Idea to replace Raider IO

If it was still there – in the FORM I’m talking about – I wouldn’t be here complaining.

As I said, it has been boiled down to overwhelming the fight with raw damage output while the boss tickles you. That is NOT what I’m looking for.

And I am saying there is literally raid fights. You can solo. In game. Right now. In game.

That are now raw damage outputs while the boss tickles you.

For instance. Mythic Legion raids. While a few individual fights have mechanics you can’t get around solo. Many don’t. And those are not “raw damage output while the boss tickles you” fights.

But if you didn’t know IO existed and you ran the way you suggest, you’d be fine. Invited to groups all the time and happy as a clam and bone the wiser. IO is just a tool to get information, if that information was available in game (you can sort of see it on the armory, but that is a grey area for “external source”) you wouldn’t need the Addon.

I do agree with you on addons that are seen as “mandatory” should be baked into the game. DBM for example, comes to kind. GTFO is another, some kind of dps meter, and dungeon/raid experience.

Yes, that is the problem I am talking about.

Player damage output is too high.
Boss damage output it too low.
Mechanics are irrelevant as a result.

And you have yet to show a single counter-example.

Mythic Legion, Nighthold, ToS, Antorus.


Please try to waltz through there, ignore all mechanics. See the bosses just “tickle” you, and lazily nuke them in a few seconds.

There is no legacy debuff for last expansion’s raids.

Granted, a few fights are impossible to solo. Agrammar (spelling). I think he can chain sleep you solo.


A lot of their design choices are strange, Even the torment changes to torghast that had everyone upset. they felt as if waiting for cooldowns didn’t feel like good gameplay, and that it didn’t feel good as the “right thing to do”.

I’ve personally never felt compelled to do anything where I had to wait out timewarp and combustion for every pull, and fairly certain like less than 0.1% of the player base has. Here we are though, They added something that only feedback I’ve heard is people calling it annoying for everyone, to subvert the kind of stuff practically no one does.

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I am confused by the post and topic. @OP You do realize this has nothing to do with Blizzard right? People created the website that is able to use data from the armory which has been allowed since Vanilla. Developers continue to get better and create things like this. Not Blizzard’s fault people use this on their basis for inviting people to M+.

Addons will not be going away either. Been around since Vanilla also. All mmos have addons.

Lastly, want a simple solution for your M+ issues since you likely made this post since you probably don’t get invited to groups? Find a guild. Crazy huh? Guilds are sooooo much better in MMOs. Your guildees will take you along to M+ and raids etc. Plus you make new friends and don’t have to worry about the toxicity. Or. Form your own groups.


Then you need to be doing harder content.

Mechanics are not irrelevant in m+
They’re so not irrelevant, they’re pretty much why raiderio was created - so we knew who had experience to be able to handle the dungeon mechanics.

they are certainly not irrelevant in raiding…outside of the joke-mode LFR.

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They need to get out of their own way though. No one is stopping them from enjoying content.

Not too be terribly shady but if this were true they wouldn’t be on the forum asking for end game to be dumbed down.

Its really really easy to get a m+ key.
You can make a group with that key however you want. You can list it as pushing, gogogo or for simply just completion. Even list it as slow af ignoring timer and rp through the thing if you want. Everyone has that option.
No one is stopped from doing it their way.

I doubt Blizzard is going to do anything.

RIO is a necessary evil. Take it away another one will show up.

My biggest issue with mythic + is not being able to take your own key and spawn ad nauseam the dungeon of your choice to infinity.

In context, this was a side conversation. To justify him wanting to remove m+ completely, he was giving an example of content he liked that was removed.

He is talking about the ability to solo previous raid content and it be challenging. And how its all trivial now due to the legacy buff. But I pointed out that there are still previous raids you can solo for a challenge that aren’t what he is referring to. Many Legion Mythic raids.

ah, I missed that.

You dont deserve 470 gear for completing a +5 that would be rediculous.

I agree with you we need mage tower 2.0 in SL with new mogs and encounters.

If you want challenging content look no further than Wowhead, who show Rextroy like twice a week doing crazy solo content. Dude solo’s current raid bosses… Does that not sound hard enough for you?


Your pulling statements that are very old in this thread and then taking them out of context and using them to talk down to me. There are several variables and conditions you seem to glaze past in order to support your convenient everything is just fine argument.

I am sorry I do not have the energy to re-type every point I have made in the past and waste it on someone you picks and chooses what they want to comprehend.

To sum up,…yeah uh huh…(nods) (keeps moving)

I enjoy that you accuse me of talking down to you as you are talking down to me dismissively. Amusing. :clap:
I don’t care though because Its true. People complaining on this forum about m+ generally don’t do m+ and have a lot of excuses about why.

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Haha no under the new system a +5 difficulty is = to a +15.

That this is one bad idea.


No thanks. It takes more skill than gear to time a key. This would make the process grindier for alts.

There are too many issues in this idea to count, but my own observations are:

  1. squishing the tiered rewards from 15 to 5, assuming comparable difficulty increases as well, would create massive jumps in difficulty for people trying to progress through M+
  2. Forcing you to do each and every level before doing the next needlessly punishes people who are geared and skilled enough to skip the easy levels or are playing an alt who is well geared but hasn’t done many mythics.
  3. This wouldn’t stop unskilled people from getting into keys they aren’t ready for, because paid carries exist. Infact the only people who would benefit from this idea at all are the people selling M+ runs.