I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

Remember Napster!!!

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So…. I’m not trying to be ugly at all. But you aren’t a good bench mark looking at your gear and stats.

A) you don’t have a shard set “does he?”

B) your stats are pretty bad for a warrior with your iLvL.

C) your trinkets are trash.

If you had the correct trinkets, you’d pick up around 500 dps.
If you had the unholy set completed, you pick up around 1500 dps.
If you had more haste and crit, instead of all that mastery, you pick up about 300 dps.

Nope, I definitely do not remember that…:zipper_mouth_face:


I’ve gotta be getting trolled! Why do yall keep saying I’m bragging when he said I’ve done nothing noteworthy. Doors brought up his rating to me first. So I had to let em know real quick

Nah you’re getting dragged.

You bought a boost in 2014 and then tried to brag about it.

You’re also mediocre in pve as well.


Because 2200, 1 time, isn’t noteworthy. I guarantee Doors is better then you right now in pvp.


No, it sounds like Doors is a better than average player (as is Snozh), and Birds bought a carry in 2014.

Worst, Doors, who earned his, is humble, and Birds, who bought his, is crowing about it.


That’s what you think? None of you vermin can drag me. Don’t ever forget that.

You told me to ‘play arena, real PVP,’ because you assumed I was an RBG player and you could insult me for it, so I pointed out that I do-do arena.

Who brags about my XP except for in instances where mentioning it is relevant? Lol


Must have gone bear form. Too many breakers of chains in here.


There are dozens of posts contradicting this…


Right. Then you immediately brought up rating. You could’ve said I was bragging if I’d opened with something like “youve never reached 2200, I have”. But I didn’t.

Then snozh slid on his knees for some reason.

Or, you know? You could have just spoken to me like a human being, made a reasonable point against RBG balance if you had one for it, and not started a pointless string of arguments.

I can assure you I wasn’t looking to get into a dumb flame war with you, especially over content I don’t even especially care about. Lol

That’s the part I don’t get. It’s common knowledge that Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about RBGs. There was a ton of cheating going and they did nothing. A handful of players complained but that’s it. Because nobody cares lol.

That’s just the truth. If you want to say that’s not a good point, I guess that’s fair. But it is what it is :man_shrugging:t6:. IIRC, they’ve explicitly said they only focus on 3v3 balance. That was a while ago though.

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I can agree with that. Blizzard doesn’t care, but we can only hope they will take an interest in their own game eventually. Anyway, there’s like 50 people left playing this game, it was an unfortunate dust up. Good luck to you in your future content pushing.


I wasn’t either I was just trolling. I was waiting for you to catch on from the way I was talking :joy:. I’ve never talked like that anywhere else on here. But then everyone else starting coming at me CRAZY.

Appreciate it. I wish you the same


Are we still ignoring the part where I said your 2200 isn’t good and others said you bought it?

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I’m not sure what you saw in the Armory but…

A> I do have the full Unholy set. It’s prob not in bc we were running Mythics and the HASTE gem … did you not take notice that it was the HASTE gem that was missing and a DPS gem was in its place??

B> The diff b/w the “best” and the “worst” stat for Warriors “at my iLevel” is around 0.02%. For all intents and purposes, they are completely interchangeable. Or at least, so says the highest ranked Warriors that write all the Warrior material, run the Warrior Discord, etc. What do they know, right?

C> I have the all of the top 4-5 trinkets and simmed them all. I have a “ST Trinkets” and an “AoE Trinkets” setup. So, again, not sure what you saw, but your observation is challenging the sims.

I’m fine to listen to criticism, learn, and get better. But so far you haven’t convinced me of much.

The lol won’t make your argument better. One class. 3 specs. While 2 whole classes are MIA.

Yeah, not a big deal at all.

Hey man. I just looked at your logs.

Even on heroic you’re parsing greens and blues and if swapped over to ilvl it shows some greys . To me this says there are some execution mistakes being made.

My suggestion would be to see if anyone on the warrior discord can review your logs. I don’t know enough about warrior rotations to help you