I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Aye, I meant monks and not shamans. Thanks for catching that

Now we must work together to make Monks less of a dumpster fire.

At least you stopped even trying to offer counter points… and continue to demonstrate a lack of ability to move past semantics.

Let’s agree that this statement is a different take, ok? It’s not, but we’ll pretend.

no other class can do ranged, melee, heal, and tank.

Would you like to argue against this? Is it untrue because it’s a different take than talking about literal roles? Both No?

Is this the part where even though clarified, i never get over it?

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Oh hey neat. I didn’t know you could toggle that when looking at the rundown list. I generally care about ilvl vs overall personally. Always drilled down to the actual log.

Learned something new, thanks!

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Yep it’s that same little button on the top right of the box.

I think both are important to look at but too many people get hung up on the overall parse.

This is also directed at you.

In the entirety of SoD there is only 2 fights that are pure single target.

Tarragrue and guardian.

Everything else has adds or multi target.

Arms is performing better period.

Yeah, I generally lag behind in ilvl as I don’t spam M+ and don’t fully clear mythics, so I tend to look more at how I perform against other people in my bracket for comparison. Both are useful, but I care more about how I am playing to try and not be a drag yanno?

I think the biggest problem with this is…the council fight. I’ll go through everything, but I like to use the 90th percentile for looking at things(…and looking at 9.0.5 which is sliiiightly different than 9.0)

  • Shriek 3rd
  • Huntsman 3rd
  • Hungering 6th
  • Sun King 10th
  • Artificer 13th
  • Inerva 18th
  • Council 1st by a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE margin due to starfalling all the horde of lil adds
  • Sludge 6th
  • Stone Legion Generals 11th
  • Sire 18th

Overall they end up top, pretty much entirely due to Council. But when you break it down they were really upper middle of the pack. They had good fights, they had sucky fights. Generally slightly above the middle, I wouldn’t argue against calling them lower upper tier.

But man Council is probably the worst ever because of just how much it skews perception. Balance was just entirely ridiculous on that fight.

Me too. Roasted kittys. Bear hides warm. Moonkin feathers. Yum.


Nope, roles has nothing to do with this. This would be the same as saying no other class has invulnerability while still being able to use abilities. Nothing to do with roles.


What do you need to be told to feel satisfied enough that you end this?

He covered it already and I agreed to it

But you’re still bringing it up.

Resto druid always become a problem and it gets incredibly old. It is as easy to predict as mage/rogue being absurd.

The class needs to get gutted and remove its ridiculous traits. It is a healer with a spammable cc, incap, root, decent throughput/mana, can’t be rooted, can’t be poly’d, great dcds, mobility.


This is what I was driving at and it isn’t clear to me why they think this is fine.

Is it, though

What you quoted is entirely different from the the role vs sub category thing and unrelated

They also think a class with 2 long stuns, a blind, sap, incredible DCDs, mobility, restealth, smoke bomb is fine. Not to mention its global capability.

They also think mage is fine, you know, the guys that are tankier than a tank with unlimited get out of jail free cards.

They have no idea what to do with the game anymore, ability creep has gotten to be too much and the only option is to increase damage output on everyone, which is what these last 2 seasons have been.

They seem to refuse to:

  1. Let PVP be it’s own thing
  2. Acknowledge what that refusal has done

If these Devs fail, it will be due to stubbornness in the market. Most MMOs either have trash PVP, or only PVP. WoW can straddle the gap if they separate it and RPS balance things.

They haven’t cared to do this in nearly a decade. At least not to the level that they used to care.

Hell, they don’t even seem to care about the PVE either anymore.