I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

OP got deleted by convoke and is salty.


Not sure that’s ever happened.

Monks can fill every roll too, and when played well, are just as effective. Are they the next on your list after druids? How does it affect you, unless you’re so shallow, that the classes that you don’t play must be weaker to the classes that you do play.


Legion. Also, rogues aren’t anywhere near as cool as some other classes.

Are you seriously going to tell me Mistweaver and Restoration are comparable?

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Says the op shammy! =P i love my druid, but you do have a point <3

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Ahh yes, how can I forget the awesome…. Sewer. :face_vomiting:

I remember begging Blizzard for Ravenholt. But nope… sewer. :nauseated_face:


Long hair don’t care.

I still be a chicken and look good while being it.

I’d post that gif of the cow with the long golden locks flowing in the wind if I still had tl3

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When played well, yes. Obviously you never played a MW correctly. You’ve are probably a shaman that only throws 1 spell everytime.

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With a qualifier like this, which spec is bad?

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Shaman envy is strong.

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People who say rdruid is bad for raids are just wrong. Feral is not bad at all. Boomy is ridiculous and so is bear.

Regardless of the strength of the specs, tell me which other class can fill every role there is. Spoiler… there isnt one.

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Shamans need a nerf to their elementals, just saying. Also, my self heals are almost as good has your heals.


No one has a serious argument here.

None atm. Which doesn’t help your point. Get better? lmao


Monk, just saying.

Monk has awesome ranged dps. Forgot.


RDruid isn’t bad in raids I don’t understand where that idea comes from O.o

They’re not HPally or Disc no, but they’re great especially in tandem with Disc because Disc wants as many Innervates for their ramps as possible

They aren’t good either. Hence why they’re picked over all the time.

Yes they are.