I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

I believe it. Arms tends to be REALLY weak at the start of every expac, and then ends flirting with the edge of being OP. It’s just how Haste benefits us, and as a secondary stat, we just don’t get anywhere near enough of it at the start of an expac.

But by the end… stand aside, kids.

I know I’d certainly try it. I just DMd my raiding Feral buddy right now. lol

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I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.

Is there a spec that is actually trash right now? As in unplayable?

Druids are strong, but I’m looking for a reference as to what would be acceptable to you.

pretty sure they’re bad right now outside of pvp

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MW > Rdruid rn
sorry ur blind


Not sure how I can argue with both this rock-solid argument and a personal attack.

sorry, let me try again.

Hi, Thundahstahm! I don’t know if you’ve seen the current meta, but right now Mistweaver monks are among the top tiers of healers and currently do more hps and dps than resto druids! Right now, you don’t want a resto druid if you can help it, as the other healer specs are a lot better.


Mistweaver throughput is really good now, especially with the venthyr covenant legendary

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Didn’t see them in any of the top comps.

neither did you see rdruids :wink:

I was just thinking about this. Every flavor of druid is good in pvp, all four are good in RBGs. Two are excellent in mythic plus, and balance is excellent in the raid.

Then you have warlocks. In all forms of content, all warlock specs are weaker than a druid spec. This is also true for death knights.

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They’re 9th

Pre-bearing defensively is excellent gameplay. Perma-cat isn’t.

Yup,I figured a shaman :expressionless:


I would be fine with this. I’m tired for being hated on for things out of my control.

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True. But I like the class fantasy of pure feral kitty. it be nice if game supportted that better.

My ferals horde and alliance follow this guardian train as a means to an end. Not happy…but, yeah, it works.

NE druid is fae an z troll is necro. So I follow that fotm too.

Feral is definitely not OP in raid. You guys are insane lmao. He should be simming higher than you on ST. That’s ferals only niche.

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nah you - I hate shamans

Dunno about your raid, but the one in our raid is.

The running joke in our raid is when our Feral ONLY does 10.5 - 10.9k dps… and well all call him out “what… couldn’t get to your 11k sim???”

Meanwhile, I’d do anything to be flirting with 11k dps on most of the SoD fights. There’s like 2 that have really gimmicky nonsense to allow Arms to keep their raid slot.

Feral is OP.

Let me introduce you to bus shock

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