Idea to replace Raider IO

Great, then we can fill LFG tool with

[WTS] Mythic+5/+10/+15 unlocks, visit our crappy virus filled site to find out more info!1!!

you’ve been salty about so many aspects of wow all over the GD forum for ages. it hasn’t been the game for you for a while.

I think you even said earlier that you barely play wow anymore. My guess is you dedicate more time to complaining about it on the forums than you do actually playing it.

why do that to yourself?



A few changes to M+, not raider io.

  1. A change that should occur with M+ is that a specific variant of a key (+15 WS) be placed on a weekly lockout for loot. Why? Because M+ has its basis in design from mythic dungeons which are on a weekly lockout. And being able to run a specific variant of a key (you can still run just not get loot), being able to spam specific keys forces blizzard to design loot chances to be more rare for everyone as a whole. All in order to compensate for individuals that are free to blast said keys all week long to target/funnel loot to existing/fresh characters. Is it really fair that a small minority driving the fates of the whole?

  2. Additionally starting at roughly the 18-20 (or maybe a bit higher, subjective territory here) and onward level of keys (using this season as a current example), Blizzard should reactivate the ability to get higher ilvl loot (475s) from end of dungeon chests. Thus giving more control for people to get better loot instead of having to wait on the weekly disappointment box and/or depend upon hoping for upgrades from mythic. In short players are getting stronger/better every week in M+ and arena. Mythic bosses are not (go ahead and judge my experience in that area idc, I am not saying its easy but nzoth isn’t growing in strength on a weekly basis).

  3. Lastly, being able to pick what loot we want from the weekly disappointment box (as its going to be in shadowlands) should have been something we got back in legion. Especially after they changed the concept of not being able to truly deplete keys anymore. Really really sucks to keep on getting belts, wrists, and pants in the weekly box, while you see all the regularly accomplished people get their 475 cuts, ideal mech rings, and trinkets (yes I actually looked forward to trinkets even before the vendor, but have never gotten one). Yes they are playing the game well, I don’t fault them for that, but it just really really sucks how they happen to get lucky on their weekly chance to get loot when you get screwed over multiple times. I am not the best of M+ but if the ability able to pick 1 piece from the box was a thing now and/or higher ilvl gear from higher level keys was a thing. You best damn be sure I would through KR and UR past depletion in a 22+ (or w/e) for a chance at a 475 cut and str trinket. Even if I didn’t get it, I would still think of it as a good time spent because there existed a more direct chance at getting the loot.

  4. Either that or they should put in a valor type currency looted from the weekly/end dungeon chests so that we can upgrade our gear, to offset chances at not getting the upgrades we desire.

So as a result with such changes, and using for example 30 levels of keys for all 12 dungeons. That would create 360 chances of loot something from the end of dungeon chest. Yes the bottom 13 levels of the chests will not be an upgrade in most areas but that is still quite a lot of loot available to be earned on a weekly basis. Couple that with the increase in ilvl rewards for keys at the next level beyond the achievement/cosmetic cap of 15s (as it is now) and you get a fairly clear checkbox of activities you can do for the week.

But we’re not.

Make your own group, play with friends.

Quit blaming your inability to find groups or get things done on an addon you or someone else chooses to use.

Unironically blizzard should put in a developer/expert mode for their UI. Like a slider that can be changed so as to help filter information down to a level that feels comfortable for the user.

Like recently, if Blizzard hadn’t been able to change older purified gear to be recorrupted, the bonus ID info hidden on the default UI would not be shown to tell players if they could recorrupt their gear (important info if you were to buy a 475 “clean” ring but it had a prior corruption. Get trapped with something you couldn’t use fully). That is player hostile, because blizzard decided to hide info to prevent overwhelming people.

Blizzard needs to stop designing for the lowest denominator and just accept that there are brackets of players in the game. Which can be addressed with different tiers of UI info/customization that I think should be in-game natively.

Wow I can make someone say anything I want when I only quote small parts like you do! COOOOOOOL!

Except I took the part where you implied others were keeping “equally skilled” players out of content. You reordered my words. I did not. Take ownership of your opinion that there are good players that are just not given a chance. They control their own paths.

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Or, people can just stop being dicks.

who is the real jerk though?

the guy making the best decision for his group?
or the guy calling him a jerk for it?



If it’s not it’s Gearscore. It’s a community driven soft gate. If you’re not running with a consistent group then why worry about pushing high keys. 10 and below + is easy to work up to…

The guy using an add on to measure worth.

Well, this is the kind of stupid idea I’d expect from someone named “Maga hat.”

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the adddon measures experience, not worth.

how else would you suggest the guy choose between the 20 dps in LFG for his key?


I’d go with friends, myself. Or guildies. I really don’t sweat 20 keys at all. They see utterly pointless as far as content goes.

If you’re polite about it, then more power to you. I’m saying raider IO doesn’t need to be changed if people just stop using it to be jerks. Take whoever you want, it’s your party, your rules. Just don’t be mean about it.

Here’s an idea. Let’s replace RIO and put auto warcraftlogs in it. We wont need to upload at all. Now we can show who the real crappy players are.

I don’t think anyone is actually rude about it. A lot of people just get upset because they weren’t chosen and go on a tyrade about how elitists are gatekeeping them.

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Just like when we went from gear score to ilvl I’m worried that blizzards version will be worse than the addon. Like, you’ll just see “has timed a 15 key!” without seeing what key it was or how many times they did it

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Realizing BfA was stinking pile of garbage was certainly a breaking point of sorts.

To use a simple analogy, one of the more common complaints about WoD was that people ran out of stuff to do; some people feel that is what made it worse than BfA, though I would disagree.

And the reason for that is simple – with BfA, I ran out of stuff to do.

The task list may be endless, but there’s nothing on there I want to do. To me, that’s a thousand times more important than having a list of chores to keep me busy. I’m not motivated by the reward structure WoW is built upon, so it is quite literally a waste of time for me.

I’m actually well-accustomed to making my own fun… if anything, I probably prefer to do so than follow the standard objectives. To just pull and an example out of the ether, there is ONE aspect of Demon Hunters I enjoyed – they could do platforming. Double jump, glide, fel rush, and infernal strike. I liked to do silly things like climb the mountains, all the way to the peak in Vale of Eternal Blossoms above the Seat of Knowledge; other locations I did the same thing to the peak of Blackrock Mountain, Icecrown Citadel, and Ulduar (that one had a LONG glide from a mountain on the other side of the valley to the raid entrance). But they made it so infernal strike can’t allow you to scale large near-vertical heights anymore, and it was an essential tool for me getting to the top of both mountains.

The issue I have with WoW is that the developers have progressively and systematically removed every single non-standard version of entertainment I’ve enjoyed or idea I’ve come up with. In WoD, I could still find ways to make my own fun… in BfA, they took it all away.

With that and pretty much every other option I can come up with being exhausted… well, trying to find something within the game I can still enjoy has yielding nothing. So I’m left trying to carve out something I can make use of, all that I can possibly do is try and reshape what little remains into something more flexible so that I can start making my own fun again.

Unfortunately, this has reached the point where doing so would require breaking the very foundations much of the game is built upon. If there were another option (apart from simply leaving), I’d be willing to consider it.

I’m stubborn, sometimes to a fault. This would hardly be the first time.
The many of the antagonistic responses aren’t helping.

But I genuinely do want WoW to be a better game… and I don’t think where it is, nor where it is going, is in a good direction. The way which the game is being structured and the culture that the community has created is inevitably going to push the game into a death spiral. Everything is laser-focused on a single design philosophy and only one type of objective. It has a narrower audience than the developers and the community realize; the dominos are ready to fall, all it will take is one errant push.

So rather than just walk away and say it’s someone else’s problem (which would be in my own best interest), I try to come up with ideas of how to fix the game.

Some good, some bad… but I’m damn well trying.

I’d like to see WoW re-structured in a way that allows for more flexibility, such that it encourages players to come up with their own ideas for fun rather than constantly being pushed towards optimization. It would involve breaking a lot of the game’s existing systems to do so, but there would also be room for players to “make their own fun”. It just wouldn’t be an internal system.

Mythic+ could easily be re-created, apart from the affixes, with some simple creativity. Want a timer to beat your own time? There’s the in-game stopwatch. Want increased difficulty? Use weaker gear. Apply any other self-imposed restrictions you see fit like having no healer or no tank… heck, try to do it solo and naked if you want.

Nevertheless, the WoW community (or what’s left of it) is content with what it has. Am I foolish to keep trying to save them from themselves when they don’t want it? Possibly… but again, I damn well tried.

I can’t deny the timing is fortuitous…

I don’t think we’d be ready for that amount of salt.

Uhhh idk about that. Seems a little over restrictive to try and solve essentially a non issue.