I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

i said for once, not one time, lol
they were okay in castle, nothing to write home about, middle of the pack. then they exploded in sanctum

youre acting like bear is the only OP/easy tank


Feral needs love. I mean pure feral Not the hybrid running around now.

That feral is talented guardian. And spends half its time as a bear.

That feral also needs, not wants, convoke IMO. 10.0 comes and this is taken away….feral gets even worse. Again.


Yeah. Idk if you’re talking pvp here, but all you’re showing is you don’t know the class history.

This is the strongest moonkin has ever been really.


Blizzard cared enough to change mid for deepwind because of vdh.

If you don’t, then why are you arguing so hard?

lowkey shoves demon hunters into the “make them trash next expansion” pile


They’re not great now, are they?

I dunno, I’m just doing it for Mortis.


Okay, so you only really have an issue with the laser gods then.


Ugh I remember them in world pvp. I didn’t even bother trying to kill one. Just blink and invisibility away….

Even groups of people wouldn’t bother trying to kill a geared bear because it was near impossible


Jokes on all of you. I’m already trash. Heh.


So you believe they’re good in the content you do and will ignore the fact that it’s not all content and you want them thrown in the garbage? Seems a bit hypocritical.

Vanilla they were mediocre, BC same, Wrath decent, Cata meh, Warlords wasn’t good to them, Mists they were okay and they picked up in Legion. I don’t remember them being top dog in BfA, but I didn’t pay attention to end game.

The hostility is unwarranted. Play what you like, do what you want. Be in a guild that doesn’t discriminate and none of this means anything to you.

We aren’t neglected. But I’m tired of people being so hostile. They did that to DHs and people were even hostile in game towards them. Then they became a worthless class when Blizzard trashed them in BfA. Then people made fun of them even more. It was the most toxic I’ve ever seen people. Outside of this OP, who needs to learn to be less toxic.


How about no.

with how many nerf threads there are for everything you may as well make every class trash next expansion anyway.

Man, the Classic accounts are out tonight.


My issue isn’t so much the power, it’s the overwhelming amount of content they get. Druid themed stuff. When was the last time there was rogue themed anything?

In Shadowlands Ardenweald is druid themed.

In Legion they had Val’sharah.

In Cataclysm they had Hyjal.

In BC is was Zangamarsh.

Has any class fantasy had as much content as druids? Multiple high end characters. Stories. Raid tiers. Hell, even a goddess. There no “god of light”. But the druids have arguably one of the strongest deities in the lore.

They get 4 specs, multiple animal forms. Tons of customizations.

They are, by a wide margin, the most catered too class in the game.


Naw i just cant post on my main account atm and only toons that can post on this 1 are my hunter and this toon that i dont even play and quit classic ages ago anyway.

this was your main and only point and it was already nerfed


Yeah, maybe that’s it, too. I just feel like, whenever somethings going on, Druids are right up front. Abilities, content, fan favor.

Wasn’t even in the top 3

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Resto was good in BfA - Boomkin was middle of the pack, Guardian and Feral were dumpster fire compared to the others


Pretty much.
They put a lot of the toolkit into the artifact weapon, then just kind of took it away…
Then slowly gave it back when they realized gutting the spec was bad… of course that realization took a year to figure out, because Blizzard and feedback.

Guardian scales really good with increasing stats as well, so later in the expac they tend to shine far more then the beginning. Right now IMO Guardian is only great because of their legendary choices. If it were base toolkit to base toolkit I feel the other tanks would outshine them.

Personal Experience: TD was deleting people in BGs and in dungeons it was actually pretty fun (if broken as all hell) to be number 1 in damage and healing while tanking.

Combination of things there. Only 1 rez per 30 mins, no meaningful CC in some common areas (namely no shackle undead and such for endgame dungeons) and stats for gear that can only be described as confusing. They weren’t bad but they also didn’t bring anything but MOTW and BR that the other healers didn’t do just as well or better. But 17 year old gameplay vs now is apples and oranges.

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