I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Yeah but your raid isn’t everyone’s raid lol. The truth is not relative to you.

Yeah but what part of “Feral is dumm” … when it not only sims out of this world, but objectively can be played out of this world… do you not put the onus on the PLAYER for FAILING?

It’s not the spec. Or it would sim less than ME. Instead, it’s 2k higher. In a world where 50 is considered worth making changes.

Feral is STRONG.

“I’d like Druids to be Thrash next expansion.”

We’re already Thrash this expansion, well at least as guardian.

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Raiding. That’s when they’re bad because they’re not omegalul Paladin/Disco Priest or LULWHATSMANASHAMAN.

Cool, nobody cares for DPS that’s any good.

How about Shamans sit at literally bottom tier next expac? If you think they are bottom tier, you’re just playing them bad.

I get tired of people complaining about this class. It’s not fun to play unless you’re doing content where nobody actually cares to do stuff competitively. Balance spec isn’t fun, not even remotely. The most fun part of that entire spec is pressing starfall, otherwise it’s garbage tier. No, I don’t mean numbers wise, I mean literally playing the spec.

Feral was never much fun to begin with because 3 abilities and you’re energy starved, which is meh at best.

Guardian is fun but omegalulboring because you have, again, 3 buttons and you just sit there spamming swipe all day otherwise.

Resto is fun to do as a healer but because you’re not a HPal, Rsham, or DPriest when it comes to raiding, enjoy having groups for mythic raiding as people don’t want more than 1 R Druid, period, even though they’re the one spec where it’s actually better to have 3, 4 or even 5 of because they get so much better with more of them, not 2, but more than 2.

As for PvP, who cares about PvP it’s literally a sidegame, at best. The whole game was meant for raiding, not meant for PvP. That was a laughing joke.

Not constantly neglected other than their forms, but the way the specs play, especially their DPS specs, it’s literal garbage. Like, Feral is 100% a worse Rogue spec in every single regard and Balance isn’t even remotely fun to play.

druids need some serious buffs to our class, and across multiple specs. I’d love to see the mastery nerf from BFA reverted back and buffed for our healers.

I’d love to see more core-dps options available to our class without having to rely on borrowed power to make up for 90% of it (for example, adding a new dot to our class would be more than enough).

Feral needs some love too - they’re alright - but other classes do exactly what they can with more perks.

And bears are supposed to be powerful, so yeah.

Druids owe most of their strength to end-game borrowed power systems, and that’s why we feel like empty shells when expansions are over. At the core we’re just bland.

Disagree with your post 100% OP. But I’ll be nice since you clearly are not a seasoned Druid veteran.


No, I have dignity. :wink:

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let’s at least agree that both shamans and druids need a TON of new forms (especially shamans imo)

us tree lovers need to stick together here :nerd_face:

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Agreed. We’ve asked for years. If they don’t make SoulShapes into glyphs I’m launching the secret plan.

But yeah, I mean I made this thread for fun and from jealousy. I don’t seriously hate any class.



The first rule of Shaman Club is NO ONE TALKS ABOUT SHAMAN CLUB.

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rogue much?

Okay, lets make Paladins trash then too. While we’re at it, why not Shamans too? And maybe Monks for good measure.

Instead of complaining, about something more constructive. Like actual class balancing instead of adding things that are easily temporary (Borrowed Power) that ends up being a crutch for classes as a fix for class balancing.

ugh now i feel like an uber nerd…it’s so hard to tell out there with the trolls these days

cheers and here’s to hoping we get some more dinosaur and kitten skins :wine_glass:

at the end of the day - i bet you if we stripped all this end game borrowed power, every single class would feel like complete trash…cept for maybe warriors.

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Druids being OP is a joke, but they do own the versatility mantle.

Blizz should really consider adding some roles to current classes before bringing in more…Earth based Shaman & Animal form Hunters (assume the role/form of your pet) come to mind.


Don’t. The jerks on the forums aren’t worth your time. We’ll all be dead soon. Have some fun while you’re here.

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You wouldn’t because just like druid they don’t have a Raid DR, which allows high end comps to game the system and survive normally non-survivable mechanics.

but they do more HPs and DPS, just how it is, no raid DR not in meta.

Hey, traitor. You take that back.

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Oh, trust me. As a Enhancement user, we need to peg everyone down.


Druids are fun. They also carry us around too. Be happy druids.

wiggles toes

wait til you get kicked in the face by a tauren. then you will reconsider how far their hooves can reach