I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

They have rankings for each - I’m citing the 3s chart specifically because it’s more competitive.

Edit: re: Only shows who is playing what - does that have no bearing? What people play in the most competitive bracket says a lot.

Even then it’s viability. If classes have more comps then they are likely to be played more. Top lists show participation not viability.

So you’ve really got nothing then. Got it.

No. People play what they wanna play. You’d have to go off of actual rankings which goes back to:

Until you can show me another class that does melee dps, ranged dps, healing, and tanking… i’m not wrong.

My statement was simply that druids are the only class that can. That’s it. Nothing else. Your opinion about whether it matters or not that they can is not evidence that they can’t or that other classes can.

Try not to swear at your pancakes

You said role. There’s only 3 roles with 1 role being broken into a sub category. Sub category does not equate to role. That makes you wrong.

Now asking which class can melee, ranged dps, tank, and heal all under a single class. That’s a different take, and what you’re trying to move your goal posts to after being proven wrong with your first comment of what other class can fill all roles (which falls to paladin and monk).

But you are. The melee ranged difference doesn’t apply because there isn’t a dps or ranged role select in game.

You do dps as xyz class.

Who cares?

Why would I?

That’s fair. But why isn’t viability counted in the power budget? Skill Capped did a video where they said “Other classes getting buffed is good for warriors because they have so much utility, better teammates enhance that utility.”

That should be counted in how a class is reviewed.

People play what they want to play in 3s? What benevolent group leader accepts the Fury Warrior?

There’s a few of them up there with ratings upwards of 2700. So someone must have been okay with them.

You’re missing the statistics thing here. There are always exceptions. You can’t write policy on exceptions.

There is an odd irony to being a class that doesn’t end up included in the optimum composition of a PvP group of 2, 3 or 5. They hold on to the perceived disrespect as a badge of honor and wave it around as some form of intentional “class-ism”, all while secretly enjoying whatever success they have in spite of handicaps.

Good luck on your quest Thundah, I suspect it will end in further disappointment.

Most things do. But I have no agenda here. The OP is clearly not serious. I’m only pushing back on the johnny-tryhards who think Druids are underserved.

That’s not at all what you asked. Again, every time you guys are proven wrong, you move goal posts.

People play what they want to play, and every Fury warrior has a higher ranking than you are. So for you trying to shun a specific spec, they’re doing better than you are with your top pick spec.

I mean, if we’re going to go off of statistics alone, then we can hardly even consider PvP to be part of the game with how few people actually participate in it compared to the entire game eh?

I wouldn’t say that other classes being buffed enhances warriors utility. It buffs synergy with other classes.

The key to having a good threes comp is synergy.

And you say I move the goal posts…yeezus

Explain to me how - if people play what they want to play - that balance is ever an isse? At what point, in your mind, does Balance stop people from playing what they want to play?

Your argument being true would mean the game is always in perfect balance.

Druids are clearly overpowered, not that I mind a bit. :smirk:

That’s all I’m saying!

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Uhh arenamate is pretty credible

Didn’t read thread but necro feral and rdruid are disgustingly op (in pvp, which is what i assume thread is about)

Not for the context the OP is using it as.


Why not?!

This feels like semantics, but I think they’re saying “The great stuff warriors can do is better when they’re doing it to stronger classes.”

I don’t think you understand the term “moving goal posts”. I just used your logic. If we can’t count the Fury Warriors present (which you asked “who would invite a Fury Warrior into 3s”), because of their low representation in the overall statistics, then by that same logic: PvP cannot be counted due to it’s low representation in the overall statistics.

Balance has nothing to do with people playing what they want to play. Balance may have everything to do with someones specific goals, but it doesn’t stop them from playing what they want to play. If Balance had everything to do with it, you’d only see 4 specs being played. The best tank. The best healer. The best melee. The best ranged.

And going off of your Arenamates website, I’m finding all these specs that didn’t make it to the top 15 in 3s, making it over 2500-3000.

People play what they want to play. Fury Warriors, Survival Hunters, Havoc DH, etc etc (although I see Havoc snagged the 15 spot).