I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Innervate is overrated and also provided by your moonkins. There is no reason to have an rdruid. You’re better off with 2 resto shamans. That’s the point.

No, it doesn’t help your argument. If “gitgud” solves for all balance problems, then WoW has always been perfectly balanced.

Druids been bad in raiding for most of shadowlands.

I mean… even with it said that RDruid isn’t bad… I’d put them at the bottom with Holy Priest…

S Tier

A Tier

B Tier

Can you beat Mythic Sylvanas with an RDruid? Yes. Are you better running two RShaman. Also yes.

Druids have all of the player power perks, and then they have other perks such as:

  1. Fast travel
  2. Instant travel form
  3. Pick flowers while in travel form
  4. (Not as relevant today but…) Travel-form in the Maw
  5. Teleports

Etc etc. Druids are clearly a favored class. SL has been perfectly Balanced.

No you’re still wrong. The game obviously isn’t balanced but its probably the best its ever been. Perfect balance isn’t possible without complete homogenization.

No they aren’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about just say that.

You don’t even raid at a level where it matters so please stop making yourself look bad.

Literally every hybrid.


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If this is true, why is Mistweaver low-man on the list in almost everything I’ve seen?

If this is true, why were 2 classes left off the Top 15 in Arena list, while 2 classes held three spots.

If this is true, why can’t a Blood DK flag carry in RBGs?

You’re right. But a lot of people don’t want to be viable. They want to be optimal and I get that. Healer meta has been the same for too long. We need change.

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The unholy trinity of Disc/HPally/RShaman must be dismantled…

Unfortunately that would probably require a lot of reworks.

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This is still WAY better balance than previous expansions.

Please embarrass yourself right now and tell me it’s not. PLEASE do it lmao

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druid propaganda to propagate the concept of sleeper jungle comps

Gotta give hpriest, rdruid and MW raid wide DR. They have to do this.

I feel like MW would be broken with raid DR it’s already probably the strongest throughput healer right now.

Let’s do it.

MW lacks competitive CDs. It needs something.

I think they thought they gave HPriest that with the Hymn of Hope changes to defensive CDs… but playing HPriest means you’re not playing Disc xD

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Ok, fine.

I give you permission to make a druid.
Go on.
Play that inner druid you’ve been suppressing all these years.
You’ll never grow old. You’ll never die.
Except when everyone focuses on you and disrupts your convoke.


We’ve had our turn. And right now, we are right where we should be as a hybrid class.

Perhaps you should truly embrace your hatred and roll a Druid. Come, join the dark side.


Balanced for SL with SL systems. its still has underlying issues that are going to slam druids prepatch to 10.

Guardian (spec or talent) based druids losing either necro or fae abiities.

pve feral losing convoke to be back at lacklustre damage output.

9.2 will make this even worse. feral should get fixed somewhat with 2nd lego. Cool, could be nice.

I am still thinking long game. Where will they be in the month(s) of removed rented power systems to 10.0. and what does 10 give to give that back. If it gives it back at all.

I’m i246 and sim in the mid 9k.

One of the Ferals in my raid is i246 and sims 11k.

I don’t know how Feral keeps flying under the radar, but if you don’t realize how OP this spec is, it’s a you thing. Feral is INSANELY OP atm.

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Yes, but what class isn’t that true for?

Supatease had a video out in the last day or two saying the Arms/Feral combo is something you need to learn to brace for.