I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

In raids it was bad from about Tomb of Sargeras onwards.

In M+ it didn’t fall out of meta until last season of BFA but has been pretty dog for all of SL.

I would small weekly tuning to all classes so we have a very balacned game.

Amen. And I honestly don’t know why they can’t make small modifications based on the data.

The average damage on FIGHT X is Y. Two Standard deviations out from that are A and B.

Classes 1,2 and 3 are outside of those deviations. Of 1000 observations of those classes on FIGHT X we can see that an optimal rotation is showing ABILITY Z is lowest. Therefore we’re going to give ABILITY Z a 2% increase and check again next week.

They get huge amounts of data. They could easily automate most of the changes for weekly tuning. It would still have to be reviewed and approved by a human but still.

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So now you’re using the word “role” to refer to the same things I was when I meant ranged, melee, healing, and dps… which implies you knew what I meant before?

When did I get mad?

The point was that no other class does them all, and your points about the strength of each is irrelevant, because the original point said “regardless of the strength of each.”

Continue doing nothing but being a troll.

A lot of the issue is class design. It’s the reason we always see certain classes at the top of the ladder. Pala, rogue, mage, warrior, druid. They all have a toolkit that excels in pvp: team utility, cc and defensives.

That doesn’t change that dps is a role that has the melee/ranged sub role.

Still not a valid point. Who cares?

Continue being mad and not making valid points.

Agreed. We should dumpster Druids.

Give me more salt. It keeps my Bear well preserved. To stay running through your mind all week long.

Who cares if druids can fill every role? They are decent at multiple roles and not great at most of them.

Dumpster shamans before druids.

How do you kill that which has no life?! Honestly, we’re in the best shape we’ve ever been in. That said, it’s a bit odd Druids have 3 specs in the Top 15 and Shaman have one.

So you’re admitting you knew what i meant. And that the word role doesnt matter at all. Good.

Druids are the only class that can do melee, ranged, heal, and tank isn’t a valid point when that IS THE POINT. Man you’re really reaching now.

Zero people are mad except you. Move along kiddo

Top 15 of what? You can’t just say too 15 without context.

I never said I didn’t know what you meant. I’m telling you flat out your pint isn’t valid because of how roles are actually used.

You’re still wrong my guy.

Again who cares? If you want that flexibility then go play a Druid.

I’m not mad at all. Making pancakes actually.

I’ve said it prior in this thread, but just for the record Arenamates has the Top 15 specs. As I’ve said before, Druids and Priests have three specs on there, while DKs and Warlocks have none.

So basically a third party site with zero credibility? :joy:

You seem to like to win on technicalities. They’re tracking the specs in matches. How do they have zero credibility?

So we’re taking the smallest demographic in the game and basing a “nerf this class” thread off of that?

Because it’s not associated with Blizzard. Blizzard does not feed them their data. It would be no different than me tracking the information that’s available to everyone and making a site displaying said information and saying “i’m credible”.

But Druid doesn’t hit the table until spot 10. Shamans are 3rd. We should probably nerf Shamans first if this is what we’re going off of.

You’d make a great North Korean.

Because all that does is show who is playing what. It doesn’t show viability.

Example being that x class performs well in twos and threes while y class is awful in twos but good in threes.

Feral is great in twos and threes.
Ele isn’t great in twos and good in threes.

Feral will rank higher on the list because of viability but that doesn’t mean ele isn’t as good.

And winning on Technicalities means I’m winning on facts.