I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Yeah but that last point is the wake-up call. They didn’t have to care when they were the 800lbs gorilla in the MMO room.

Now they’re getting their lunch eaten.

Rogues don’t have two long stuns. Rogue defensive CDs are also pretty weak which is why they are the kill targets in most games.

Mages are extremely weak to Offensive dispells.

Honestly it sounds like a you needing to learn how classes work and improving your play.

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No offense but you really have no idea what you’re talking about.

Pvp is it’s own thing?

I mean the talents you get. There’s a concept that your character “should be the same everywhere”

You mean like pvp talents?

No, not like PVP talents.

You literally asked for pvp only talents which is what pvp talents are.

I didn’t ask for this.

It kind of is, though…?

eh no?

…also has the LOWEST damage output.
…also has the WORST mobility.
—the entire power is tied to 1 legendary.

idk, in M+, pretty much every other heal class outperforms rdudu. And in Raiding, Monk & Rshams dominate raid healing and paladins are amazing at spot healing.

Convoke was only an issue for like first month… Everyone who plays arena has multiple ways to counter it. One of them, always off CD — Line of Sight. There are plenty of other issues with PvP. Convoke is like at the bottom of the list.

Ferals are gutted in all activities.
Resto is kinda big meh in arenas afaik, or rated.
Bears take INSANE magical damage.
Boomies are only “OP” in M+ on quad pulls + Frenzy. Outside of that, nothing special. 9.1 boomies are 9.0 fire mages.

But yeah, you’re right. The fact that you don’t like them means everything. Let’s forget about people who actually enjoy this class… Like myself. Cuz clearly my option is inferior to yours.

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PVE changes affect PVP. Which is the problem.

No they don’t. Ability tuning for classes is separate for pve and pvp.

Are you saying they buff abilities in raids that don’t change PVP?

Yes. Have you ever looked at patch notes?

Snozh is right btw.
PvE and PvP do have different tuning. Like half of the toolkit is nerfed in PvP. Especially convoke. It’s practically gutted in PvP.

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Yes. They’ve been doing it for years.

I wouldn’t go that far. Convoke just requires setup now.

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Convoke still has a rack up time, unlike Rets burst or fire mage pump of insts.

It was surely pretty annoying at launch…Everyone was new. But fairly quickly people got a hang of it, especially if 2nd player was not a caster, but liek a warior/rogue/ret/hpala etc, basicalyl a class that doesn’t really need quick.

They made convoke require setup so you couldn’t be a 1200 player and get 2100 just by pushing convoke.

Convoke is still a strong CD especially with the night fae legendary.

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