Idea to replace Raider IO

I dunno man, I rejected myself from my own group before. Don’t even know how it happen.

Raider Io the page is a great informational tool. The add-on however is a quick easy one and done score that dulls the minds of those who use it. It’s like reading the cover and claiming to be a expert on the book. It’s not really fair to the book.

I think the “sum-up” score, while convenient is at the root of the issue with raiderio.

wow. you should totally go to the forums and shame them for that.

And that’s a valid criticism - by far the most valid one that comes out of most of these repetitive io arguments. The overall score is not a great guage.

but, the addon is so much more than just a score. I hopped in and created a +15 AD group to grab this screenshot - a monk who signed up as healer.

From the addon tooltips I can see:
This guy is 1325, but was 1380 in his best season (s3)
his 1325 score is comprised of both tanking and healing, with most of his experience being tanking
his main is 3294 with tank/dps/healing experience
best run overall +16 tos
best run for the dungeon I listed +15 ad
and he’s timed 9 +15 runs

how is that “just a score”?

SURE if I look at just the score, it’s just the score, but there is so much more information there.

yes, you have to go to the person’s io page to dig deeper into it. Not sure there’s much of a way around that, since only so much info is going to fit into a tooltip.


This doesn’t fix the issue raider io solves.

People can still be carried through keys and they can climb through levels without actually earning their standing.

IO gives a ton of information across all dungeons - including the info about the group an individual did the dungeons with. So you can tell if they bought a carry or were carried by guildees.

Please keep in mind these player’s want to enjoy the content as well but can not due to specific conditions. It is logical for a company to want their product to be enjoyed by a large percent of people providing equal time and skill is invested. (to a certain point that is). If you have a narrow percent playing your content and blocking out others of equal skill and time to invest that is obviously a bad thing overall. A smart company looks for whatever tiny changes it can make to ease tensions between both sides.

You could just play something else since it seems like you dislike WoW and it’s playerbase so much. :man_shrugging:

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I see some of what you’re saying, but what you’re describing seems more like a standard dungeon experience that scales up. Not saying thats a bad thing, its just part of the M+ appeal is the competitive ladder aspect of it. I feel like you are conflating two separate things.

What you’re describing could be good, but I think that would be a separate dungeon system entirely. What we should do is try to retain the competitive ladder aspect of it, but remove the external addon requirements which creates in a way a artificial barrier to entry to some or just feels completely awkward (thats me).

I like how some of us are theory crafting in this topic lol kinda gets me excited. I’ll update the original post as we get more ideas.

Keepem coming.

I don’t really see what difference does it make. so your system blocks player from higher key until they done the lower key, essentially automatically baking in what RIO users currently vet manually. Except that RIO users currently have the option of purposefully taking in unqualified player (their friend, carrying, boosting etc), while your system won’t allow that flexibility.

Still won’t dis-incentivize people from leaving keys. If i joined a key, expecting it to be done in half hour, but its obviously not happening, then a cost/benefit calculation is done. if cost > benefit, i leave. so will vast majority of the pug community.

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True but I feel like thats a small percentage dont you?

A few teweaks?

You are asking for the system to be completely abolished, while ignoring that m+ gets buffed every season…hence the seasonal reset.

You are asking for the entire m+ system to be destroyed. Not tweaked.

Isn’t that mythic+ as well ? same dungeon same boss, same tile set, same area , no new design, no new lore e.t.c

Each season has a different affix. Each week is slightly different from the previous in how you pull, what you pull, when you should use cds to be efficient.

Your idea still doesn’t fix the problem that raider io solves.

Raider IO gives a ton of information.

But equal time wasn’t invested.

if I spend 10 hours a week running m+, and you spend 1 hour a week running m+, I’m probably going to be further progressed in the m+ system and not want to group with you, due to your lack of m+ experience.

WoW isn’t really the type of game you can slack on, timewise, and expect the same results as someone who has much more time to devote to it.

That’s true for just about every type of wow content.

ok but
again, NO ONE is capable of blocking anyone from running a m+ dungeon.
they’re capable only of blocking you from joining their group.

I know you disagree. But me not inviting you (just using us for ease of pronouns) is not me gatekeeping you from m+. it’s me gatekeeping you from me.

I guess I simply cannot accept the notion that someone is incapable of getting their own key and running it. maybe I’m too far removed from people who feel that way though.


It’s just not true in the case of people saying IO stops them though. Anyone can run their own M+ groups.


Oh so its the extra “mechanic” and “scaling” factor gotcha gotcha

And the rotating affixes.

Yeah but that information you are speaking about is to see if people boosted or not. That just seems like a small factor to worry about.

This also does nothing for people who enjoy doing lvl 20+ keys in time