I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

It wasnt briefly though

How long did it take them to nerf overrun in Legion? About 10 minutes after videos of guardians in arenas came out.

I am talking BFA not Legion

i think its insane that i can fly around in travel form and pick up objectives without having to fight the mob standing next to it. i love it, but i almost feel bad for the other classes to have to slog through killing stuff and i finish a world quest in under a minute sometimes.

Have to be pretty bad shaman to be deleted by convoke … grounding for the win!!

Where did I mention 1 type of druids ahh right I didn’t so nice spin doctor :sweat_smile:

252 iLvL 1 target.

Fury- 10.9k dps
Feral- 10.4k dos
Arms- 10.4k dos

Ferals up side is greater than arms but not by much.
Fury is out scaling arms at this point.

Do what you want with this information. But feral is not better than your class nor is it much greater than your spec.

Also, in 3 target cleave you still lose to arms but trash feral.

I don’t think you have an argument about how good feral is at this point.

+looks at your “data”+

I think you just proved that Feral is as good as an “A-tier” spec, even sometimes mentioned as “S-tier” in SoD. When everyone keeps parroting that Feral is some sort of “C-tier” or whatever lesser valued spec.

I don’t need to go into your “random” simulation compared to the actual data I used, the only point I ever tried to make is that Feral is really good and YOU JUST PROVED THAT. gg

You also just proved why people refuse, and will continue to refuse, to play Feral or accept that it’s a great spec atm. Even after proving it’s A-tier, you end your post with trying to belittle the/ my argument that Feral is good. When YOU just posted data saying it’s the same as an A-tier spec. lol

Can’t make this stuff up.

You think arms is an A- tier spec? Lol. It’s not. And yes. Feral is comparable to arms.
Fury is your a-tier spec.
Stop playing pvp specs with bad stats and trinkets.
You’ll be fine.

The man has a point.
I wouldnt even mind if they had two top tier and two meh spec but they’re 4 for 4 on S tier specs, and then they keep getting buffed.

Some Dev was really like, “hey know what RDruids need? a bubble!”

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Btw, I’m not saying they should be trash because I believe no class deserves to be, but saying they were middle of the pack is definitely wrong.


You have to speak to the audience you’re in front of.

I’ll leave it to someone else to post a similar pic of the raiding classes for SoD.

It’s not like it’s a secret that Arms Warrior was #2 for WF, or that a number of the fights are SPECIFICALLY beneficial to the Arms skillset. Or I guess I should say, it’s not a secret to everyone but you.

I’ll just leave out a little more rope for you to hang yourself by. Your last 2 posts have been full of EASILY refuted information, so I don’t know what your point is. But by all means… continue…

Right now?

The class/specs are trash…the borrowed powers are crazy op though.

Like guardian druid was rated alone at C-tier before the last legendaries was added, than jumped up to S-tier with the arrival of the 2 BIS tank leggos. (this was in beta)

Boomkin does tank dmg outside cd’s.

Feral is purely based on convoke atm.

So your wish will come true in 10.0!

lol. Okay. Mr. A tier with a feral Druid simming higher than you. Haha

I didnt attempt to move anything at all. It has been made abundantly clear what the original point was. You’re choosing not to get over one single word just so you can continue arguing a stupid point with zero positive outcomes… the sheer idiocy of arguing against an objective statement of fact just to do it is so weird. But hey this is the wow forums.

No it isnt. This was the point the entire time. Stop taking the word “role” just to argue semantics.

The game has been focused on the holy trinity since it’s conception. Tanking, healing, dealing damage.

3 is the holy number. Not 3 + sub categories, not 4, not 189 because we have to categorize everyone with different abilities and what they can do

3 roles. 3 classes able to do all 3 roles: Druid, Paladin, Monks

This is like a rich person telling someone working for a minimum wage that they too have problems.

  1. Shaman can’t tank
  2. You forgot Monks

Three shall be the number thou shalt count , and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out!