Idea to replace Raider IO

I don’t care for the whole idea, but the scaling you are talking about is steep.

This is over a 4 level keystone increase when scaled.

New 2 = Old 2
New 3 = Old 6
New 4 = Old 10
New 5 = Old 14 (15)

The scale is actually 4.33 but that doesn’t really work, so I rounded down. Those are big jumps in difficulty.

I don’t mind the keys thru progression in the original posters idea. But like you I’m not big on the level squish. Possibly just have level brackets kept in check by achevements you can’t skip past.

I actually did sample the Legion raids, and much of the same issues apply. For most of the difficulty settings, you just powered through with raw damage output while the bosses were harmless. Probably more successful on my DK alt (who actually has LESS gear than this character), but I’ve definitely done up to Heroic ToS… and it’s not that interesting.

But when you hit Mythic raids, you run into a different problem – gear.

It reaches the point where you need more gear to be able to do the content. It’s possible with the runaway stat-inflation in WoW, but not something I have access to.

The issue I have here is that since I loathe so much of WoW’s content right now, gearing up is tantamount to torturing myself. Hell, I don’t think I’ve logged into the game for over a month at this point, and it’s been several months (if not a whole year) since I did ANY group content… and that was a joke run of a BfA dungeon with the last remnants of my guild which has essentially collapsed.

There’s an “obvious” solution here, but it’s not worth torturing myself to make these types of challenges accessible. So I’m left in a weird limbo state where there’s no interesting challenges I have reasonable access to, but there’s no way in heaven or on earth that I’ll go through the required steps to reach them.

It’s simply not worth it.

We also have a secondary problem, in that HUGE swaths of old content where this was possible before but no longer is. It has been effectively removed for no good reason.

I’ve actually proposed a solution to this before (several times in fact), one which is actually COMPLETELY HARMLESS, but no one has ever taken it seriously.

What is this solution?

A toy.

Just add in an easy-to-get toy… say 500 Timeless Badges from the vendors during one of the timewalking events, and have it do the following:

  • A personal and customizable timewalking buff, unlimited duration but able to right-click it off at any point. No cooldown on the toy.
  • Make it bring up a drop-down menu. Select character level, and then item level; just a list of options.
  • You and your gear gets scaled down. Item levels on weaker gear (for example, Thunderfury) don’t get brought up if the buff is for a higher than the item equipped.
  • Options to enable or disable stuff like set bonuses, legendary gear bonuses, azerite gear traits, essences, corruption, and all that.
  • Option to turn the level-based damage scaling off.

Basically, a giant self-imposed tuning knob. Doesn’t affect anyone else.
It would allow players to create their own challenges.

Add that in, and the possibilities are nearly endless.

Actually, he punts you off the platform with Flame Rend.
The damage is easily survivable, the flight isn’t.

… granted, I never did try soloing him with a demon hunter (only level 111 I think).
Glide reset a DH’s momentum after Kruul’s punts, might work on Aggramar too.

… it actually more looks like a showcase of how comically broken the stat-inflation in WoW is.

So you didn’t do anything I referenced.

Gear is a requirement when you lack skill.

Are you sure you want it to be challenging?

So the issue isn’t that the content you want is removed. Its that its still there, but you don’t want to do the things to be able to access it? Thats a different complaint all together.


Honestly the whole idea doesn’t make sense really…

I do 20+ keys all the time on my main, but I have a PvP alt and am slowly gearing him through m+. He’s 440 ilvl and I have no problem doing +13s on him because that content is really easy for me now. With this system I’d be forced to grind 143 dungeons just to be at the same level as I can currently play at with no problem. Sounds like garbo to me.

How did the world first raiders clear like 10/12 with like ilvl 460 gear then? Gear is just an excuse for people who aren’t good. I guarantee if I swapped toons with most of the people on here I would be able to do higher content than most of them despite a 15-20 ilvl gap.

So… You showcased soloing raids as content you had that was gone from the game… and then complain that it is in the game you just need gear to do it?


I take issue with calling it “skill”. Like most PvE challenges, what it requires is experience. You don’t react to the prompt, you know it’s coming and you plan for it. You’re in range with your interrupt, you’re at the Edge of the room, you’re out of the cone, etc. before it ever happens.

It would obviously be a idea to start with new mythic plus dungeons not old ones. It should be account bound as well. If you where going to switch to a achevemnet based system and away from a key based system the new expac would be the place to do it.

Not necessarily, trash in particular is very unpredictable, you have to react to their actions. Especially in “trash intense” weeks like bolstering, enraging, fortified, etc.

And you’d have to change the whole key system as well. If you got a key that was a +7 siege but you’d only done a +5 siege… would be weird to have to nuke your key just to be able to do it.

Honestly they should focus on refining the current system, which works very well, not tearing it down and building a new one just because a few people don’t like raider io, especially when they are the ones who would instantly come back and complain that they weren’t getting invited for some other reason

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I personally think it’d be great if Blizzard made it against TOS to use external systems (addons, etc.) to determine whether criterias are met, or in a way that promotes toxicity in-game.

I wouldn’t say trash is unpredictable. Their abilities don’t change. For example when I’m in freehold I’m waiting for the blind rage to instantly dispel it, and I have a focus wild charge to my caster for the harpoon. I know they’re coming just not when

Everyone who gets declined has the same opportunity to build their own group and invite everyone who always gets declined. No one is gatekeeping anything more than their own group.

No it isn’t the trash (just like the bosses) are on a timer. Some of them target the furthest player always, some pick a random ranged player. Some target the closest melee if the tank moves out of range. It’s completely predictable if you do more than 1 dungeon a week.

Are private servers still a thing? Problem solved if so.

It would just make getting a group harder. I mean say you have done a +2 but all you see are 4’s,5’s, etc. Pretty restrictive if the only way to progress is to find somebody doing a +3 and then your funneled into a dungeon you might not even like or want to do.

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What do I think?

I think it is possibly the worst suggestion I have ever seen for wow and I am seriously struggling to find any redeeming features about it at all.

That’s what I think.


@OP this eliminates player choice and ruins what makes M+ fun.

M+ is fun. I know people who solely do M+. They don’t raid but do 20s and higher.

It sounds like M+ is not content made for you. Don’t do it.

Well, let’s ignore the giant “against the ToS” detail for a moment…

Considering I threw out the idea of a single-player variant of WoW in another topic not too long ago? This does start turning into the “magic bullet” solution to a lot of the issues which I have with this game:

  • It would, in theory, give me the ability to modify the game as I see fit. Anything and everything would be on the table.
  • No issues with the community, as I wouldn’t have to deal with all these unpleasant folks.

That being said, I’m not that technically inclined to the point I’d be willing to set-up a personal server (I wouldn’t be interested in joining someone else’s) or start directly tinkering with the game’s code. Probably something I could learn, but it’s not something I’m leaping at right now.

Modding and/or level-editing tools, and the obviously required offline mode where you can actually use stuff created with those tools, would be a decent middle-ground.

Let’s just say I’m questioning whether or not WoW is the game for me anymore.

To be frank, it probably isn’t. What little things I did enjoy have essentially been torn up and cast aside in favour of something else. WoW is no longer the game it once was, and all indication are the direction it’s taking will only be further and further away form what type of game I want to play; if I leave, I don’t see myself coming back.

Lingering sentimentality, desperately trying to find something left in this game which I can enjoy, being bloody stubborn, or simply unwilling to let go… call it what you will, I haven’t pulled the plug yet.

… yet.

I found the use of io to be annoying sometimes but what i mostly do is make groups with my own keys rather than relying on the elitists who want 2k+ io for a level 13 key even when it shows I’ve completed all dungeons at 15+ on time for the achievement and only come up with 1.9k score… In hindsight, doing your own keys gives you more control of your progression and that usually entails a higher io score if you are successful. Invest in yourself and it (should) pay off.

You really seem to only want this single player, semi dev-mode game, which is what it is. But why are you always in these threads crying to have content that you have no interest in, and that big groups of players enjoy, removed or ruined?

Accept that this isn’t the game you want and stop trying to kill others fun. There’s a whole world of single player games out there.