which is kind of similar.

But, yes, at least, keeping portals open in WoW can be taxing eventually, as we saw in Elegy:

    Night elves were pressed in tight lines, waiting to escape the city through the portals—the only means available. The magi operating them looked exhausted, their arms trembling as they kept the gateways open.

Wow they should call him “Right” Terran “Right” Gregory “Right”. Just had to say it, it actually was somewhat complicated to read what he was saying with all those "right"s.