Ideal, but fair depictment of Races- Round 1, Night Elves

You mean Warcraft III, Chapter 4, “The Spirits of Ashenvale”, where we literally get this?

    Grom Hellscream: These women fight with unmatched savagery! I've never seen their equal. They are... perfect warriors.
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spirits of ashenvale night elf units
Moon hunters
star seekers
night blades
Assuming you know at least a little about what you’re talking about is hardly contradicting myself the Night elves out numbered them before and after Cenarius attacked. The orcs also did more than go toe to toe they won both battles. again not moving the goal posts I assumed you knew what you were talking about.

Again, game mechanics =/= Lore. Losses on both sides were moderate. The Warsong had the help of the Darkspear and the Goblins.

Still, you might have misses my edit:

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again still won yeah grom respected them.

Won a skirmish against a small boarder Patrol with Goblin and Darkspear help, well done lol.

Then immediately lost so bad they had to run back to the demon blood.

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Which speaks rather highly of how powerful the regular night elf military. Which is not what the Horde fought during Cataclysm or during the War of the Thorns.


And the Horde lost in Cata and nearly lost War of Thorns. And couldn’t even breach the gates of their own city without Kaldorei help.


you mean when the alliance came to the night elves rescue, defeated an airship, broke down a gate while the horde cleared the front, and would have died had malfurion and illidan not teamed up and before or after they were encircled and defeated?

I saw a post somewhere that said the Night Elves should of been the Alliance equivalent of Forsaken.

I liked this because Night Elves were racist and very brutal in WC3, and it would of fit them very nicely to be the Alliance’s problem child.

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You mean the delegation of less that 20 people? Wonderful lol

No small feat for a non-military force.

The Kaldorei arrived after the front was cleared… because those that did the clearing had no way to breach the gate… Of their own city.

Debatable. But still, lasted several days against impossible odds. Kael’thas would not have managed the same.


you’re really good at telling half the story and yeah kael is a mage he’d probably just teleport away, and not bother with it but okay.

If he had that ability, then there wouldn’t have been any need for Tyrande to save him from the hordes of Scourge chasing after him.

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People love to post this as if it’s a bad thing. That the Alliance supports the Night Elves taking back their lands is always beneficial to the Night Elves. And when it happens is has usually been a given that the Night Elves do hold their claim to their land. The Alliance didn’t make it in time for the War of the Thorns. But despite Anduin’s initial hesitance, the Alliance is supporting the Night Elves at Darkshore now, and would likely aid them in heading into Ashenvale as well if we were to see that happen (assuredly because of gameplay reasons, so that all Alliance players can participate).


But the Horde did win in cata until Varian showed up and the Horde did win the WoT. Night Elves have a long history of losing to the Horde. Maybe they should bust out that real army one of these days.

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Okagha, see post above yours.

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Not really… Varian’s involvement was just him and a small delegation of people. It really didn’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things.

People misunderstand Wolfheart… Varian wasn’t saving the day, he was establishing himself as a leader to Genn and the Worgen. That’s really it.

And lost more than they gained against a civilian force. Kaldorei military wasn’t even there.

It’s actually the opposite. We just don’t see Night Elf victories in-game. It always happens off screen, which is frustrating.

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um are you really trying to argue kael can’t teleport because he didn’t abandon his men to die to a scourge onslaught while escorting a caravan? No one has said the night elves aren’t powerful what most of us try and say is that the night elves are not as powerful as an entire faction.

Part of their military was there, Saurfang’s plan cut their communications and allowed the Horde to easily overrun them until the Night Elves regrouped at the river. The rest of their defense was hoping Malf would save them. Remind me how the Night Elves losing all of their territory and their capital equals the Horde losing more than they gained.

And the rest of the Night Elf military did show up before the end. The first ships attacked the Horde on the coast until they were destroyed by demolishers.

Victory. One, with the help of Varian. The rest are ones the player gets to experience and see in game.

Doesn’t sound like he thought of that:

Wacraft III: The Frozen Throne, Chapter 6, “Shards of the Alliance”:

    Prince Kael'thas: We've run out of time! The caravan will not survive another assault!
    Tyrande Whisperwind: Kael, get your caravan moving across the river! I will stay behind and hold the bridge!
    Maiev Shadowsong: That's very noble of you, Priestess, but you're no match for a force that vast!
    Tyrande Whisperwind: The goddess is my shield, warden. Elune will grant me the strength.
    Prince Kael'thas: It's working! She's holding them back!
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Okay. From A Good War:

    Malfurion struck hard all across the Horde’s lines, killing those foolish enough to charge into battle with him. When the final numbers were tallied, there would be more slain Horde than kaldorei.

It’s matter of the Horde holding anything. And now Tyrande and Malfurion are back in Darkshore, and Sylvanas is not.